Restless and anxious, the occupants of the car looked keenly out to the heating argument from a distance. They were starting to regret their decisions to comply with Stella to stay out of things and wait for her. It seemed like Stella wasn't having things easy with the greedy family, but she wasn't going to give up either.

" Damn that greedy old hag and her stupid daughters!" Chris hissed angrily, his body tensed and his heart beating faster from anger. " I don't want to wait any longer."

" Let's wait a little longer." Michael spoke through his teeth, the words more to himself than anyone.

He felt like he was sitting on pins and his anxious and angry heart just won't settle down. Seeing Stella, still not fully recovered arguing with those greedy nouseating family for her money she had worked herself sick for at such a young age enraged him so much, and his heart literally bled for her.

She, was still just fifteen when she worked for that money whilst Mrs. Klaus and her daughters relaxed and did God-knows-what? Now those useless bunch feels they're entitled to not just the rent, but the entire money! How irritating! 

" It's a good thing my mom didn't come." Philip said with a forced calmness. Knowing his mom, he wouldn't put it past her to have ignored Stella's wishes, stormed out of the car and given those greedy fools a good beat ing before getting them locked up. Not that he didn't have similar thou- ghts running through his head at the moment, but he couldn't beat them- they were females. He wasn't brought up that way, and there was the law too. 

" We should have brought her." Chris said with a light chuckle, enjoying an imaginary action reality-action video of Millicent Baron teaching the Klauses a good lesson. 

" Raymond and Richmond would have broken the rules too and gone there had they been here. " Michael said with an amused snort as he looked at an old grey-haired short lady, probably a passing neighbour, go towards Stella and the Klauses upon hearing the commotion. 

" I'm wondering what Uncle Bryan would wants to talk Richmond and Raymond so urgently about that he asked to meet them at their apartment." Chris said with a thoughtful look and a light frown on his face. 

"I'm sure it's about Stella."Michael responded, his gaze not leaving Stella's direction. 

"Same."Philip voiced out simply at the back seat, his voice as usually calm with a thoughtful look on his face. 

At that moment, the older lady poin- ted her right index finger at Mrs.Klaus angrily, her loud, angry and shocked voice flittered through the air to their car;

"You're truly a despicable person Mrs. Klaus! So you were lying about Stella being your sister's child all along! And you've been taking the poor young girl rent?!" 

"Oh....cut the crap, old woman!" Alexa snaled, looking at the older lady in disgust. " You have no right to burge into our matters like that!" 

"Are you crazy, Alexa!" Stella snapped angrily as she stood protectively by the woman, wrapping her arm around her shoulder." You don't speak to elders like that! Where are your manners?!" 

" Watch it right there!" Mrs. Klaus sna- pped at Stella. " Are you, this useless homeless girl telling me I didn't raise my children well?" 

" Of course you didn't!" The older lady snaled with a loud huff. Her gaze glan - ing at the Klauses with pure disgust on her face." Like mother like daugh - ters. Mannerless dispicable lot! " On saying so, she fake spat on the ground beside her." No wonder Mr. Klaus still hasn't been home for years." 

Angered by what they thought and felt was their limits, the family of three charged at the woman. Frigh- tened on the older lady's behalf, Stella Stepped in front of her - exclaiming;

" Miss Brenda! " 

" What the hell! " Chris exclaimed and began unbuckling his seatbelt. 

As he did while looking out the windowd at the escalated scene, he heard Michael and Philip unbuckle theirs too. 

" Let's go. Stella will get hurt....." Michael was just about to end his sentence when Glenda angrily pushed Stella aside at the exact same time Mrs. Klause sent out a punch that landed on Stella's chest. Both impacts sending her stumbling a step and falling on the ground heavily with a groan. 

" Stella!!!" Three loud angry shouts cutted through the charged atmosphere with the shutting of car doors. 

