Hide... And... Seek

(Reed Richard's Perspective)

Gold light suffused the space around me as the strange shadowed woman's form disappeared. I felt deeply conflicted about this entire scenario. I had come to Sue to prove my innocence, to show that I had been manipulated by someone... Then I find her with someone else who is protecting her from me, though she doesn't need it.

My contemplation soon ended as a space completely foreign to me threaded itself into existence within my vision. Looking around I found myself in the midst of a stone maze, most likely mimicking those from mythology in a way. The labyrinth within Greek Mythology would most likely be the closest estimation. Walking to the end of the path I was currently in I found three different paths, spreading out in front of me like a fork.

Contemplation and unease was interrupted however as that dastardly woman's voice crept out from the cracks around me...

"Reed, it seems you have found yourself in a predicament. Perhaps, there is a way out... If you hide. Oh, and do enjoy my game." Her voice receded into silence as there was a massive vibrational shift in the ground, several walls grinding downwards to sink into the floor.

My eyes darted from side to side as I took in my new predicament. This was obviously a separate dimensional space controlled by a very powerful being or person, most likely the woman from before. Every space or dimension has its rules and can be manipulated. I just had to find the core or the end goal of the space... Given the fact that she said it was a game of hide and seek, it implies that the space follows that game's rules. Included with the hint she just gave me it confirmed that I was the hider and something would be coming to tag me.

I rushed down the central path of the fork, reached the end and almost tumbled over myself as it lead directly to a chasm that looked infinite. Turning I sprinted back to the fork and went to the right hand path. A shadowy figure stood at the end of the path, its eyes burning embers. All of my movement stopped as the figure pulled out a flute and began playing wistfully.

"What the fu- AUGH! WHAT IS THAT...!?" The musical notes fluttered on the wind as a screeching noise infiltrated my mind, like a cassette player that had broken and was cycling over and over again. 

🎶 Doo, doo, doo

Der Rattenfänger comes for all of your souls...

A music so crisppp... To enchant your mind...

To disembowel your wills...! 🎶

Covering my ears I continued to move, rushing towards the shadowy figure. My fist rising in case I needed to use it. As soon as I got close however, the figure vanished into shadow, the music stopping as I was now in the middle of a T-junction.

Looking left and right I was lacking ideas here. Both options were as good as one another and could ultimately lead me to something good, or something bad. My instinct told me to go right. So i went right... Or at least I would have had it not been from the black tentacles crawling up my legs and pinning me down in one place. Struggling was doing nothing and only seemed to make me become more bound. And, just as I thought things couldn't become worse...


Something shrieked from behind me like a banshee. My eardrums were throbbing in pain as of this moment, my eyes darting around as I was cemented in one spot without a way to escape.

"Come on you, piece of shit...!" I lifted one of my legs, attempting to stretch myself out of the tentacle's hold. My attempts failed though and I was further wrapped around now, the black tendrils squeezing down onto my legs roughly.

My struggles continued for another ten second before I was released and the distant crashing sound of walls echoed malevolent tidings. Running, I went down the right path, meeting a bend that lead me to a section with ten different paths. The echoing got closer. I hastily chose one of the furthest options and continued to sprint.


"Hush now, little wanderer… The night is deep, and the path is long. Do you hear the wind whisper? It calls your name, just as I do. Come, step lightly into the mist, let my riders bear you home. No more running, no more hiding… Only sleep, only silence, only me...!"

A menacingly whispery voice reverberated around the entire maze as a chill beyond coldness unfurled from the walls. Random vines that hung along walls froze over as my breath started to mist. This wasn't simply a game... I now realised. This was a 'game' of death and possibly punishment. She wanted me to either die or suffer enough for her bloodlust to calm.

"Ah, little one… why do you tremble? Why do you flee? The night is vast, the maze unkind, and the hunt is so very, very long. But I am merciful. Stay your feet, still your breath, and let the mist embrace you. There is no need for haste… no need for fear. If you run, the chase begins… and once it begins, it never truly ends."

Whatever it was that was speaking whispered once again, unsettling everything around me as every ounce of life was sucked away by frigid winds and the ghastly presence of this being, whatever it was.

My running never stopped, the heat of movement allowing me to somewhat resist the ominous cold that threatened to gnaw away at my limbs. I mixed in stretched movements, using the concept of equal and opposite reactions to fling myself like a rubber band across large distances. The tapping of my feet on cobbles became an endless drone of horrid fear, this felt like it would never end.

'Why is Sue just allowing this!?'


(Freya's Perspective)

I sat upon a throne above the entire maze, to my side Sue sitting on another throne as behind us was an amphitheatre of Uchiha who were all eating popcorn and discussing actions they would take in such an environment as that of the maze below.

