In a galaxy where ancient secrets lie hidden among the stars, a young wanderer named Sora stumbles upon an extraordinary spaceship unlike anything he has ever seen. Powered by living, sentient creatures that form its very core, the ship binds itself to Sora, making him its accidental captain.
As Sora grapples with his new role, he uncovers a chilling truth: the ship carries fragments of the universe’s origin, a mystery sought by powerful cosmic forces willing to destroy worlds to claim it.
Sora must navigate through hostile star systems, unravel the enigma of the living ship, and confront adversaries both alien and human. Along the way, he forges alliances with unexpected companions—a rebellious star pilot, a historian of forgotten galaxies, and a being born from stardust itself.
But the deeper Sora delves into the ship’s secrets, the more he realizes that his connection to it is no accident. The fate of the cosmos teeters on the edge, and Sora must decide: will he protect the ship’s mysteries, or use its power to rewrite the stars?
Voyage Among the Living Stars is a breathtaking tale of discovery, responsibility, and the boundless wonder of the universe—a story where every star hides a secret, and every voyage tests the limits of what it means to be human.
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