" Ha...wow." Michael whispered to himself in disbelief, his mouth slightly agap with his eyes a bit widened. Then he burst into laughter.
" I'm serious." Stella said sternly, a light frown on her face. " I have to be sure, take it."
" Alright. No problem. " Philip said with a short chuckle, controlled his amusement and took the paper and pencil and began writing.
" Why not use a pen for the agreement - Stella?" Michael asked calmly, silently praying she wouldn't give him an anger-filled reply or be ignored.
Hearing his inoffensive suggestion, Stella turned to look at him, meeting his calm and affectionate gaze, she couldn't feel much but anger and hurt towards him. She could hear a very faint voice at the back of her mind reminding her of the possi- bility of there being a misunderstanding, but she just couldn't find it in her to let go and forgive him.
Maybe it had to do with all the hard - ships she had been through and the pain and hurt from his abandonment and lies. But there was something burried deep in her head, like a memory or memories that she was missing that, despite not showing up and being burried, radiated a strong revul- sion that has reduced from being filtered by the layers upon layers of earth covering it, preventing her from being free to forgive, trust and like him as before. She could feel the high impossibility of them returning to how they were before his family found and came for him - best friends.
" I know, I'm not dumb Michael, I just don't have a pen here." Stella responded, no hint of likeness in her voice. She looked away from him with a mild glare.
A audible frustrated sigh from Michael filled the silent room as he run both palms upwards his face through his eyes closed. Near him, Millicent Baron's deep beautiful longlashed - eyes looked sympathetically and understandably at him; waiting for his eyes to open.
When it did, she gave him a light smi- le and signaled him to stay calm.
" She's very upset and doesn't under stand." She whispered to him. " Arguing with her now will slow down her recovery. Give her some time and talk to her later."Michael nodded in under - standing.
" Here Stella, our agreement. " Philip said as he extended the paper and pencil to her, holding a pen in his other hand.
" Oh....you used a pen? " She asked after looking at the writings - noticing the neat and stylish handwriting.
" Yeah.....I had a pen in my pocket.
" Okay....thank you. " She's whispered, whilst reading then looked up at him with a questioning look." You added a few more?"
" Yes." Philip admitted, a bright smile on his face." If I remember correctly, you helped my mom out last year with her car when she got stranded on her way home from a business trip. It was you right?"
" Oh.....yes. That day.... I just helped her a bit. " Stella admitted with a nod of her head." But it was just some little issues with her flat tires and overhea- ted engine. "
" Goodness! " Millicent Baron exclai - med in surprise, moving a step closer with widdened eyes." It was her? That boy was her?! "
"So....that help's real charge you rejec- ted can pay your hospital fees. So the fees are cancelled. Deal?" Philip continued.
Stella looked thoughtfully at him for a while before replying with a firm nod and a smile; " Okay....deal."
" Great." Philip replied with a satisfied smile." Anything else you don't under stand? "
" Yes.....this one, the second one you added." She said while pointing to a sentence on the paper, a frown appea- ring on her pale-but-still beautiful fa- ce."I can get my own food you know? Since I won't be paying the bills, I'll just have enough to to buy food for myself while here after paying Mrs. Klaus' rent. You people shouldn't bother."
" We really have a lot we want to give to you Stella, but since you're not comfortable with it, we're still using the payment you rejected. It's part." Philip explained, talking quite a lot which didn't go unnoticed.
"This guy is such a stingy talker." Rich mond complained with bitterness and some a hint of jealousy. " Whilst talk ing to us - his brothers, he's always stingy with his words. But with Stella, he talks quiet a lot."
"That's not fair." Raymond added with a light pout and a frown.
" He has to take care of his new sister, what do you people expect?" Millicent Baron replied with a proud look. Mic hael just huffed in amusement but his eyes remained ahead.
" The last one.....ummm...i don't have a place to stay now, but I'm thinking about staying with the Barrets. They are like my family. " Stella said with her eyes fixed on the paper.
It was then that the rest realised Philip was offering her a place to stay and Millicent perked her up instantly, seriously curiously.
"Do you plan on returning to the or- phanage? " Philip asked calmly, a little smile still on his face." I know you don't want to go back, but don't you want to be adopted?"
" They will force me back when they find me. I know they are still looking for me. But I don't want to go back. I hate that place. " Stella said with a deep frown on her face, her eyes look- ing distant.
"Would you like to be adopted?"Philip pressed, eager to know her reply and anxious at the same time. He could feel his mother's anxiety behind him and began to regret his decision to ask the question. Afraid his mother would be hurt if her reply turned out negative.
