The Ending of the Beginning for the Hub

Looking over the entirety of SWTOR, seated upon a throne in the world between worlds, millions of players were all beginning their journeys...

The beta players were thriving fully, some forming their own guilds, companies and conclaves of Jedi/Sith. All of them had started on the original planets that were intended for the MMO version of this game, and all of them had thus gotten access to some rather interesting plot lines and stories.

Their starts weren't better than everyone's though... As explained previously, this VRMMO had as many of the lore accurate worlds as could be computed by the AI systems, which was practically all of them. New players were starting on abstract worlds, like At Achrann for the Republic side or Cato Neimoidia for the Sith Empire. These worlds had completely unique circumstances, armours, holocrons, lightsaber parts and unique buildings/styles and vessels. 

Some players who didn't have the benefit of being a Beta player were still keeping up with the Betas as they ran into opportunities and positions unique to them. One such player was based out of At Achrann, forming a guild called the 'Star Blazers', who were dedicated to supplying the Republic war effort and mercenary work. They had already begun research into the world boss of the planet, hoping to cash in on the rewards for killing such a being.

Another example of a success story was a smuggler Jawa who had been able to save enough Credits to purchase rights to an asteroid... His plans unknown to everyone at this point, though he seemed super excited about it.

My final example would have to be a woman who was human, with red hair and blue streaks running throughout. Her eyes glowed slightly with bright blue and red colour, as if she had reached balance in the force, though my system told me that hadn't happened yet. She was currently carving her path steadily, completing mission after mission whilst making rather important connections... One of said connections being the Organa family on Alderaan who had been on a diplomatic mission on Concord Dawn. Yeah... She was in Mandalorian Space, already, in the beginning levels of the game... Her luck was something else.

Sighing as the AI-Over~mind reported more information to me, I finally diverted my attention away from the game... It was cruising along wonderfully and getting mighty complex as it was already. Soon it would turn into a full sandbox MMO with consequences and factions pitted against one another.

'Hehe, that'll be fun to watch.'

My consciousness slipped into the hub I had purchased previously. Teleporters and grey undetailed buildings consumed my vision. Everything was colourless, the teleporter had very little flare, the only game accessible was SWTOR from my two games made; an issue I would soon fix...

The plan I had enacted with the help of my summons was underway and my only job was to get this space completely setup. Currently, I was quite excited for this. In the past my imagination had been curbed somewhat by the financial status of my family, not now though. 

Cracking my fingers, my Ultimate Game System apparated in mid-air. Glowing in dark crimson and bright gold the system was almost crying out to be used. 

"Let's go make Ready Player One look small... Shall we?"

Clapping my hands I accessed the game creation function and specifically went into interpretation mode and imagination mode, the system tapping into my subconscious imagery and logic to create scenes, buildings and entire new functions for me.

Looking at a building nearby I waved my hand and imagined the building to be in the style of a cyberpunk sky-scraper, specifically this building being used as a massive hotel. The exterior shifted and changed with physical representations of 1's and 0's, green in hue, before morphing into a pagoda-like structure with neon lights flickering over it. Cute Chibi holograms waved down the streets amidst the calm melodical tinkling of water fixtures around the entrance. The building wasn't completed though, the height expanding into the sky until it was hundreds of floors tall.

My smile grew as I started doing the same between buildings, connecting some buildings and creating a visual theme that was unmistakable. Each district would have a distinct style that would meld into other themes that slowly change as you move from area to area... This would take a long time. 'Come back for the next episode of DBZ!!!'


Hours and... HOURS later... 

Working for four days straight, without rest, I had completed what was effectively the land mass of the United States in districts. The first zone, the Japanese Cyberpunk zone, was the first I completed.

This district had the traditional nature of Japanese Culture mixed with futuristic neon holograms and immense grim futurism. Strobes emitted from some buildings and reflected like artwork onto others. Some structures had greenery at the very top level, cherry blossoms that were lightly swaying in an artificial wind that was simulated in the hub; a touch i added after adding the Classical French District. 

Streets were filled with small restaurants and apartment buildings. Every street was spotless, as it was in real life Tokyo; for the most part. NPCs were sprinkled liberally throughout and were specifically designed for the districts they were a part of. Geisha, Samurai, Thugs, Businessmen/women, office workers... They all existed and could be interacted with though they were mostly there for lonely people who wanted social interaction but couldn't go straight to normal people. Plus there was the adult aspect of it also...

For the next district, a large one; the size of the State of Texas, was a franchise style based upon the UNSC from Halo. Large buildings were super futuristic looking, lighter, more glorious and glamorous... Space-age almost as shuttles provided transport around the district and into ports along the borders of the Japanese District and the Halo District. 

Greenery was prominent in this district as it was landmarked with expansive national parks and enormous water fixtures that poured from the top of a large skyscraper that was shimmering within the light of the artificial sun. Rivers carved through the different portions of the district as ferries calmly patrolled the waters. This continued on, going through Reach's distinctive style of building to Earth's buildings and then more futuristic interpretations... What set this district one of a kind amidst others was the constant presence of AI assistants in the streets and in every home; this being true within the Japanese district to a more limited extent.