"Sue, I will not end this until he comes clean about what happened. He will have to scream and beg before I allow him to even think of running away from this game."

"F-Freya, thank you for the help... But, is this really necessary? We could just throw him out on his ass..."

I turned to the woman, conflict growing in her eyes as she still held some minute, complex, feelings for the scum that had betrayed her. Anger flared once again within me... This had been the same problem that occurred within Odinism as well, people cheating on their wives and loved ones all for a 'modern' concept of 'freedom'. I had seen first hand the damage done to those left behind, Sue was suffering from it also.

"I already offered him a peaceful resolution, he chose to decline. Now, he has to play my game. It's a rather good game for you as well, because it involves the elements of Hide and Seek and Truth or Dare." 

She frowned at the second part of my game, her eyes darting between the maze and the sky she was currently seated upon. I panned my sight down to Reed, his running making for an entertaining sight as he was slowly being broken from his arrogance. 


(Reed Richard's Perspective)

It felt like it had been years down here at this point. Endless turns, movements, traps, wails, cries, whispers...! It was enough to drive most men or women insane.

Another whisper called out from completely iced shadows. 

"Step where you will, little shadow, but the paths all lead back to me. The mist curls, the riders circle, and the wind carries whispers of those who tried before. There is no door, no gate, no dawn beyond these trees. You do not leave, no, you are taken. And once I have you… I never let go."

'I've had enough.'


There was almost an exhalation of breath at the brave response, a decrepit and almost necrotic wheeze of delight. A gaping intake of breath filled the area around me as shadowy figures slithered from the cracks in the ground.

A man riding a dread-steed, a flaming horse of undead nature, pranced forwards as another horsemen in similar attire arrived behind. Woven of pitch black void, their armours were spiked and horrid, blood oozing from every crack and crevice of their bodies. Blue flames poured from the gaps in the armour leaving a metallic smell behind in the air as blood was evaporated. 

"Here you are… at last. The chase was sweet, but the end is sweeter still. No more paths, no more turns—only my embrace, cold as the mist, certain as the night. Hush now… it is over."

"Enough! You have made your point, witch! End this!"

The armoured knights cared little for my words it seems as they hefted their longswords and swung down at me. My eyes widened as I tried to stretch my body backwards... It wasn't fast enough however as the shadowed blade struck true and caused me to fall backwards, a perpetual black gash running across my chest.

There was extreme pain seeping into every fibre of my being as my muscles locked and seized and my entire brain felt akin to metal melting within a crucible.

"Hehehehehehehe... Mortal... Truth, or, Dare?" Through hazed vision and wounded breathing I stared upwards at a fairy of some kind. Her wings were amazingly beautiful as her lips were as red as roses and as succulent looking as a watermelon on Christmas.

"Truth? Or! Dare?"

"A-augh... What is the question...?"

"Did you ever cheat on Susan Storm?"

"What is the dare?"

"If you will not speak truth, I dare you to never use your powers again."

My eyes expanded wide as the mere idea of shutting off a natural part of myself forever was beyond cruel... This would be akin to him never being able to be part of the fantastic four, or work on his scientific goals.

"I'll tell the truth."

"Hee-hee... Go on then!"

"I never purposefully cheated on Susan Storm, Sue. I was raped, as I said."

The fairy stopped smiling and stared down at me, her eyes turning into dark jet-black orbs of night-time. 

"That, was a lie... LIARS GET PUNISHED!"

Her pale hands extended out until they were freakishly long. Nails extended and distended from her fingers until they scratched the side of my face, a symbol being carved into my face as I was still paralysed from the sword wound. The marking burned into my skin as I felt something fading, being lost to time, or something...


"Liars! LIARS! LIARS! I hate liars... The dare became the punishment, a fitting result after intentionally misleading me... Good luck in the next round of, hide, and, seek..." Her voice eked out until it was gone completely, the air where she was once hanging with her wings now devoid of her physical form.

"BITCH!!!" The paralysis ended and I slowly got to my knees, the gash seeping blood as the veins around it were re-forming blackened. A stone wall exploded as another round of speech came at me, this time more mechanical and draconian. 

"I hear you. I hear the trembling steps, the whispers of the unworthy. Lies stain the stones beneath your feet, and deception rattles in your chest like hollow iron. There is no trick, no clever hand to save you. Cheaters, liars… all are weighed, all are judged. And I… I am the hammer."

"A-augh... bitch..." rapidly I got to my feet and began running, my attempts to use my powers failing at every try. Somehow, I would have to survive this without my abilities.


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