The sun had risen outside, in fact it had already been more than an hour, but it was still quite early. Bulma woke up from her sleep, with a sleepy and tired expression, she didn't know how long it took her to actually fall asleep, but she felt like she didn't get enough sleep.
She rubbed her eyes and yawned "Seth?" She called in a low tone.
He was no longer in bed, so Bulma was wondering where he could be. Although he didn't answer, the girl soon got an answer when she looked through the long window that was right next to the bed.
Outside, Seth was with his Nyoi-bo, his movements were too fast for Bulma to follow completely, but she could understand that he was practicing, as if he was fighting dozens of shadows.
Although flying was becoming more and more natural to him, it was still easier to "fight" on the ground. His memories of Goku had made him accustomed to the footwork, so it would take time for him to masterfully replicate it in flight.
From inside the house, Bulma couldn't hear the sound that Nyoi-bo's every movement made, but she could still feel the intensity.
"He's training so early? That must be because he's so absurdly strong" She felt tired, just watching him train.
Sitting on the bed, she made a thoughtful expression 'Seth really didn't do anything during the night, he even fell asleep so quickly... As if he didn't care that I was next to him...'
She couldn't tell whether she was relieved or disappointed, but she was certainly starting to find Seth an interesting guy.
Bulma then got up, the day had begun and she needed to prepare to continue the journey. Now that there was a young man following her, she felt that she needed to put more effort into her beautification.
Seth had woken up before the sun had fully risen and as soon as he was up, he went out to train.
His strength was quite high for this point in history, but he didn't let that be a reason to postpone his training. He wanted to increase his strength, regardless of whether there were enemies of equal stature.
After training for about two hours, he took a break, sitting in a meditative pose, then began to float, not far from the ground.
'If a weak attack of mine blew off a dinosaur's head, I'll have to be careful not to end up killing Oolong and Yamcha when I eventually have to face the two of them...' He thought with a smile on his face.
This was a small concern, after all he felt he had good control of his strength, but if he somehow used all his strength, those characters would be erased from history.
'Things with Bulma are going better than I expected, maybe I can win her over before we even reach the desert'
He was prepared for it to take days for Bulma to come to that agreement, but on the first day she no longer seemed so resistant, the girl didn't even bother to cover herself with the blanket, letting Seth sleep with the sight of her half-naked body.
Seth was pretty excited about it, even though he had a girlfriend in his past life, it was when he was really young, so he hadn't gone any further than a few kisses.
In a way, he had already achieved more with Bulma, since he didn't even come close to sleeping with that girl.
Leaving the subject of dating aside, Seth wondered 'Should I look for that turtle? If I don't help her, I don't know if Master Roshi will be willing to give us the dragon ball...'
Part of the reason he left so early to train was to see if he could find Master Roshi's turtle friend, who must have been lost around there.
Goku would find the turtle very early on, but for Seth, who ended up changing history, the turtle was not found.
Originally, Goku was going to break Bulma's car, making her use her motorcycle, but Seth didn't do that, so she kept using the car. This change caused them to end up in a different location.
The turtle could be miles behind or maybe ahead, Seth didn't know. In the end, he decided that such an effort wasn't necessary.
'I can talk about Son Gohan being my grandfather and show him the Nyoi-bo, then I can ask for the dragon ball' He thought.
With that, he left the meditative pose, stretching his legs, and slowly descended, touching the ground "Bulma must have woken up by now" Then he walked towards the house.
The journey had started again, although Seth could and wanted to fly, he still traveled in the car, along with Bulma, so he could talk to her better.
The girl had really put a little extra effort into her beauty today, the red lipstick on her lips was an obvious indication. This time she was wearing denim shorts, a white shirt, and an open red jacket.
When half the day had already passed, he noticed something. They weren't heading towards the sea and they wouldn't reach the next dragon ball any time soon, it would take days of travel.
"Bulma, can I take a look at the radar?" He asked, as the car was moving.
A little confused, but not seeing any problem with it, the girl replied "You can look" Then she quickly took the radar out of her pocket and handed it to him.
With the radar in hand, Seth pressed a button a few times, until a dot appeared, beyond the three joints in the center. As he had expected, the nearest dragon ball was in a direction almost opposite to where they were heading.
"Bulma, why are we going in this direction? There's a dragon ball closer, look" He showed the radar to the girl.
She frowned "What do you mean? I looked at it this morning and planned our route, there's no way I missed this" She slowly stopped the car, before looking at the radar.
When the car came to a complete stop, she finally took the radar in her hands and analyzed it. Seth wasn't wrong, there was a dragon ball much closer to them and they were moving away from it.
Seeing her confusion, Seth began to think about what could have happened and a hypothesis came to his mind 'Master Roshi carries his dragon ball on a necklace, so if for some reason he was somewhere else and only returned to his island recently, then everything would make sense'
As he figured out what had probably happened, Bulma took out a map to roughly deduce where that sphere should be.
"If we're around here... Then that dragon ball must be around here... It's in the middle of the sea, could it be at the bottom of the ocean?" A worried look appeared on Bulma's face.
The map didn't show any islands in that location, so she could only think that there was nothing there.