The next district was a gothic styled district that was monolithic in size and held massive cathedral-like buildings despite their uses still being unchosen. Apartment buildings with intense gothic spires and arches speared into the sky as if Gae Bolg stabbing into an enemy's heart; the sky itself seemingly an enemy to this intimidating style of architecture. Unlike other districts, this one was completely empty except for Robot NPCs and some basic NPCs centred around selling food, drink and entertainment... Thought it was themed towards a more 'vampiric' feel to it all; It was accommodating to Goths. 

The next two districts lowered the architectural height of the buildings to a more historical level... Classical French architecture making a true France that was even more culturally pure than modern day France. This area was essentially a taste of France in the Hub. The next area was like stepping into the past though, Roman. From Colosseums, expansive villas and palaces to the smallest of Insulae... They were all present and fully realised. NPCs served as merchants and slaves, the humanitarian issues non-existent as they were non-living and weren't intelligent. 

My plan for the Roman district was to implement entertainment games, sponsored possibly by large sporting industries, like the Olympics. These would have teams enter into the Hub to play these games, locked to their human statistics and enforcing utterly real physics on the inside of the Colosseums. Another monetary opportunity I had formulated whilst working the other day.

Finally, for the last section of the districts, I decided to go with a more Egyptian style. Pyramids just as large as Giza sparkling across the entire district as water wove in-between every single street, creating canals that reflected beautifully onto the greenery sparsely lining the streets and bottoms of the Pyramids.

You could say that I had created massive amount of real estate that could go for billions simply from lines of code and a touch of creativity. Every massive structure in this world was equipped with all of the amenities you could think of... Personal butlers/ servants/ slaves, personal teleporters, baths, public display areas, arenas, personal training spaces... Everything you could think of that could be useful in a game was there; except for time chambers.

Naturally I owned everything, but more so, I ensured that legally I owned the most opulent and regal buildings in each zone. The largest pyramid in the Egypt Zone. The most resplendent Roman Palace. An iconic and ideal French Chateau. Completely intimidating and powerful looking Gothic skyscraper. The waterfall scraper in the Halo district... and Finally the massive, truly enormous, Hotel of the Japanese Cyberpunk district.

For the final touch to this massive space I added massive banks, run by the Ultimate Gaming System that allowed me track all of the currency flowing through the Hub; real life or digital. The truly final thing being marketplaces for people to buy different items from different games for their characters in said games... In SWTOR it would be the only player-filled marketplace... In future games, it could be the only place where players could help one another out.

With a final flick of my hands the marketplace was finished, being placed in a large mall-like space within each zone; styled for each zone of course.

'Phew... I just hope that everything is going well for my summons...'


(Niklaus's Perspective)

My life had never been truly peaceful, less so my mind. From my father chasing me and my siblings down for the majority of our 'unlives', to my mother's constant efforts to destroy the mistake that she thought we all were...

Yet, this was my past life. Just within a week ago my entire family, the ones that I hold most dear and would protect from anything, were offered a new start. At first I had questioned the wenches intentions, unaccustomed to someone wishing to befriend instead of manipulate... However, her true intentions had shone through with every interaction... 

She seemed almost entirely open to us, akin to a newborn child trying to bond to a father's caresses or a mother's soothing ministrations. Her mood was infectious. Naturally, my brother Elijah and sister, Rebekah, easily fell for this 'wenches' charms, her disarmingly honest approach almost coaxing, comforting. I wasn't fooled for a second... Until... She let my daughter enter her mind.

Personally, I had rather complex run-ins with witches entering my head. My own brother Finn doing so for a time before he died. The willingness to let a potentially dangerous, or hostile force into one's own mind signalled one of two things... She was too powerful for Hope, a frightening conclusion, or, she simply had nothing to hide.

Giving us space, she had let us think upon what we had discussed. An alliance proposed, the family chatting and talking about the mysterious saviour of the Mikaelson Clan. I was still unsupportive, rigid in my thinking and worried about Hope's safety.

But as fortune would have it, I ran into someone who was supposedly a close aid of hers. Picard, or as we called him, the Frenchman. A peculiar ally of hers that had idealistic motions of a better world without violence, bloodshed and killing. His words were all trifle of course, the blathering of an old man who had been existing within peacetime for too long. However, his recounting of Freya, the 'wench' was illuminating.

We spoke at length about her and her goals... The tight line she was walking and the possible pain that she could inflict on people. Her's was a complex situation. Unlike my own life, where my power was unmatched by everyone I ever met, her's was limited by the powers of the world... But also by her lack of will to hurt those who were innocent. You could call her a foolish hero, or a moral knight, but I saw only a fool. Casualties were always to be expected and impossible to eradicate.

That was until I had heard she had killed no one since arriving here... My mind had wandered... Itachi, the young boy who had been sent with me to aid me, foolishly, was pulling at the hem of my shirt as we walked through a particularly nasty alleyway. A den of depravity and evil that naturally made me grin in distinct pleasure.

"Vampire, I sense ten to thirty men around that corner. I will cloak myself, clap your hands if you wish for my aid." Itachi faded into the shadows like an eel may slip into it's sand-ridden den in the ocean's waters. His red eyes fading into darkness and spinning. 

"Assistance isn't necessary... These men have chosen their fate when they came to face me..." A grin slipped onto my face as the smell of blood lingered into my Hybrid senses. The scent of food, the scent of fear, the scent of powerlessness... This, was what I was used to.

"Well? Come out, come out wherever you are... Young humans..."


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