Susan Storm's Life?

18+ Topics are discussed in this chapter. If you don't want to read that, don't read after the last Tip. You have been warned. (It isn't massively serious, I just wanted to warn you all that sensitive topics were brought up.)


Stepping out of my apartment after just having had 12 hours of sleep I yawned deeply into my hand, noting the lack of noise in the HQ of Yggdrasil Interactive. Don't get me wrong, there were people here, Uchiha, but they were silent and preferred to stay diligent in their duties.

No one popped out to inform me of anything thus I checked my system screen whilst walking towards the front entrance. SWTOR was gaining more and more popularity, the amount of purchased copies exceeding 100 Million now. At $25 USD per copy... Yeah... I was rich in the points...


[Points: 2,925,527,171]


!System Upgrade! Level App (10,000,000P down from 100,000,000P)

Apartment Upgrade -Dimensional Anchors (100,000,000P down from 500,000,000P)

100 Billion USD- Legal Money- (500,000,000P down from 100,000,000,000P)

Experience Booster -On any skill/Power- (10,000,000P down from 50,000,000P)

Uchiha Upgrade - Mangekyo Sharingan- (200,000,000P down from 500,000,000P)

!System Upgrade! Concept Manifestation (1,000,000,000P down from 2,000,000,000P)

---BATTLEPASS, Apprentice Level---*Purchase an upgrade for your apartment* : 100,000 Points (COMPLETED)

*Create your second game* : New Mutant Ability, Shadow Control (COMPLETED)

*Create DLC for 'Fallout' (10/10)* : 200,000 Points , Blessing of Freya (COMPLETED)

*Make a company in the real world for your games* : 10 Million Dollars USD (COMPLETED)

* Purchase an item/spell/power/magic/Mutation, for over 1,000,000P* : 5,000,000 Points (COMPLETED)

*Learn More of the World* : Entire Basic Knowledge of World Lore (COMPLETED)

*Have 1 Million people play your games* : 1,000,000 Points , Charisma Bobble-Head (COMPLETED)

*Found the beginnings of a central hub for your games* : %UNKNOWNREWARD% (COMPLETED)

*Buy Twitch* : Customized Fate-style Servant based on Technology


Looking at the new options available to me from the daily special, I instantly felt poor once again. It was obvious I had to get the apartment upgrade and system upgrades as they were the core of my power and would inevitably aid me.

The Uchiha upgrade would benefit them and me massively as the Mikaelsons wouldn't be as much of a threat were the clan able to train up to the Mangekyo Sharingan. Not to mention the villains and heroes in the world that the Mangekyo would aid against... If needed.

The experience booster was a little out of place with the theme of today, but that was fine as I could designate any skill or power, including my Chakra skills or my Psychic abilities... Maybe even the force since I now technically had that as a power, though I felt nothing of it. Yet again, the money was looking mighty useful also as it was labelled 'legal' and would allow me to create a 'village' for the Uzumaki clan. In the same way though, money would be easy enough to gain after I acquire Twitch and get companies and people interested in the Hub world; I needed to name it properly still...

I crossed out the USD as a purchase, wanting to save my Points for something more interesting and affective for long term survival and effectiveness. Everything else was extremely useful though, so I purchased them.

[Points: 1,605,527,171]

My screen changed immediately as a new app was added, the simple title: 'Character Sheet' listed under the Chibi Image of myself. Beside that new app was a flash from my game-making app that prompted a tip from the system to surface on the interface.

{DLC TIP- Concept Manifestation-: Concept Manifestation is the ability to grant powers to player within your game. Please think of it in terms of a blessing. A person chosen by the user, or several persons, can begin to exhibit power born from the game said 'chosen' is currently playing, permanently gaining it for as long as the User wishes for them to have that power. !WARNING! . Using this feature too much will result in the User entering into a coma until those granted powers die. Good luck out there!}

Breathing heavily from the idea that I could have Picard enter into SWTOR and grant him the powers of the force in a way... It was powerful, granting entirely new ways to power my forces and allies in a way that was completely under my control.

Another tip flashed above the new app also.

{DLC TIP- Level App/Character Sheet-: Level App/Character Sheet grants the ability to choose classes, sub-classes and gain skill-points. These skill-points can be used in the user's mental space... What the user refers to as: YGGDRASIL. Character Sheet also includes extended features such as: The Inventory Space, Equipment Slots and Augment Slots. Good luck with all that!}

The explanations were simple, but that was mighty fine for me as anything more complex on initial impression would make me probably zone out after just waking up. Unluckily my wish for ease after just awaking was dashed however when a hearty yell resounded from the front entranceway, It was Susan's voice.

