A brief moment of silence followed after the expected reply. Raymond turned to look at his brother and their gazes met for a brief moment. Looking away, Richmond sighed and sent his gaze back to the older man across from him and got seated with Raymond following suit.
" We may not know what information you've managed to gather regarding Stella and the Reefs - Uncle. But you need to know that Michael is already in." Richmond said calmly.
" He knows?" Brian Lewis asked in surprise. His eyes widening slightly as he looked at the boys seated across from him.
" We all know some unpleasant information about Stella's family and Michael's. " Raymond answered.
" How's Michael taking everything? He being close to Stella will put her in more danger, you know?" Brian Lewis asked with a sense of urgency in his voice.
" Michael might be in the best position to protect Stella right now with us backing him up. Aunt Millicent is very fond of Stella and wants to help protect her. She gave us some information concerning Stella's parents' and her brother's death." Richmond said firmly but calmly.
" Millicent Baron has been investigating? " Brian Lewis asked, a bit surprised.
" Philip informed her about Michael's search for Stella the last two years. " Raymond replied. " And she's been investigating since. But she only recently gathered something important. " On ending, he stood up and made his way to the kitchen.
" Oh....she seems to have a deep affection for Stella. " Brian Lewis observed with a tripple nod of his head.
" Yeah, more than you can imagine. " Richmond replied with a light chuckle." She sees her as her daughter already."
" Hope she isn't planning on competing with us about her adoption. " Brian Lewis said in between light laughter.
" Unfortunately for you, yes. She does. She has already spoken to Stella about it at the hospital earlier this morning. " Richmond answered with a chuckle, his eyes looking teasingly at the now alert older man.
" What?!" Brian Lewis exclaimed, sitting up abruptly." If that happens, my wife and children might kill me at home. "
" Looking at the man's slightly horrified expres - sion, Richmond couldn't help but burst into uncon -trollable laughter - falling back against the luxurious sky-blue sofa. At that moment, Ray - mond arrived with a glass jar of cold juice and a piled up plate of cookies. Having heard the older man's lament from the kitchen, he was already laughing.
" Don't worry Uncle Brian," Raymond said assure- dly, placing the jar and the cookies down. " Stella rejected Aunt's proposal.
" She did? " Brian Lewis asked in a calmer and surprised voice. His eyes exhibiting a hint of relief and anxiety.
" Yes, she did." Richmond answered in a more controlled and amused tone." She doesn't want to be adopted. She feels she will be a threat to the safety of the family that adopts her." He conclu- ded with a sigh, all of his amusement almost vanishing.
" But she wants to stay with a family she knows. They just came back from months of travel this morning. " Raymond added with a thoughtful look." I think....they are called the..... Barret.....
yeah the Barrets!" A self-pleased grin spread on his innocent and handsome face.
" The Barrets?" Brian Lewis asked Sternly, his posture and expression taking on another level of seriousness. Taking off his gold - rimmed glas- ses, he looked at the boys with keen eyes then continued. " Did you catch a glimpse of them or saw them?"
" Not really. " Richmond replied, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, seriousness and alert- ness. " They were all covered up in sweaters and jackets. But there was an older man in a wheel- chair who sounded similar to a young guy in there. There were twin girls around the age of four too."
" Your twins seem to know them very well." Ray- mond added and turned to walk back into the kitchen.
" Yes, I know. " Brian Lewis said." Leo and Leona knew them through Stella before we adopted them. But the kids seem very protective of that family and every single time I try to get deeper information about them, I come out empty with what Leo and Leona have already told me about them. They seem completely normal and ordi- nary. "
" But you don't believe that? " Richmond asked observantly.
" No. " Brian Lewis admitted firmly." I'm comple- tely certain they are more than we are being let on. Did you hear their full names? "
"I think you might know already Uncle. " Rich- mond answered with a thoughtful look." Arnold Barrett and William Barrett." The girls' names.... "
" They're Ava and Eva." Raymond concluded as he came into view with three glasses. " Those peo- ple seem very suspicious, but Philip said we should let them be. And that they aren't going to harm Stella in any way." He ended with a grima- ce.