"It's a possibility, but think about it, if that dragon ball wasn't there before, it means someone moved it somehow. It could be that its owner is on a boat or something" Seth said, even though he knew that wasn't completely right.
Bulma made a thoughtful expression "If that dragon ball really is on some boat, with someone, there's a chance it will be taken somewhere else while we're going there..."
After a few seconds she made up her mind "We need to try to get to that dragon ball as quickly as possible, if we just kept going and it got carried away further, it would make things complicated in the future"
She turned the car around and started heading towards the sea "We're going to have to use my boat, I hope it has enough gas for this trip"
As they were approaching the sea, something happened, a large anthropomorphic bear appeared in the middle of the road, blocking their path.
In addition to his enormous size, he wore leather armor and had a sword suited to his size, which was much larger than normal ones. His face with a scar on his left eye was that of someone frightening, clearly he had no good intentions.
"It looks like you have a nice car, even though it doesn't fit me well, I should still be able to sell it for some money" The bandit laughed "How about you give it to me? And all your other stuff, of course!"
Inside the car, Bulma had made a scared expression for a moment, but that only lasted a second, until she turned to the side and saw Seth smiling.
"I'm going to play with him for a bit, but things might get a little bloody, so you can look away if you prefer" He said as he opened the car door and stepped out.
Suddenly, his Nyoi-bo had appeared in his hands, already the size of a halberd "Hey, you came at a great time, I really needed a training dummy, to get used to being more delicate"
Bulma sighed, despite his words having an arrogant tone, she knew he wasn't lying, dealing with that bandit would be more like a game for him.
"You want to be delicate?" The bandit laughed heartily, then pointed his sword towards Seth "I don't usually eat human flesh, but I think I'll make an exception for you guys since you dare to face me"
Seth approached, while twirling the Nyoi-bo between his fingers "Besides being a bandit, are you a cannibal? You know that you are more human than bear, don't you? Maybe your brain has some problem, let's try to straighten it out"
With a leap, Seth launched an attack, bringing down Nyoi-bo towards the bear bandit's head. It was remarkable how much he was holding back just from the speed of this attack.
Surprised but still confident, the bandit bear protected himself from the attack using his sword. "Not bad for a kid, but you'll soon regret it!"
Then both began to exchange blows, the sword clashing against the Nyoi-bo, making metallic sounds ring out.
Seth had a smile on his face, in his eyes it seemed to be in slow motion, he could easily dodge each attack and hit his opponent directly, but he didn't.
From the car, Bulma was watching the fight, she had a privileged view and even without understanding fighting, she could understand that Seth was in control of the fight.
The long sequence of attacks and blocks began to tire the bear bandit, this was obvious in his slowing down and his heavier breathing.
Seth jumped back, taking advantage of the momentum of one of the attacks "Didn't you say I would regret it? You look out of shape, you got tired with just a little exercise" He smiled, as he rested the Nyoi-bo on his shoulder.
"You show-off brat! I'll tear you in two!" His sharp teeth gnashed in anger, while his chest heaved with exhaustion.
Without even thinking, he charged forward holding the sword above his head, which left a huge gap in his stance.
Even if they were of similar levels, that would be enough for Seth to take advantage, attacking him at this moment. But he didn't need that, so he just smiled.
The sword came down in a furious attack, the target was Seth's neck, the force was enough to actually cut bones, a normal person would die from that.
*Ouch!* A thick groan of pain rang out, as the bear bandit looked at his own hands.
With the blade at his neck, Seth smiled "I'd tell you to try one more time, but I think it's going to be difficult with that fucked up finger"
The attack hadn't scratched his skin, but one of the bandit bear's thumbs had broken.
Adrenaline kept the pain from being too intense, but the same couldn't be said about fear.
If Seth had defended himself, it would have been humiliating for him to be the one getting hurt, but there would still have been some will to fight in his heart. But there was no defense, the attack hit his neck directly, yet there was no harm to him.
This made it clear to him, it was impossible to win this fight, everything up until now was just a joke. He looked at Seth, now he no longer saw him as a show-off boy smiling arrogantly, he was a sadistic demon laughing at his imminent end.
'I need to escape from here!' He dropped his sword and turned to run, but as soon as his body took the first step, he stopped again.
"If you were just a thief, maybe I would let you get away..." Seth had appeared before him, still smiling, but with a colder look "But, man, you really tried to rip me in half, just because you were mad"
"Wait, I can..." Before the bear bandit could say a word, the Nyoi-bo struck its jaw, sending a tooth flying along with a stream of blood.
"You never had a chance to hurt me, but you thought you could, intention counts a lot you know? So I consider that you intended to kill me, what should I do with someone like that?" Without waiting for an answer, Seth attacked again, this time hitting his ribs.
The sound of bones breaking rang out and the bandit urao spat out a large mouthful of blood, along with its cry of pain.
"Well, at least you were helpful, I feel like I've gotten a good grasp on how to control my strength. We exchanged blows and your sword didn't break, I attacked you and look at you, you're still alive! So I'll thank you by making this quick" When Seth finished speaking, his smile disappeared.
Gripping the Nyoi-bo tightly, he stopped holding back, the attack was fast enough that the bear bandit's terrified expression didn't have time to take shape.
What was the head of the bandit bear turned into several pieces of flesh and blood, which were scattered for long meters.