The Dark Temple Part 1

"We are the true dark-side..."

"Yes, yes, yes. We are young one..."

"Then you shall die?"

"N-no, that is not what I meant...!"

"Then what did you mean?"

"A... I... Not that!"

Two shadowed figures meditating opposite to one another were staring into each other's eyes as dark shadowy material streamed off of them. Purple energy coursed out of their pores, a distant humming song playing in the background.

Footsteps could be heard in the background, alerting the two figures. The male stood up and walked over to the nearby stairs. His eyes widened as he took a step backwards.

"N-no please don't."

"Shut the fuck up and take it like a man...!"


Screams echoed out as a black coloured lightsaber blade bisected the man in half, his lower half pissing itself as his upper half gasped out in pain. The red spectacled man grinned madly as behind him a blue Twi'lek winced.

"You're next I assume?"



"Now, I know what you're thinking, how did all this come about..."

"Well, it all started on a midnight stroll through the woods. The air was clear, the moon was full and I was dying to sink my teeth into something. Hahahaha, It's funny."

A head summersaulted through the air as the possessed Sith's body swayed in place for a few moments. Blaster rounds fired off as Vette killed some acolytes that had also been taken over.

"What does that have to do with why you are on Dromund Kaas, master...?" She placed her blaster on a hook of her belt as she craned her head upwards to try and pay attention.

"Look, boredom is a thing newbie! I was just extremely, EXTREMELY, bored. That is why I am here." Shaking his head in disgust Alucard walked past the still standing body, pushing it over with his left hand as more and more possessed enemies rushed towards the duo.

Vette pulled out her weapon once more and started to rapid fire towards them. Alucard simply force pulled one, skewered him, kicked him off and then proceeded to kill three female Sith in one swing.

"Just like the old days! Perhaps I should return to my Vlad era!?"

"V-vlad era, master?"

"Oh stop it, you're being a buzz kill."

Their butchery continued through the darkened forest, blood painting the trees and dirt with crimson viscera. Heads were spiked onto branches and organs were strung up like tinsel for Christmas decorations. All of their bloodshed carving a distinct path to the very steps of a massive Greek-like temple. 

"Oooh? The feeling here is positively delightful! Perhaps I should make it my new home in this game...? What'yah think newbie?"

"I-it could certainly do with some, adjustments..."

"All I need now is some DSL in this bitch and maybe some Netflix and I could just chillax."

Going up the front steps of the temple there was a lack of Sith here. One or two scattered about, hallucinating whilst prone on the ground or simply floating mid-air as if getting in tune with their 'qi' or something. Ignoring these small little pests Alucard strutted up to the main Beskar gateway of the temple.

Vette moved off to the side and accessed a panel, fiddling with the controls for a little until the gate began opening, revealing even more steps. Walking forwards, the both of them looked around and watched flamed flickering in sconces above dusted marble floors. Chandeliers hung ominously above as a savage and almost cursed breeze creeped over everything within. 

"Spooky. Good aesthetic to it!"

Shifting foot steps resounded above as they climbed, a man poking his head over the zenith of the stairs, looking down at them. Panic flooded into his eyes... And was soon killed as Alucard told him to shut the fuck up, proceeded to bisect him, reached the zenith of the stairs with Vette behind him. 

"You're next I assume?"


A grin spread wide over his devilish face as he held out his hand and willed for her to be held there. The scream intensified by several octaves at the power he exhibited. An attempt was made to exit this hold but ultimately failed as Alucard simply approached her and used force lightning to fry her to death.


Smoke rose from the scorched corpse of the woman, the sounds throughout the inner chamber dying down as people had heard the screams. 



The retort received some raucous laughter from higher levels of the temple, balconies and walkways ascending upwards from this first level upwards. A growl echoed through the building but was soon snuffed by a wicked wind that whistled through the gothic ceiling supports.

"Is it wise to annoy them master?"

"Wise? Meh, who cares. They're all fodder anyway."