" If my situation was a bit safer and different, I would love to have a new family who will really love me. But..... I don't want to be adopted. I will put them in danger." Stella answered with a sad smile. I
"Baby girl.....you deserve to be happy." Millicent Baron said gently, feeling her heart ache at Stella's answer and explanation. " Being adopted will protect you."
"I don't believe that anymore, Doctor." Stella objected objected with a low chuckle, resting her head on her clenched fists. " As I'm talking to you now, I don't know if I can successfully go through this year. There are just too many dangers. I don't want to drag people into my misfortune so..... I'll just stay free and continue with hu- stling." At her last sentence, her voice turned lighter and a little jovial. Upon ending, she gave Philip a wide and breathtakingly beautiful and slightly open-mouthed smile and a wink be fore bursting into laughter. Causing Philip to chuckle lightly and shake his head helplessly.
" Alright," Philip concorded, sighing. "but whenever you feel you're ready to be adopted, can you consider my family?"
"Your family?"Stella asked in surprise, looking from Philip to Millicent Baron who gave her a warm smile.
" Yes baby girl, I want to adopt you. " Millicent Baron admitted, moving a few steps forward - towards her." But I understand your need to be on your own now. But you should promise to let me know when you are danger. Okay?" She stopped by her son as she voiced out the last word, her eyes loo- king keenly at Stella's.
A long silent moment passed before Stella sighed and looked away. Instead of answering, she bowed and held her head tightly, then raising her head, asked an unexpected question;
" Wh-who is Kane..... Kane Reef? Mr. Reef?"
Taking unconscious steps back, Milli cent Baron looked wide-eyed at her son who looked just as shocked and slightly frightened as her. She could feel the audible synchronised sharp intake of breath and the sudden shift in the air behind her. She could ima- gine the boys' expressions and felt the strong pull to look back at Michael. But she resisted. She felt Philip sigh.
" Why do you ask, Stella? Do you know him?" His questioning style was definitely safe-playing.
" I can hear the name repeating in an unclear conversation in my head right now. I feel like you people know him." Stella responded, her hands hol- ding her head tightly with her eyes closed. "He's not....clear. I can't remember clearly....it hurts...."
" Stella....Stella!!!!" Multiple voices called called out frantically and she felt a hand hold hers firmly and Pull them off her head.
Not feeling like opening her eyes, she kept her eyes shut. The blurry images and unclear conversations kept playing in her head. And she could feel herself trying to reach deeper and figure out the blurry face that came with the voices, ignoring the frantic voices around that kept calling her and the approaching headache. She just needed to know who the man is.
"Please stop....talking....let me remem- ber." She spoke through gritted teeth. She had just finished talking when she felt her head being raised up and her eyes gently but firmly stroked, prompting her to open her now sigh tly reddish eyes with a deep frown on her forehead that was turning sweaty, her gaze meeting Michael's earnest ones.
" I know who he is?" Michael said with undeniable seriousness, his eyes looking deeply into hers as he spoke.
"Michael, what are you doing doing? " Chris whispered aloud in a puzzled tone as he looked at him. His worry as evident as everyone present that were then around the bed, looking worried- ly at Stella. " You won't help yourself out with her." The last sentence was whispered. Michael just shook his head at him, his jaws tight. Looking back at Stella, he continued." Stop for- cing yourself to remember Stella. First eat something, then we will take you to get your money. You said Mrs.Klaus and her daughters will will spend the money if you take long to get there right?"
" Yes." Stella replied, almost in a whis - per and looked at the other worried boys and Millicent Baron standing by her.
" Okay. " Michael continued. " I promise, I will tell you who the man is. Let's focus on the most important things okay? "
" You promise? " Stella asked doubtfu- lly, her eyes looking deeply at him.
" We both have a lot to talk about. And I promise to tell you about Mr. Kane Reef. I personally know him more than everyone here. " Michael responded seriously. " Can you please try to forgive me just a little bit and trust me? Everyone here is my witness that I never wanted to hurt you - Stella. Please? "
" Okay..... " Stella replied in a low tone, not soun- ding very sure of herself. " I will eat and we will go for my money. Then you can tell me every- thing..... Michel. " Her voice and eyes turned very serious and she held his hands tightly. "But if you lie or hold any information concerning me or my famiy from me, that will be the end of our friend- ship."
"Damn it!" Richmond whispered frus- tratedly, turning around and running his hands roughly through his hair. " What's he doing?!" He whisper- yelled into the room - at no one in particular. Philip turned to look at him with deep worry and slightly scared look on his face. His mother's look was no diffe- rent than his.
