Chapter 1 : Episode 0 – Prologue

Prologue - Multiple personality disorder . The topic that echoed in my mind for the past 4 years . At first the topic bring me some excitement and to research even further about the topic….

But now… the topic makes me having anxiety, depression , delusion and even self-harm myself..

" Why? Why thinking about this thing brings harm to myself?

I walked to a mirror and watch my reflection.

" And Why? Why can't i remember that day? The day that everything doesn't make sense? The day make every people I know treat me like I'm some of anomaly... and I couldn't remember it.. What happen?

The reflection of my eyes turn blue . This past years of learning Science and yet I don't have any answer to this matter..

I looked again in the mirror . My eyes are glowing blue and i start get dizzy and can't breath. It just as like my very cell in my body wanted me shut down and passed out…

It's not the first time.

My eyes started to feel heavy, and I fell lying down.

"….no this can't be happening.

I'm trying to fight it but i can't.. because once I closed my eyes bad things happen to me. Not to harm me but bring danger to others … Something that is not me.. Something that beyond my knowledge….Something called ALTERNATE.