All cares about what I had just purchased flooded from my mind as I used Chakra to boost my speed. Speech was had as I quickly approached, a male, masculine tone that seemed almost sorry if it weren't for the tinge of annoyance underpinning the timbre of his words. It was almost as if he were pissed that he was having to spend time coming here... 

By the time I had reached the front door I had a good idea of who this person was and what he represented. Reed Richards. Standing behind Susan, my very helpful and lovely assistant and employee, I watched a thinly bearded man with rather chad-like features plead with the adorable woman as she was almost exploding in anger.

"Sue, please just give me another chance! Y-you don't understand, she..."

"NO! You fucked her behind my back when you had just proposed to me the night before! You don't get forgiveness to asshole...!" She tried to grab the door and pull it backwards but his hand extended like rubber out to grasp it, his gaze appearing conflicted.

Standing behind her I used the shadows to mask as much of myself as I could for now, hiding away from the drama until I absolutely needed to interfere. 

"I-I didn't betray you. She raped me..."

Susan, or should I call her Sue? Crossed her arms and scowled with pure disgust and scorn vitriolically strewn across her face. Her beautiful blonde locks seemed almost like vipers despite having nothing to do with her powers, but she pulled off the mythological anger vibe completely.

"You seriously think I'll believe she raped you!? After you were saying: 'Oh yeah, like that!'" Sue shivered after mimicking the horrid reactions of her once husband as a whore rode him. I could physically feel the revulsion in myself as her mind openly displayed it for me... She was correct in being livid, beyond that, I would have killed my partner if they had done something similar to me.

"Do you seriously think so little of me to think I would stoop to those lows?" His manipulation was pissing me off now, so I searched the internet and scoured every government database... Within seconds his name pinged on several pages... Including some rather, worrying areas... Areas that rhymed with Lilly, if the L's were replaced by D's.

Sue was burying her nails into her forearms now as blood lightly flowed from the scratch marks. Her tanned smooth skin was being soiled because of this asshole's manipulations and contrivances. Not only had he cheated on his wife, but he had been cheating on her when she was his girlfriend also, with men and women... Fortunately no other extremes were seen by me, but it was still detestable.

My adorable secretary was about to answer once again, her eyes starting to tear with emotion as her entire body shook in hatred and anger. She wanted nothing more than to kill him, or do something that would go against her morals. But I stepped in.

"Reed Richards... If i could ask you to leave my property?" His bright blue eyes flicked over to me as his frustration increased to another level, his anger flaring also as his disgust for his former 'wife' increased. Assumptions were immediately made and he looked at Sue.


I clapped my hands and a dozen Uchiha ninjas appeared from seemingly nowhere, hidden behind him with their chakra flaring, many holding back Jutsus. Strutting forwards I pulled on Sue's shoulders and yanked her behind me, my power flaring as every stone in the courtyard and around the house began to lift, big or small, it didn't matter.

"Leave. Now. Or I will decide to play a game with you." A sneer slithered over his expression as he began to look down upon me. It seemed he was intelligent, the most intelligent, but not wise at all... He couldn't read my tone or the seriousness of his situation.

"Heh, so you're the one who stole my wife away from me?"

"You did that yourself you cuck. Now, once again, fuck off before I decide to become inhospitable."

"What are you going to do about it? You can't stop me." He took a step forwards.

Within an instant he had surpassed the entirety of my last life's angers. This ass was trying to test me in my own home!? After I had warned him not once, but twice...? A primal feeling from deep within me screeched out into my mind as my gaming concept whirred heavily...

"Heh..." My little laugh caused him to frown, the Uchiha all lowering their Jutsus as I was too close now.

"Heh, heh, Hahahahahaha! VERY WELL! This will be the first time I try this idea out, let us see if you can resist longer than most Reed Richards, supposedly most intelligent man on the planet..."

"What are you doing bitch...!?" He tried to reach out for me, in that matter Sue also tried, wishing to hold me back. I didn't care about how she wanted things done anymore, he had insulted my kindness and my home, he had insulted someone I wished to help and was ignorant enough to cockily test me.

"Playing a game... I call it... Hide and Seek." *SNAP* My finger snapped and all three of us were consumed by the golden light of the concept of Games, the entire Uchiha clan being dragged inside to be an audience for my exploration of punishment.


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