"Is he really going to do this? It's self destruction." Raymond whispered behind Richmond.
Hearing whispers behind her, Stella turned to look at Richmond. Seeing them up-close, she noticed their stricking resumblance, and a confused frown formed on her face. She could bet they were related.
Being stared at so keenly, a guilty look crossed the two boys' faces and they unconsciously held their breaths; thinking she had heard them. On the opposite side, Michael and Philip glared at them in silent accusation- thinking the same.
"Y-you two are brothers?" Stella asked unknow- ingly lifting a heavy burden off everyone's shoul- ders. A collective relieved low sigh followed be- fore Raymond began chuckling lightheartedly as he moved closer and stopped a bed-touching distance away, then spoke up;
" Hey.....sister-in-law....."
"Raymond!!!!"The synchronised shout startled him so much that he jumped up and stumbled backwards into his brother who pushed him away and gave him a controlled kick in his butt, causing him to yelp with a hand hold- ing his right but but cheek and the other holding his right butt-cheek with the other holding his left chest; his face as pale as paper.
" Are you crazy!" Richmond and Chris snapped in sync.
Looking at the boys in shock at their sudden outburst Millicent Baron burst into laughter, Raymond's predicament making her unable to stop laughing.
" Goodness....these boys...." She said in between laughter, but seeing Stella's startled and wide-eyed appearance the laughter finally gained control.
" Sorry Stella...." Michael began, but Millicent Baron cutted him off at the same time Michael's cell phone tinged with a notification.
"The food we ordered for Stella's here." She said with undeniable liveli- ness.
By the end of her statement, Chris had rushed to the door and immediately returned with a silver and ocean-blue launch box that he eagerly gave to Millicent Baron. Who pulled out a makeshift nicely made wooden table at a corner. Fixing it quickly, she ope- ned the launch bag and pulled out a same coloured expensive-looking multi-sectioned food flask filled with tasty and appetising foods of different varieties in small sections that the plain covers exhibited. Then arranged the small bowls carefully on the table.
Straightening up, she beamed at Stella who kept looking wide-eyed and confusedly between her, the food and the boys.
" Eat baby girl.....I and these five trou- blesome boys something to urgently talk about outside. Call us with my phone..." Millicent Baron said and pulling out her new latest highly ex- pencive branded cell Phone, placed it beside the foods on the table. Then continued ; " There's no password on it. Call any familiar named contact and you would get us. But.....don't worry, we won't be long....."
She had yet to complete her last sen- tence when Stella quickly took the cellphone like it was a hot potato and placed it on the bed with a slightly scared look, like it was deadly.
" Ummm..... Can you please send the phone with you? " She asked a bit shakily. " I don't mean to be mean and ungrateful, but the truth is....." I got into a lot of trouble last month at a previous restaurant I worked at with a girl in....Leo and Leon's school with this same branded phone." She tilted her head to the side and continued with a frown. Clearly remembering some really unpleasant memories. " I had to pay for it."
" Crystal Heights? " Millicent Baron asked with
a frown.
"Yes.Crystal Heights?"Stella answered. " She was being unreasonable with her demands and was causing a scene. I went to change her orders but her cell phone fell and her juice poured on it. "I had to pay for it."
" Some spoilt arrogant brats....." Milli cent began but trailed off into asking another important question - her eyes squinting and her hands clenching in her pockets; " How did you pay for the phone?"
Stella looked uncomfortably at her and decided to downplay the severity of the situation, and somehow evade some of it.
" Oh....don't worry. I used my payment for the entire month and my savings. Leo and Leona insisted in helping me with their new cell phones and lap - tops their adopted parents bought them. But I'll pay them! I'm saving towards it." She ended with so much seriousness. Not wanting anyone to think she was exploiting her friends.
" Damn it! " Michael hissed in anger, his eyes darkening. He felt like kicking or punching something so badly. Not wanting to do so in front in front of Stella, he quickly walked out with Philip following a moment later.
" It's okay.... Stella. You finish eating okay?" Richmond said with a smile it took a lot of effort to make appear, while gently patting her hands.
" Yes baby girl." Millicent Baron said as cheerfully as she could to mask her own irritation. " We'll be right back. "
" Okay..... " Stella agreed with a nod, relieved they didn't ask more ques- tions or get upset about it. But then she looked at the dishes and asked ;
" Won't you all eat? It's plenty."
"No, you finish eating. We've eaten already." Milli-cent Baron said warmly and bending to Stella's level, gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead, Smiling. Signaling to Chris, Richmond and Raymond, they left-closing the door quietly behind them.