
'Why would a dog feel so dangerous, is it Cerberus himself or some shit?'

At this point a quiet growl could he heard, as well as a faint silloute becoming visible as the 'dog' neared the cave

'Oh. It's definitely a werewolf.'

Despite that discovery the alert look on Ashaaks face disappeared, in its stead was a fire in his eyes and a smile from ear to ear.

'This is perfect! I can finally test my fighting out, my durability too. Though I'll probably have to hold back my strength a lot, well I'll see in a second.'

In a second indeed, just as Ashaak recently sensed the 'dogs' presence the 'dog' had caught a whiff of him too.


The sound of claws clacking against stone and the pitter patter of running echoed through the cave

Ashaak stayed put and braced himself

A very human shaped dog pounced at him, no longer in the shadows but fully illuminated by the campfire

Ashaaks smile persisted

'Definitely a werewolf!'


The werewolf pounced on him claws first, causing sparks to fly then for the werewolf to crash into what felt like a wall.

It seemed they both underestimated Ashaaks durability.

The werewolf hurriedly got up and created some distance, the it started circling its would be prey

'Oh shit, seems the adamantium combined with the purification was even better than I thought!'

He took a glance at where the claws had struck him on his forearms.

'Well there's scratches, but no actual cuts. It could probably draw blood if it doesn't pounce and instead grounds itself before attacking. Though I doubt it could do much more than that. Seems only blunt force or strong magic could do any real damage to me.'

Ashaak seemingly readies himself and flexes his hands. Suddenly his knuckles and back of his hands grew spikes, similar to Knucles from sonic. Just with more of those said spikes.

'I was a little disappointed I didn't have claws, especially since my hands are weirdly big. They look almost padded, but then I found out why they look like that.'

'To keep space for these sick ass spikes! And just have some extra protection I presume.'

Ashaak doesn't really know why he mutated to have spike like hands instead of claws, though he's definitely not complaining.

'These are way more useful then claws could be anyway, can't wait to try these out on this guy!'

Soon after that thought the werewolf once again attacked, this time it did a simple lunge with its right arm.

Ashaak lifted his left hand and did a kind of backhand to the claws, both deflecting the claws and causing some light injuries on its hand.

While doing this he had cocked his right hand back, after deflecting the blow the punch was fully prepared

'Hope I hold back enough!'


The punch to the chest left a few semi-shallow holes in the wolf, also pushing it back a few feet


It seems that Ashaak noticed something a little odd after that punch

'Is it wearing something?'

It looked like a leather strap going from his left shoulder to his right side, it wasn't clear if something was attached to it or not.

'Uhh, I'll think about it after the fight. I guess?'

'Anyway, I think that's enough of the spikes. Now just to test these martial arts and shit out.'

Ashaak then retracted the spikes and rushed at the wolf, launching a quick jab. Being sure to make it weaker than the last punch he threw

When the werewolf saw his charge it readied itself, it took a swipe of its claws just as the jab was thrown.

*SCREEK* *Thump*

The claws were aimed for the head, instead of Ashaak abandoning his attack to dodge he swiftly tilted his head. Not enough to dodge, but to instead block it with his horns.

The claws once again causes sparks and the jab connected, slightly knocking the wolf's head back.

A wild upward slash was thrown with the wolf's left as the jab connected, Ashaak caught the wrist with his right hand and sent a heavy knee to the body with his left leg.

As the wolf was pushed back Ashaak pulled him back by the wrist he had yet to let go of, as it was pulled back Ashaak spun in a clockwise position, sending a spinning elbow to the back of the wolf's head.


The wolf went down hard, trying to stand but seemingly disoriented

Ashaak waited patiently, in the mean time he was absentmindedly thinking of the height difference

'I think I remember werewolves being around eight feet tall, and I'm a few heads above this one. Though he is hunched over some, so if I had to guess my actual height…maybe nine to ten feet?'

The werewolf seems to regain some balance

'Anyway seems my fightings quite good, just have to see how good of a dodger I am now. After that…' he licks his lips and looks at the now standing werewolf 'I wonder what werewolf tastes like?'

The werewolf galres at Ashaak, seemingly enraged. And…scared?

Ashaak beckons it to come

It obliges

A flurry of slashes ensues, Ashaak dodges them all. Some by simple weaving, others by jumps and much too acrobatic moves for his size.

This goes on for quite awhile.


A once ecstatic smile now a slight frown and a once fiery gaze now a bored glare. A once feral expression now a tired one and aonce bloodlusted stare now a frantic one.

The werewolf is exhausted.

And Ashaak is bored.

'I've been evading its blows for quite awhile now' he chuckles 'it's even tried to escape once or twice'

'So what now, just kill it?'

He steps to the side, easily evading what was once a ferocious bite

'Come to think of it, this things a human right? In the Witcher I think werewolves were more of a curse than an actual race. I think.'

'Hmm, so it would probably know the general lay of the land. Maybe I shouldn't kill it, yet at least. So do I just knock it out and wait for day? It should only be a few hours away after all.'

A slash is sent his way, though it's off target. He didn't even need to dodge that one

'Wait can't werewolves still talk in wolf form though? Nah, surely not. It would've said something by now… Right?'

Ashaak does a side step and knocks the werewolf back with a half assed front kick.

"Hey, can you speak?"

The werewolf freezes up, and starts almost shivering


"Wha- what manner of creature are you!?"