" Philip said that? " Brian Lewis asked seriously in surprise.
" Yeah. Philip told us not to touch them else, we will really regret it in future. " Richmond answered with furrowed brows.
" Oh..... I guess I was right then. " Brian Lewis said in a low voice to himself. But in the quiet- ness of the room, the words reached Richmond and Raymond's ears.
" What are your findings Uncle? " Richmond asked in a very serious tone as he leaned over his thighs with his elbows firmly on the end of his thighs to his knees. His gaze unwavering as he looked keenly at the older man while Raymond poured the cold juice into the glasses and offered one first politely to Brian Lewis;
" Here, Uncle."
" Thank you." He responded as he received the juice and took a gulp.
" Uncle, I'm sure there is something more urgent than what we're discussing here that brought you here." Raymond voiced out. Filling the remaining two glasses with juice, he took one and almost finished it all off.
He was beginning to starve. They had all left home without eating. Intend- ing to first see Stella then go out and get breakfast. But with the unexpec- ted turn of events at the hospital, their plans changed. Placing his almost empty glass down, he reached for a cookie and took a bite.
" There's a lot going my Little Masters. But first, I'll tell you the Barrets have a middle name - Alexander. Their full last name is Alexander-Barret. And if I'm not mistaken, they are Michael's biological family."
" What?!" The loud shocked cry arrived in sync from the siblings who then staring wide- eyed and mouthed at the older man with a few accidents; Richmond, who had just taken a drink of the cold, natural and organic fruit juice almost chocked up on the little reminant if it in his mouth. Then coughed a bit. Raymond's cookie that was close to his mouth fell from his fingers and onto his right thigh, then continued down onto the carpeted floor.
" What are you saying, Uncle?" Raymond asked in bewilderment.
" The man in the wheelchair might be Arnold Alexander-Barret; Michael's biological father, the young man - William Alexander-Barrett; his young Uncle, and those twin girls; his twin sisters."
" Damn. " Richmond whispered aloud, looking lost, bewildered and confused. Standing up, he began pacing around the living room." How..
....how did thi- this happen? Why? "
" Calm down first Little master Richmond. We have a lot to talk about and find out concerning this." Brian Lewis replied calmly.
" So....does it mean Michael is not as wealthy as we all think with his current background? " Raymond asked.
" No. Quiet on the contrary, his biological family is far greater and powerful than the Reefs. They are the real and legal owners of the Reef Legacy. " The older man replied this time with a small smile. His gaze looking distant like he was remembering past great or beautiful memories.
" What the heck! " Richmond cried, running his hands roughly through his hair.
" Okay.....Uncle, " Raymond began in a calmer tone as he leaned forward, his eyes not leaving Brian Lewis'. " I want to understand how great the Barrets are. I know the Reefs are on top of the wealthy and Powerful List, and even if their companies are legally not theirs, they built it up to where it is today. Right?"
" Haven't you noticed some disorganization and abnormalities in the the Reef Empire since the past two years? " Brian Lewis asked with an amused smile tugging at his lips." The Barons are on par with them in wealth and Power now. They seem to be doing fine covering things up and managing. But in the sense, their power is dwindling. "
" Oh....yeah. I remember Michael and Phil saying something like that last week. Michael doesn't care. " Raymond replied with a shrug at the end.
Brian Lewis laughed at his last state- ment and shook his head before saying casually ;
" A phoenix will always be a Phoenix no matter what. That boy has always seemed so very different from his family, including his looks. He has always been more clever and powerful. I suspect his family - the Reefs have a deep fear what he could become one day which is why they they always try to control him. They are despera- tely trying to normalise him so he doesn't grow and retaliate against them. "
" Wow! " Raymond chuckled with wide eyes, nodding his head in understanding." That's why Michael never behaved how his family wanted. His dreams always been different. "
" He has his own internationally third - ranked software company now right? " Brian Lewis asked with a look of pure admiration on his face. The surprised and cautious looks that took over the boys' faces didn't go unnoticed by him.