The two traversed through the first level, mostly being left to their devices as the NPCs here were confident in the fact that no outsider could get in. Eyes were trained on them, but it was more out of paranoia than anything else. 

Alucard at this point pulled open his mission screen and used the highlight feature. It simply gave him an arrow pointing in the general direction, which he liked because it gave him more chances to have fun on his walks.

Following this arrow, they began traversing through choked and confined spaces, both of them eventually coming to a large cavernous space where numerous possessed Sith were aimlessly marching. The lighting was smothered to a mere flicker here. Dark red flashes spoke to the presence of these 'people', a few spots highlighted bright red as lightsabers were sparked.

"So... Out of all of you... Who's going to be the first to slip one in me? Or is it me, who is going to slip one into all of you? Let's find out shall we!"

A flash of white-black light flared as the kyber crystal within his lightsaber activated and extended into a concentrated beam. Every set of coal embers turned to the source of his voice at once, his speed much too dominant for them to react in the time needed.

"In and out... Just like my uncle taught me when I was young..."

"What the fuck master!?"

His lightsaber slipped into a freshly made moist cavity in a woman's stomach, her voice screeching out in reflexive pain as her eyes dulled into blackness. Slashing out from that hole, his lightsaber deflected a red lightsaber only to be turned off as Alucard slipped into the darkness and rotated around the room.

"Mmmmm, It seems that I'm the top here... Come on, give me something here..."

"ARGHH! BASTARD!" A random sith swung out with his weapon, splitting one of his allies in twain as Alucard started to laugh ominously.

"Oh fool you... That wasn't me..."

"PSSST!" The sith in front of him flinched and tried to swing her lightsaber in his direction. All for the blade to meet nothing, melt the stones below into magma and hear a distinctive screeching of lightsaber activating.

Once more a white-black lightsaber slid into a freshly made hole, hiccup gasps flooding out from this woman as the weapon was embedded into the diaphragm and up into the vocal cords. The lightsaber vanished once again, the freshly eviscerated body plopping to the floor in a dead heap of freshly burned flesh.

"S-Show yourself!!!"

The air shifted in the room causing the last three members of possessed to all strike backwards. Naturally they all had missed, their lightsabers clashing together and lighting the door behind them.

"No." Alucard popped up behind the talkative member of NPCs and slashed through all three of them with a single swipe. The first to fall was a man who had his spinal cord severed and melded shut with the sheer heat of the blade. The next was a Chiss who had his heart punctured and sliced through, the life within his body vanishing along with the presence of the blade in his body. And, with the last flick of his lightsaber, the most talkative possessed was beheaded.

Vette had her blaster pulled out but was unable to assist him as she had zero visibility. 

"Master...? Are they dead?"

"What the fuck do you mean 'are they dead?'... Of course they are! It's me were talking about here."

He ignited his saber once more, this time to act as a torch for his lost little meat shield. Blinking rapidly she noted his help and rushed over.

"Thanks master."

"Mhm, neat. Now, we have to find some way to get into this door."

"I'll start looking for a panel master!"

She started to search for the panel whilst Alucard stared at the door thinking to himself.

'It would be awesome if I could have theme music while entering this door...'


Meanwhile... On the inside of the chamber, just beyond where Alucard stood, was a sarcophagus alight with candles. Murals and symbols were etched around the room, all directed towards a singular cuboid recess that was almost completely hidden in the walls of the room.

Figures stood all around the room as they chanted in Ancient Sith, the sarcophagus vibrating powerfully amidst the reverberating utterances of the force. Candle flame flickered eerily as breath-like sounds began to filter into the chanting... Something was having its life renewed and breathed back into it.

And, amidst all of this, there was a crackle of space-time... A cat-girl falling from seemingly nowhere into the room, on top of the most prominent figure.

"Where am I?"



Every Sith in the room lunged forwards whilst still chanting, their eyes wicked and malevolent.


"I feel like I am missing something funny..."

"You're being silly master."


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