" You this meddlesome - crazy old woman, I'll really teach you how my husband left!" Mrs. Klause said in rage as she held the older woman - Miss Brenda by by the chest of her green and yellow dress, dragging her mercilessly to herself ; her eyes reddening with rage. 

" Let me go.....you dispicable woman!" Miss Brenda snaked with her legs almost hanging in the air from being held tightly up. Her hands trying to pry off Mrs. Klaus' iron-like grib on her. Even in her helpless state, she went on to threaten. " I'll get you all arrested! " 

" Let her go! " Philip's angry deep voice sounded closer. Behind him, Michael and Chris were frantically calling a seemingly unconscious Stella in Michael's arms. 

The next moment, Philip Separated the two women. Subtly making sure to twist Mrs. Klaus' arms painfully for a brief moment before letting go, making her to cry out n pain. In the distance, the siren of a blaring of the siren of a Police car approaching was heard. Facing Miss Brenda and away from Mrs. Klaus who was gribbing her hurting hand, he gently asked ;

" Are you okay.....grandma." His deep eyes were looking keenly at her. As if he had no hand in and idea about Mrs. Klaus' predicament. 

" Oh....boy, thank you so.....very much. That crazy woman is out of control." Miss Brenda said a bit breathlessly. Philip just nodded in acknowledge - ment with a faint smile. 

Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw Mrs. And Glenda running into their building with Alexa right behind as the Police siren got nearer. 

" Look they're running!" Miss Brenda called out angrily - pointing her right index finger at them. " Bring the girl's money back! You theives!" 

Turning to look in the direction of their disappea- ring figures, a cold look crossed Philip's gaze and his lips pulled into a smirk. 

" Calm down grandma. The police is here. We'll get Stella's money back., his cold gaze not leav- ing their way. 

"They think they can just run away?" Michael asked through gritted teeth as he briefly glared at the fleeing family now practically pulling Alexa into the house and locking it quickly. 

" It's a nice dream." Chris said with a loud huff. 

"M-Mi-Michael..... " Stella's voice abruptly brought their concentration fully back to her. " My m-mo-money...." 

" Don't worry Stella, the Police are here. You'll soon have have your money." Chris replied her quickly as Michael gently straightened her up. 

As they spoke, a Police car drove into the compound and almost immediatly, the doors opened and two corps got out with sharp eyes and serious expressions. A middle-heighted low- cutted-haired and tan-skinned Corp in his late twenties and a six or and a little more feet tall dark skinned Corp of the same age range with a smooth hairless head that shone brightly under the morning sky, illuminating his matured handsomeness. After a quick thorough scan around, their sharp gazes rested on Stella who was sitting up weakly with Michaels help. Before they would speak, Miss Brenda began speaking eagerly with anger. 

" Officers, you need to to arrest those Klauses. They've been maltreating that poor girl whilst fraud ing her for rent. Then sacked her even after knowing she wasn't feeling well and now, those greedy people are keeping her money that she has worked so hard for. And even attacked us! " At her last statement, her voice and temper rose. Philip remained silent her, his brows furrowed. 

" Rent? " The two Officers asked in confusion and disbelief, their eyes moving back to Stella and noticing her youngness. 

" No-no-no.... " Stella began panicking and struggling to rise up. Her voice weak and shaky with her eyes wide and teary. ".....they will send m-me back.....to the Or... Orphanage..." 

" Calm down Stella..... Okay?" Michael coaxed, stroking her thick - long and slightly curly light - brown hair, his eyes looking calmly into hers even as he was feeling anything calmness inside him at the moment. 

He could feel her fear. Her wide, bright sunny-brown lovely eyes looked so frantic as her move- ment that Michael's mind did a flashback to a conversation he and his friends had with Leo, Leonard and Mrs. Blunt at their school's cafeteria about the reasons for Stella's maltreatment at the orphanage. 

" A deeper insight into her frantic actions occured to him then. He realised her running away from the orphanage had more to do with the danger she would experience there than the normal unpleasantness of staying there. 

