Finding out who did it

[Points: 2,924,117,399]

My eyes flickered open as I was met with the orange glow of flames and the prickling sensation of heat. Screams echoed inside of my ears as the visage of a child crying over a dead mother played out. Reaching my hands up to my head I felt blood dripping from my scalp as feeling returned to my limbs fully.

The entirety of my field of vision was swallowed by several shadows now, red twisting Sharingan meeting my own as I felt the connection to Artoria pulse with uncertainty and desperation.

"SHHHHHHH....SSSS-FFF- Freya! Freya! Do you hear me!?" Ringing muffled the voices of my companions for a time until their shouts slowly normalised and the resounding sirens of police blared behind it all.

"U-Ugh... We made it, I am guessing." Smoke infiltrated my lungs through some deep breaths, the feeling akin to sniffing paint or some illicit substance. 

"You saved us last second, but you hit the ground roughly." One of the Uchiha was speaking to me, his name, eluding me at this very moment amidst the smoke, steam and cacophony of sounds assaulting me. 


"I am here master!" Artoria, dressed still in her ominously shining armour, stepped forwards and knelt down next to me.

"Help me get up. We need to get out of, wherever we are." My servant looked at me as if I was a madman, but she still followed the request. Her arms hooked under my own and lifted me roughly upwards, to my feet.

Crackle and pops flared up as metallic framing from the Jet was slowly crumpling under the intense heat and pressure inside this chamber. Not wanting to spend much more time in this space I simply flexed my will towards a nearby hole in the wreckage and pulled it apart.

Metallic screeches and whining ensued, but was quickly ceased as the metal parted like the ocean for Moses, in this case I was Moses. The Uchiha all stepped out first as Artoria helped me walk forwards, some jolts of pain spreading through my right shoulder. It seemed I had only taken wounds at the level of falling from a second story building. My head was fine as far as I could tell, but my limbs were battered, bruised and as was the case for my shoulder, possibly broken. 

Wincing at the pain we stepped out to see several bodies mushed into paste around the exterior of the craft... One person having onyx black hair and red eyes. An Uchiha had died from this attack and they were one of only one hundred Uchiha present in this world.

"Renji!" One of the women who had stepped out before me called out to the man and rushed over, dropping to her knees and checking him with her Chakra. He was dead, I could tell from a single glance. His emotions were gone and his thoughts were all stagnant dying fragments of memory.

Another shinobi went to her and put a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head when she looked up to meet his gaze. Anger flared within me. This was a deliberate attack on her, her people, the power she had built. A spit in the face is what this attack was... I felt my psychic presence expand powerfully as this new feeling of discontent rose within me.

"One of you, please find out what city we are in..."

"We already did that boss. We're in a city named Gotham."

'The home of batman' I mused. 

"Contact the-"

"Do you need assistance?" A man in a blue and black super hero suit leapt down from a nearby building as a kid shorter than him dressed in a mock-up of the Robin suit followed behind him.

Searching my still rattled skull for information I began recalling drabs of information about a hero called the 'Night Wing' from Bludhaven. Looking towards the shorter 'hero' I noted his features and the disposition I was feeling from him... This felt like Damian from the Beta. My face was exposed now and I was in Gotham for now, I needed to know what had occurred and know if they had seen anything... The people who did this needed to suffer under my wrath. 

"Damian. Night Wing. I assume you two weren't the ones who shot down my private jet...?" Night Wing immediately looked towards his younger counterpart who was staring at me as if he was hallucinating. 

"Little D, do you know this woman?"

"Y-yeah. Greyson, meet Freya... The one who made Fallout and the currently popular Star Wars the Old Republic." Greyson, an unfamiliar name to me, widened his eyes and glanced back at me, his emotions flickering to fanboying at the mere mention that I had made those games.

'They have no idea who struck me down, it seems they have just arrived.' My head swivelled to the side and I looked up to a the top of a nearby building, a dark presence sitting on the edge of a ledge and looking down at us all.

'Bruce... Or, Batman, should I say.'

"Artoria, please search the wreckage for anymore of our wounded or dead," I turned to the Uchiha, "could you please help her? We don't want anyone to desecrate their bodies." The other Uchiha all nodded and began searching, the woman crying into the lapel of what was once her best friend, if my readings were correct.

"U-um... jeeze, wasn't expecting to run into you, ever, um... D-do you know who shot you down?"

Damian scoffed in mirth as he spoke aloud what I was thinking.

"If she knew, why did she just ask us, moron."

"Ah! That's enough out of you pipsqueak..."

