Chapter 104

Ivonne's POV

"Of course she got burnt there was a fire and—-" I paused as her words settled in my mind. "She got what?"

"Burnt, I think," Lora repeated, her hand with a hint of black stand, scratching the side of her face in thought. "I saw something like that."

"Shit," I muttered in surprise and whirled around to face the kitchen entrance.

"Why the fuck didn't you say something?" Tobias questioned, his face worried as his eyes twitched frantically, his brain clicking on the things to do and not. "Where did she get hurt?"

"On the side of her arm maybe?" Lora murmured the revelation in a question, her mood wary of Tobias's outlook. "Or I could be mistaken, I just--"

Before she could finish, Tobias dashed out of the kitchen, causing her to pause her statement while my eyes widened in surprise and my mouth gaped open at his disappearance.