
Several rounds of my game had since passed... Reed himself wounded beyond measure. His face was bleeding profusely as the rest of his body fared no better. His powers had been stripped from him and it went all down hill for him from there.

Susan was at the edge of her seat, taking every ounce of punishment eked out to him as a sort of vindication. My interference was seemingly taking effect now, her emotions turning chaotic as she watched an old hag slam him against a wall with green energy eroding his muscles. 

Clapping and shouts of enjoyment were had by many of the Uchiha women as the men all stayed utterly quiet. It seemed beating upon cheaters was a likeable thing for the women of the Uchiha. Quietly chuckling to myself I watched as the hag was replaced by the fairy from previous rounds of Truth or Dare.

"What have I missed?"

"Oh, Tasuki-san! This 'Reed' man was found out to have had affairs with other women and even men. He admitted to some it last round, the mechanical bull was really nasty as well!"

"Muuuu...! I really wanted to be here for that!"

The idle chatter of some Uchiha blithered through the air behind me as the fairy began speaking once again. It seemed that this type of punishment was seen as light for the Uchiha and was also serving as a way for them to vent their emotions from the curse of hatred. 

'Positive of that is that they all can get Mangekyo Sharingan now, and, quite possibly, it could be formed from other emotions than hate this time. Let's hope I can see many of them get that level of eye power.' I smiled as the fairy began torturing the 'man' once more.


(Reed Richard's Perspective)

"Truth...? OR! -"

"Dare! I get it bitch. Finish your spiel."

The fairy danced in the air as if some demon meant to torment me, her glossy wings glittering like some cutesy kid's fairy tale. She was anything but that.

"Hehehe, is someone getting angry!? Really...? Really!? YAY! Finally, I'm breaking him down!" The little fairy-bitch was looking up above us with an adoring expression, as if she was super impressed that she was beating me while I was down.

"Listen here-"

"No! Truth or dare, choose!" The fairy rounded on me, her little anime eyes shining like a vicious tiger's. 

"Truth..." I was dilapidated. My body was a wreck, everything hurt. My brain was dull, vacant of all of the thoughts that were there previously. Intelligence was my one crutch in this horrible world, now it was gone.

"Hehehe, you didn't even wait for me to ask a question!"

I didn't answer her, blood gathering in my mouth in a bilious coagulation. The urge to vomit was present, but it was superseded by the hut-wrenching pain present in my lungs and spleen. It was hard enough to breathe, let alone care about privacy at this point.

"No fun... You didn't answer..." She pouted.

"Fine! Here is my question! Did you ever love Susan Storm, or was it simply to keep appearances?"

My breath hitched as blood leaked from the corners of my mouth. Crimson lines ran from my nose into the contours of my face as the question struck me. There was a vague hollowness in the pit of my stomach and heart as something was present, but it didn't feel like love... 'What was it again?'

The time I took was apparently too much for the fairy as she sped up to me and stuck her nailed fingers into a deep gash across my chest.

"SPEAK!" Demonic resonance blared through the surroundings as if the very maze itself was speaking for her. Looking into her face, it was like staring a vile winter in the face. Gross acidic burns traced themselves all over the fairy as moss dripped like snot from her hair... Only to be replaced by the perfect visage of a fae creature.

"I don't know...*AUGH-CUH*" I coughed the coagulation within my mouth whilst answering, several chunks of flesh and blood pooling on the cobbles below as the air gained a distinct iron smell.

The fairy's smile widened mischievously as she crossed her arms. "I see... That was truth... What a misguided lamb you are, to not know if the one you proposed to was your beloved. I feel pity for her see you as you are... Your physical condition is beginning to resemble your soul, it seems."

Crackles and pops followed as several of my bones healed, relief found amidst the desert that were my wounds. Gasping for air I slumped to the ground, some meagre flickers of energy returning to me.

"R-return me... to the real world..." I tried to make my words impactful, strong, but when they escaped my lips they were more akin to a beggar asking for scraps of mercy.

"Well, the score is 0-4" She grinned madly. "How about, we play a game within a game?"

I dropped to the ground, laying there as she spoke to me... My eyes were lingering over a nearby wall as I listened in the hope that I could find some ounce of freedom.

"Within this round of Truth or Dare, there is a single red button somewhere in the maze. It will allow you to exit this space. HOWEVER! If you get caught in the game of tag, then your soul is forfeit..."


"HEHEHEHEHEHEHE-hehehehehehehe..." Her laugh faded into the shifting of stone walls around the entire labyrinth. Now I just had to escape.


(Freya's Perspective)

This game was drawing to a close now... Susan had gotten her answers and I had made him suffer. Any further and it would be considered unjustified torture. It already was in a way, but that was fine, he was scum. 

As such, I ignored his stubborn attempts to flee the maze. The game itself was too hard for him to complete in his current state and even more so in his 'powered' state. My conceptual empowerment was far too domineering for the likes of him. Xavier, Dr Doom, Black Adam, Shazam, Superman, Dr Strange and Captain Marvel would most likely be able to clear it in moments... Their powers being far too much for me to contain just with a reality marble.

Reed ran for his life, attempting to find a button that he would inevitably succeed in finding. With this outcome already known I turned to Susan, who was bursting into tears at the truth finally being revealed.

This outcome was depressing. Susan was a lovely woman who was very trusting. I mean, she dealt with all my bullshit whilst not being given the full picture, just because she thought I was a nice person who helped her out when life was hard. She deserved better than Reed. I stepped off my throne and walked over to Susan, kneeling down next to her throne as tears dripped from her hands onto her pants.

"Susan?" She flinched a little and sniffled deeply as she wiped her face with her arms and looked up at me. Her eyes were red and inflamed which further served to amplify the image of heartbreak that lingered around her emotional aura. Veins were visible near the temples and forehead region and it was obvious she was struggling.

