The Dark Temple Part 2

Standing outside of the darkened chamber Alucard was impatiently tapping his foot on the ground waiting for his meat shield to solve the door. It wasn't going well. Vette herself was cursing the people who made the system in the first place, sparks striking her fingers and causing her to strike the panel. 

"It's not working master!" She punched the inner working of the panel once more, an electric shock rushing through her hand as Alucard began walking up to the door.

"Shh, shh... We'll just choose violence." His lightsaber activated, was pulled back, and then pierced into the door. Stone turned to slag immediately upon contact, a crisp smell akin to sulphur burning at high temperatures wafting from the constantly growing gash.

Holding his lightsaber he began to twist his weapon and drag it through the stone material. Seeing the cinematics it was obvious this would be possible, thus he winged it and tried to do it.

"HAHAHA, this is hilarious!" His laughter echoed within this blood soaked chamber for a minute straight as his lightsaber gradually carved through the stone entryway. Vette was watching on in horror amidst all of this... Her master was unique... to put it mildly. 

Finally the lightsaber punctured the door fully in a circular shape, the loose stone falling inwards, revealing the bloodbath that had been committed in this chamber.

"OH YOU CUCK! This is no fun! I didn't get to kill these guys!"


A minute earlier...



All of the sith leapt for the cat girl, her lightsabers igniting in pure reflex as she used her force powers to immediately crush one Sith. Red blades swarmed like locusts towards her as blue blades swung upwards to deflect, her body pivoting to dodge the strikes she knew she couldn't block.

Spark flew as pieces of cloth ignited into flames, candles spilling over onto the ground spilling the wax over the ancient cobbled floors. Her eyes locked onto a singular member of the Sith who was raising his hand, lightning crackling over each individual finger. Throwing one of her lightsabers she dropped to the ground and shot up from her hands onto the ceiling where her previously thrown lightsaber was now heading.

The Sith had reflected the attack with his force powers and now was aiming his hands at where she now clung. Blue light surged forth from an outstretched hand of hers, the lightning being absorbed by it as she dropped and stabbed into a Sith's head. 

Brains flooded out from the precise glowing hole through the skull as she dodged an overhead strike from another saber, flicking her own backwards and up... The crisp sound of metal tearing in extreme heat reverberating as two more corpses fell to the ground.

Blood splattered over her feline face as her pointed ears twitched with the movement of another group of Sith, a free hand whipping out towards said group and snapping with electrical force. Tentacles of static electricity carved through the atmosphere of the chamber, making contact with soft pink, blue and green flesh.


Like pork being roasted over a campfire the skin of the Sith popped and crackled under the intense power of the lightning. Blood, viscera, oil and melted human and alien skin was flung over the entire burial chamber as the breathing sound increased.

"Damned Cathar! Why don't you just DIE!?" A force pull yanked her off balance and dragged her through the air, kicking and struggling, towards the most ornately dressed Sith. 

"You wish I would die...!" Her padded feet kicked out towards the bottom of his chin, his force powers sundering down on the action and clamping down like chains to a slave. "UGH." A grunt exploded out as her chest was concaved under the power of his manipulation of the force.



Sith and Cathar turned to watch as a segment of the door slid free from its confines, a line of molten slag depicting the work of someone with a lightsaber.


Back to the current situation...

"Oh look a pussy..."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" The sith imploded with anger as his grasp over the Cathar intensified. 

"Not you bitch boy... The cat thingy over there... What, is that!? Seriously, return of the Y-boner..." Alucard turned towards an imaginary camera. "With a vengeance!"

Vette facepalmed as the Cathar woman and the Sith looked at one another in confusion, before realising they were enemies once more. Speaking of the Sith, there were only a few left now and most of them were focussing on the ritual. The breathing from before intensified, but not in volume, in closeness. Every person in the room could now feel the distinct expulsion of breath on the nape of their necks. Wispy clouds of black smoke started to arise from the sarcophagus, the refined looking Sith increasing his efforts to choke out the Cathar, ignoring the eerie display behind him.