In his brief moment if distraction, Michael didn't notice Stella sitting up abruptly until he was pushed back. Being completely unalert, he found himself falling on his butt as he felt Stella shoot up from the ground and start running towards the direction they came from. 

" Stella!!!" 

Various startled voices shouted after her as she quickly and frantically ran away, ignoring them completely. Her focus singled on getting far away as possible. Feeling that almost lost sense of urgency to flee for her safety and life from previous similar experiences.

As of the previous similar times, vivid unpleasant memories kept playing in her mind. Fuelling the pure adrenaline coursing through her veins, urging her, pushing her legs to move further and faster than normal. 

From the very furtherst part of her hearing and mind, she could hear the frantic voices and quick footsteps chasing her from a not too far distance away. But with her mind made up, she was determined to not look back. Even if it would mean leaving behind her hard earned money. After all, it wouldn't be the first time. 


Meanwhile, Richmond and Raymond had just gotten to the gate of their apartment - a five minutes' ride to or from Michael's apart. They spotted the familiar red car parked away from their apartment's gate. Brian Lewis had already arrived. 

Opening the silver - remote controlled gate, they drove through the red car following a moment later and parked side by side. 

" Uncle Brian." The two boys said in greeting to the older man who had gotten out his car as they got out of theirs and closed his doors behind them. 

" Little Masters....Richmond, Raymond." Brian Lewis responded with a slight smile, his eyes darting around causiously. 

" Come on Uncle," Richmond groaned in slight irritation, a frown on his face like his brother who just slightly frowning at the older man. " you know we don't like you calling us that, Uncle Brian. You're a part of our family." 

Brian Lewis just laughed it off before replying ; " I know that, but that doesn't stop me from being your father's Personal Assistant. No matter what, I still work for your family and I'm used to the titles. I feel more comfortable and it helps me stay in line, boys. So.... I appreciate you all seeing me as family. In that case, Leo and Leona will be your younger siblings if you want to. " He laughed at the end. 

" Lion and Tigress?! " Richmond exclaimed at the same time Raymond exclaimed; " Lion and Lioness?!" Their horrified expressions so similar and comical that Brian Lewis couldn't help but laugh. 

" Those two?! They turn everything upside down!" Richmond added. A seeming horrified and disgusted look evident on his face. But Brian Lewis, having known the boys and their family since the year of Richmond's birth, he could tell their expressions weren't of actual disgust. They were just uncomfortable and irritated with the change and challenge the twins brings into their lives. They weren't used to it. Having known Leo and Leona for the short time, he knew how carefree, interesting and sometimes challenging they were. 

" Richmond and Raymond being from such powerful family definitely weren't used to being challenged or treated as equals. Not that they were spoilt. No, he knew they weren't but just kept to themselves and their families most of the time until they found their other three friends he could tell it was only a matter of time before all five boys and the twins formed a stronger bond. With the seriousness of how things around Stella, and now them all are, and would get soon enough, it would be for the best. 

On that thought, his amusement died down instantly. Noticing, the siblings' moods quickly picked up on his. 

" Come on, let's get inside and talk." Brian Lewis urged and beckoned them towards the door. His eyes darting around again. " You made sure no one suspicious followed you here or is lurking around, right?" 

" Don't worry Uncle, we're safe. We've checked the surveillance system. " Richmond assured him with a quick thorough scan around. Raymond just nodded in agreement as they began walking towards the door. 

" That's good. " Brian Lewis said with a sigh." What were about to discuss is very serious. Maybe you two shouldn't tell Michael for now." 

Stopping in their tracks, the siblings turned to look at him seriously then quickly opened the door. Once in the safety of the living room with the door safely looked after them, they faced the man who had gotten seated and had a very serious look on his face. 

" Is this about Stella." Raymond asked, unusually very serious. 

The came the expected reply; " Yes."