Continuing to wipe her eyes with her arms she looked at me, depressed and broken. I didn't speak, I simply leaned forwards and scooped her into a deep hug. My hand lightly rubbing her back as she began to weep on my shoulder. A guttural sob began to croak out from her as her chest heaved in effort... The state she was in and her emotions were haunting for me. I had to keep reminding myself that it was for the best and that this was only temporary.

"He didn't even love me... why did he propose...!?" She whisper screamed into my ear as her fingers dug into my back and shoulders, her body closing with mine as she sought any comfort she could grasp onto. She couldn't be blamed for what happened, she had lost everything... Except her new job, friends and me.

"I don't know dear, but he will be permanently punished for this." I paused before continuing. "Or, if you wish, he could be removed completely."

She sniffled once more but pulled back, looking me deeply in the eyes as anger, hatred and revenge sparkled along the exterior of her emotions. It was hot in a way, for me anyway, as she was really and truly vengeful. 

'I know her answer... But she has to say it.'

She swallowed down some saliva as her puffy face gained an edge of sharpness, all of her rage being projected through her eyes as her emotional aura clarified.

"I want him dead."

Closing my eyes I nodded. SNAP! My fingers snapped as every monster that had been ready for this game immediately came alive below, the red button shifting constantly in random directions. The fairy was also part of the hunt now, her full hag form revealed as snow poured from the thrones down upon the labyrinth below. Every trap imaginable for the labyrinth activated and the passages got narrower. 

Reed ran, ran...ran... until a wall rose in front of him and spears shot out from the stone edifices beside him. Like a soldier from Vietnam, he fell into a trap and was skewered. He gargled on his own blood as the hag appeared behind him, grasping his head and dragging her tongue over his blood-ridden face. Susan watched with satisfaction and vacuousness. She was completely apathetic to his struggles, her tears still flowing spitefully.

"Stop." The hag ceased her celebration, craning her neck at an impossible angle to look at me. Susan was also staring at me now, her anger flaring for a micro second before she saw the seriousness of my expression.

"Fairy, bring him to me. I have some digging around to do."

"As you wish mistress...! Be lucky little thing, you will be given a few more minute moments to live your pathetic life." She whispered into the perforated Reed's ears as his eyes apoplectically darted around.

The fairy quickly carried him up to me and knelt him down before me, my mind beginning to scoop at the edges of his consciousness. He was immensely, sadistically, hating us all. Every iota of his intelligence was bound with the power of my game concept as his every thought was cut off from the part of his brain that processed such communications.

I didn't want him to be around Susan for long so I tried to do something with my gaming concept, my mental powers, the force and Chakra. His intelligence was certainly appealing to me and his experience was just as sumptuous for someone like me who was potentially having to face Lex-Luthor and many other issues in the future.

 Pulling out the experience card i purchased earlier, I used it to gain experience on extracting powers/strengths from foes. Naturally it was a broad topic and caused a lot of superfluous information to surge through my skull... But that was soon quenched out by the step-by-step process of using the powers I already had to fish out specific powers or elements of an enemy's strength; given I had enough time... Which I currently did.

Chakra leaked from my hands as Fuinjutsu Seals slid over his entire head, wrapping it like a cap or beanie. My palms struck down on his neck, specific chakra threads slinking out from between my fingers and from my eyes; piercing into his skull. As Chakra was playing it's role, the Force was pulled upon... Memory absorption and Essence transfer mixing with my psychic energy to to mimic every aspect of his mind and imprint it onto my own; in a non-replacing way. From that point the process was as easy as draining water in a sieve... Leaving behind the tasty noodles, or in this case, the powers Reed had; excluding his elasticity. 

Like putting a lovely glove on, my brain was now moving at speeds beyond normal human capabilities. Knowledge of Physics & Engineering, Biology & Genetics, Computer Science & Robotics, Chemistry & Material Science, Space & Cosmology and finally, his complete knowledge of the devices, inventions and technology he had invented or used. Opening my eyes I could almost feel a list of facts spew forth from everything I looked at. It was like looking at a dictionary but it was less of a book and more of an ever-present catalogue. 

Reed at this point looked completely brain dead, his eyes rolled back into his head as he frothed at the mouth. Susan was staring at this entire process with a lack of caring, her eyes staying glued to me and ignoring him completely.

"Fairy, you can have the rest."

The fairy grinned creepily before teleporting him away, crunching noises resounding below as Reed was no more. By my estimation it wouldn't be long until his and Susan's son came back to meet me, or perhaps an alternate version of his son would come here as this would be a major timeline shift. 

{LEVELS GAINED!!! : +5 levels (Reason- Completed a game and won on your own terms for the first time) }

{Skill Points: 10}

"Susan, are you okay?"

Ignoring the pinging of my system I focused on Susan, her emotions rather ambivalent now that Reed was gone... Her vengeance and anger gone, as if carried away by some thief in the dead of night.

"Yeah... I'm fine."

Narrowing my eyes on her she flinched a little... She was, in fact, not okay. I stepped up to her and kissed her directly on the lips, shocking her out of her mood and causing her to widen her eyes and let all of the emotions she was trying to bottle up out. Letting go of her lips, I stepped back and crossed my arms.

"I am not as low in EQ as Reed or as unwise as him. I can tell you are lying and were trying to bottle up your pain."

Tears gathered in her eyes once again as she cursed under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear her. "Why can't you just let me, be free of emotion...?"

I sighed. She was going to need a lot of support...She hadn't even been concerned about the kiss despite me giving her my first kiss. Even I felt a bit indignant after she failed to acknowledge it.


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