"Okay, well... My job is to find some glowy cube thing, so excuse me..." Alucard began walking around the two fighting parties, his red glasses bouncing slightly as he adjusted his head's angle to gaze around the outlined section of wall behind the sarcophagus.

"Stop him!" The other ritual members all sprinted from their daises towards Alucard. Expecting something like this Vette took out her blaster and opened fire into the currently undefended cultists, two falling down into clumps of whining human being, the last one taking out their lightsaber quickly enough to deflect the shots.

Grinning widely from beneath his glasses Alucard could almost taste the success of his mission and thus the expanding adventures he would unlock in this very fun game. Then the sound of a lightsaber igniting emitted behind him and his nonchalantly ducked, swiped out the cultist's legs and stole his lightsaber.

Both of them were now face to face, the cultist paling as the malevolent and psychopathic smile of Alucard stretched even further. "Hello, cultist... How has your day been?" A confused expression soon replaced the man's angered expression, a silent panic setting in as the cultist felt something hard touch him down below... "Shhh, Shhh, I'm just happy to see you." Shock and fear got to this man so hard that he passed out.

"Tsk, they always go unconscious before they truly get the fear of god put in them."

Standing back up Alucard simply walked over behind the sarcophagus and pulled back a very thin silken cover... A segment of wall being exposed, a cube seam cut into the face of said wall.

Some smacks were heard behind him but he ignored them as it was merely the Cathar knocking over the refined Sith, her whiskers and hair standing on end as Vette aimed her blaster towards the lightsaber wielding woman.

Ignoring everything else Alucard simply punched his hand into the wall and destroyed the cover stone, revealing a strong red gloomy light with a black object at the centre of said projection. The Cathar widened her eyes at the sight and immediately entered a certain stance, her lightsabers crossing over one another as Alucard reached in and picked up the Sith Holocron.

"Hand it over Sith!"

Scoffing Alucard ignored her and began focussing on the Holocron, the voices of past Sith seeping into his brain as cinematics of past conflicts and usages of the force were shown.

"I said, hand it over!" She held her arm out to try and force pull the Holocron, but was immediately shot at by Vette who continued to unload into her. 

Blaster rounds were deflected or struck true, but it did nothing to drop the woman, her defences much too strong for a single volley of bolts to actually fell her. Alucard was finished with his processing now though and he had just learned something really interesting and cool.

"Hey, Pussy lady?"


"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think you've fucked up?"

She tilted her head in confusion as her grip upon her weapons tightened. 

"Zero, I know exactly what I am doing!"

"Heh, I doubt that...!" He suddenly turned, his pupils transforming into what could seem as burning coronal masses. The air began blistering as heat haze consumed the entire chamber. Vette clenched her teeth and leapt for nearby cover as the heat of the room increased by hundreds of degrees. 

"A-augh... W-what is this...!?"

"A 10 on the scale. I've got magic eyes, and magic powers... Don't you think?"

She collapsed as veins bulged all over the parts of her body that could be seen. Blisters swarmed her flesh and pimples formed hatefully over her face. Her extremities were slowly turning bright orange-blue, vaporisation beginning to take its effect as her pants began to actively melt through her fur.

"I- I yield! Please...!"

Alucard grinned even deeper, though that was hard to imagine, before letting go of this new force power he had just gotten access to and walking forwards. Looking up at him, she was crying in pain as he leaned down and started to pet her head.

"There, there, little whiskers. Daddy will look after his new kitten who is hellbent on getting herself killed."

Revulsion spread through the proud Cathar as Vette slowly picked herself up from the floor and looked over, rage obviously present within her soul as she struck a common pose for pissed off woman; hands on hips and a deep frown.

"MASTER!? You could have saved me or told me you were going to do that!"

"Eh, wouldn't have taken her by surprise then. get off my back Cannon Girl."

"That's not the... Wait, did you just call me something other than meat shield?"

"I could go back to calling you that if you wanted..."

"N-NO! no, thank you master, for accepting me."

Alucard pet the head of the Cathar as the sarcophagus behind him moved one final time, cracking into hundreds of thousands of pieces, revealing a very powerful looking set of armour.

"Oh...? Neat!"


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