" How did you know, Uncle Brian? " Richmond asked Cautiously." Does Dad or anyone else know? "
" Don't worry Little Masters." The older man assured them with a light chuckle. " It's only your father and me that knows this secret." The two boys heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing them visibly relax, he asked. " But do you know who or those that occupies the fifth position on the list.... for almost a year now?"
" Who?" Both Richmond and Raymond's voices went together as Richmond sat beside Raymond.
" The Barrets."
" What!" Richmond exclaimed in shock whilst Raymond was too shocked now to speak up. Brian Lewis laughed ;
Oh....trust me when I tell you Arnold and William are not comfortable enough to put in their best. If they were, they would have been in the first or second position. "
" Wow! " Raymond said in awe, his eyes wide and sparkling in shock and admiration.
" You were saying something about the Reef Legacy declining. If they could manage to get to where they are today, why can't they keep their position? " Richmond asked curiously, confusion laced through his words.
" Anorld Alexander - Barrett layed down a fifteen years groundwork and plan for his then freshly starting unisex footwear and accessories in addition to his father's software company. He was more interested and focused on the footwears and accessories as his real talent lay there. " Brian Lewis explained then taking a cookie, he ate it.
" Okaaaay..... " Raymond stretched in understanding.
" So.....that's why the Reef Unisex companies has withstood but the software company lasted for just a year a half after the Reefs took over? " Richmond asked, sounding like he already understood.
" Yes. " Brian Lewis answered and took a sip of his juice. " The groundwork for it wasn't enough for.... "
At that moment, his cell phone rang and he pulled it out from his right side pocket. Looking at the caller he looked at siblings ;
" Excuse me for a moment Little Masters, I have to take this call. I think it's related to Leo and Leona." Upon speaking, he stood up quickly and walking a few steps away, connected.
" Lemuel, is everything okay..." A moment went by as he listened then exclaimed ; " What are you are saying Lemuel? How did they leave leave the school without you knowing?..... You don't know..... Okay, calm down. I don't think they will go back to the hospital. We'll meet there. " Then he disconnected the call. Turning around with a deep sigh, he met the expectant and somehow knowing looks from the siblings.
" Leo and Leona left school before time. " He informed.
" They think Stella's in danger? " Richmond asked with slight fown.
" Yes." Brian Lewis answered, looking exasperated.
" But I'm wondering how they knew that when they weren't close to her.
The familiar ringing song of Richmond's cell phone filled the living room. Looking at the caller pulling it out of his pocket, a slight suspicious and confused looked crossed his face before he looked at those with him;
" It's Philip." He then connected the call. But he hadn't for long when his face turned shocked and panicky. " Okay..... I'll ask him now." Turning to Brian Lewis, he asked; " Philip wants you to contact Leo and Leona or give him their contacts to find out if Stella is with them. She got frightened and ran away."
" Wh-what? How? No...okay give me a moment. " Brian Lewis and starm- mered in confusion and shock then sighed as a little understanding crossed his features. He then proceeded to call Leo. The call went through without Leo connec- ting. He tried two more times then moved on to Leona and repeated the action, he came out empty.
" They're not picking up?" Raymond asked as he pulled out his cell phone.
" Yes. Let's go to the hospital. They might be there." Brian Lewis answered then reached for the remaining juice and finished it off in one gulp.
" Let's go, we'll track their phones along. " Rich- mond suggested as he picked a cookie and ate it in a rush, then finished off his juice just as quic- kly.
Beside him, Raymond stuffed a few cookies into his pockets while he ate two at a go. As Rich- mond and Brian Lewis made for the door, he poured a bit of juice into the remaining one in his glass and gulped it down before quickly following out.