They began an argument that didn't look much different from an adolescent squabble. It was so immature that even Bruce's feelings, which I could barely detect at all, was one of frustration and annoyance. The boys would most likely receive verbal beatdowns when they got back. 

Sighing I stretched out my mind to feel the area within a mile radius, a new ability that I had received with the Skill Points. Nothing was popping up, until a single destroyed piece of metallic slag emerged inside my mind's eye. At the same time Twitch landed somewhere near us, my connection to her flaring as the emotions of Susan enveloped me completely.

Fear, she was scared for my safety. She was desperately trying to claw her way out of Twitch's grip to come search for me. My servant tried to reassure her, but she wasn't listening. My connection to Twitch sparked in annoyance from her side as I rescinded my vision on that side. Susan was important to me, but I needed to know who had done this to us.

Police were finally beginning to show up now, the surrounding blocks having been cleared of people. National Guard were present also given the nature of the SAM. Fighters were flying above and the entire city of Gotham was grinding gears to get to the bottom of this crash. Fortunately the Jet wasn't rented in my name and was instead hired by one of the Uchiha... Renji, who had just died.

"Everyone? Any more dead?"

"No! We have two wounded though!"

I sighed in relief. At least something was going well.

"Gather them and follow me, we will have to dodge the police and military. Night Wing, Damian, thank you for checking on us, but it is best if you also evade the notice of the government for now." 

Before they could respond my party began running towards the nearest building. We were met by Twitch and Susan on the way, Susan's relief exponentially growing into elation and buds of... I don't know... I was running in front of all of them now and couldn't focus completely.

We all merged into a single group, the dead and wounded being carried along with us. I found an old shop and pulled the door open with my telekinesis, the locks snapping within second of exposure to my psychic might. 

Getting closer the door formed a portal and the inside of my apartment was shown. Sirens wailed in the background as the blades of a helicopter roared out from above, lights flashing down onto the ground as the local police force tried to spot any perps.

Fortunately none of them spotted us, all of us slipping into my home, the dimensional space where I resided... After moving inside of my apartment my anger flared. Some of my people had died! I was wounded after an assassination attempt and so were other Uchiha. We all would have died if it weren't for Twitch and Artoria. Susan, the mere thought of her dying made me disgusted. She had been through so much, she deserved to live happily.

Snarling, I slapped my hand out, several cans that had been placed on the kitchen bench, empty, being condensed down into perfectly round spheres of shiny aluminium. This display caused some concern to eke out from my allies but they were all sympathising with my mood. Some of the Uchiha looked near ready to fucking implode in hatred. 

The woman who had her best friend die, well she was the most quiet of us all. Her eyes were chaotically flaring back and forth between black and red. It was quite obvious to me what was happening, she was evolving into the next level of Sharingan, Mangekyo. Soon she would join the ranks of Sasuke and Madara in the original series. 

My attention detracted away from the woman, giving her some space to undergo her change. It narrowed onto a new section of my apartment that had appeared after the last advancement purchase. A dimensional anchorage. Essentially I now had a walk-in wardrobe that had doors instead of clothes. Each of these doors were possible exit points for me to choose for the space... The only one I had chosen currently was one leading directly back to Yggdrasil Interactive.

Selecting the door through my system, a blue and white door emerged and opened, dim light suffusing the wardrobe as it slowly grew and scooped everyone inside the apartment into my office in the HQ. Gotham was now marked as an anchor point also. Soon I would go back to investigate the slag-heap that was left behind... I would find out who did this.

{Tip 13931: The system allows you to purchase anything, for a price.}

'I want to find out who did this!'


{Desired Information(100,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P) }


I tapped the purchase button and immediately was flung into a darkened hall where figures were speaking about Lex Luther and his annoyances. Beta, a name that was impersonal was flung into my conscious, but that wasn't his true name, his true name was Wilson Fisk... The Kingpin. Theta, a woman with seductive power and influence... Selene Gallio. Alpha, Dracula but not... A man who was deluded into thinking he was what he was not, by some entity beyond comprehension. In this room, finally, Omega... A man that played 'games' with his enemies and wished nothing more than for his own goal to come to fruition.

He was tricking everyone at the table. Alpha, Theta, Beta... All of them were distracted by his façade, he was the real threat, at this table. Only a single word came to my mind and it flared brilliantly, akin to a dying star. DOOM

More images flashed. A court of owls convening in the dark city of Gotham. A bar alight with hell's flames around it, several members speaking freely about economic manipulation. Finally, there was just a massive all-consuming light, cascading down up me and the people behind me that I could sense.

One last fragment of information dangled before my mind.


[Points: 2,824,117,399]


For the next hour I dealt with the hubbub of my summons checking in with me. The Mikaelsons checking in with Hope and Freya wishing to enchant jewellery and such to protect me from certain problems. 

Shisui, Itachi, Naori and several other Uchiha all made phone calls or personally came to check in... My chakra teacher even came in to tell me that training will be much harder from now on. I felt cold and distant, as if a general witnessing the purge of over a million souls. This war wouldn't be pretty, not by a long shot, but it needed to happen. Over the corpses of heroes or not.

I pulled out the chalice of infinite blood and placed it upon the table, the thick oozing substance pooling to the brim, just an inch below the rim. I was weak. My powers were unique, and helped me to see things that others could not, but I was too focussed on mundane bullshit like making companies and managing them.

"Artoria, I want you to take over the company as manager." She panicked until I started to send her my memories of managing the company, the experience I had bought from a woman named Emma Frost.

"Twitch, you will be the media manger. I want you to expand Twitch's influence all over the world. I will enhance the platform to encompass my games and merge with them seamlessly." She nodded and smiled awkwardly.

"Picard, I want you to work alongside Data in tandem with Shisui and Naori. You will be investigating the US government for all outside connections." 

"Sure..." He was off-put by my state, not that I gave a fuck anymore, he had a job to do and he would do it.

"Hope, Freya... I want you to ward the entire compound. No one without a certain form of insignia or Jewellery will be allowed in. Klaus," He regarded me neutrally, "Go do Klaus things, I want the entirety of the area around the crash investigated and sussed out. Leave no root left unturned. If you fail to find anything, look for Bruce Wayne, he will help you if you are insistent and nice enough." 

"Elijah, I want you to aid Artoria in her work, ensure that you begin taking over companies that are related to our industry. Hostile or passive, I don't care, just take them over."

"Hayley, I want you to see if Chakra can be unlocked or learnt by someone who didn't buy the power or be born into it." 

"Itachi, you are going to teach me everything about Genjutsu. We'll start tomorrow."

I finally stopped and then looked at all of them, a final statement coming from my lips before they all left.

"Those who did this will pay in blood and carnage. They will find that I am not a hero, in fact, I am beyond the nightmares they can imagine." Everyone nodded grimly before leaving, Picard attempting to stay behind but being dragged by Elijah who was treating him like a child.

Thus, I was left in a room alone. Susan had dropped off to sleep on a nearby couch after the adrenaline dump finally left her system. She was so peaceful here that I couldn't help but watch her for a time...

But I had work to do. Powers to gain. Points to spend.


[Points: 2,824,117,399]


Feather Falling Ring (100,000P down from 1,000,000P)

 Halo-System -Tied to Levelling System- (500,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P) [Locked]

Infernal System -Tied to Levelling System- (500,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P) [Locked]

Queen Sidhe Bloodline (800,000,000P down from 1,000,000,000P)

Projective Retrocognition- (2,000,000P down from 4,000,000P)

Psychic Skills- Xavier Level-(5,000,000,000P down from 10,000,000,000P) 

---BATTLEPASS, Journeyman Level---

* Own Two Fate-Style Servants * : 1 Experience Card [COMPLETED]

*Create Five more games* : 5,000,000,000 Points

* Level Up 20 Times* : 200 Billion USD

* Upgrade The 'HUB' into a Reality Engine* : 1 Godly Item

* Topple the Kabal of Corrupt Organisations* : 200 Skill points

*Lose Your Virginity* : A good time, Blessing Upgrade

*Merge the Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines* : Sage Mode Unlock, Mangekyo Evolution

* Have 1 Billion people play your game* : 10,000,000,000 Points, Augma from SAO

* Purposefully Master a Power, Ability, Energy Type or Super Power by yourself* : High-Servant combining any historical figure's mysteries

*Learn a Complete Magic System from Someone* : Psycho-Magical Energy Evolution


[Points: 2,270,016,521]

 I purchased the ring of feather falling, placing it on my finger as I moved to both of the new 'systems' of power i would be gaining. I bought the Halo system and then followed up with the Infernal system. 

Something began to happen but not before I purchased the Queen Sidhe Bloodline, Sidhe being fae creatures of nobility... Darkness consumed all and my consciousness retreated into the recesses of my mind, where three lights now merged with the World Tree of my mind.

'Interesting... This will allow me to get more powerful, for sure.'


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