[Points: 468,016,521]
Luminescent orbs of sparkling energy were constantly formed above the 'Skill-Tree' in my mind, what I called Yggdrasil. They consisted of five types, my mind processing them as forms of what I had just purchased and what i already possessed.
The orb with the colour of lava itself, basking in the glow of what seemed to be plasma was the conceptual representation of the Infernal System. It hovered lightly above one sector of my Yggdrasil, the entirety of the paths below shifting and mutating as elder futhark runes with the symbology of Muspelheim: ᚦ Thurisaz , ᚠ Fehu , ᛃ Jera and ᛈ Perthro, wove in a pattern resembling a snake eating its own tail.
On another length of extending branch, leaf and root was the Platinum coloured halo of energy that at first glance seemed similar in shape to the Infernal side... The halo glowed with holy aura and spewed forth golden light directly into the hundreds of alcoves that bore skill-nodes. Mutations swept them all into a fervour as several branches turned a bright white, like ancient white-oak. ᛉ Algiz , ᛋ Sowilo , ᛒ Berkano and ᚷ Gebo were the runes floating around this one, but instead of the snake, it was wrapped around one another as if it were the Gordian knot.
Higher upon my Yggdrasil hung a domineering concept, that of the force. Azure hue consumed one half of the orb as the other was a violent crimson, swirling with the balanced chaos and order of the very force itself... Perhaps not as powerful as the force itself, but a representation of the sheer power of this concept. No runes hung in the air for this one, simply geometric shapes that resembled star charts, ancient and esoteric... Lightly seeping into the entire tree itself.
Just a step below the force was a violet string of lines that pulsed in place. It was an exact replica of the Chakra network within a person. These chakra paths soon unravelled however and punctured into the very tree itself, growing an almost foreign body sprouting off from the main sapling itself. New skill paths opened exponentially as the growth of the entire tree shot upwards by an unknown factor... Some aspects of the trunk now began sprouting violet branches and twigs.
Lastly there was a mixture of Celtic runes hovering around a dimly glowing Silver-green light, the runes themselves drawing more attention than anything else about the power. My feelings told me it was tricky, deceitful and chaotic. ᚄ Saille , ᚈ Tinne , ᚑ Uilleann and ᚓ Eadhadh symbols flowed the most often as spirals and various other complex symbology darted into a lattice above the light. Said light was domineeringly looming over the entirety of the other concepts and granted its blessing to them all, except the infernal, for some reason.
And thus, as the final segment of conceptual power fixtured itself within the depths of my mind, in what could debatably be called my soul, a wretched cramp assaulted every microcosm of my being.
Runic tattoos across my body squirmed in intense heat, expanding into full-blown sentences in ancient Nordic and Celtic. My neck tattoos flared and all slowly slid over the top of my skin, apparent only from the forced self-view that I was now experiencing. A mirror sat before me, tauntingly, as if telling me to watch my own suffering.
Freya's blessing slipped down my back, the roots of the Yggdrasil tattoo now firmly placed on my tailbone as the branches, leaves and trunk connected perfectly with my spinal cord and every important organ in my body. The urge to vomit filled me and I succumbed to it, a radiance made of all the other lights above burst from every orifice on my skull, not too unlike a solar flare. Dropping to my knees I found my hands expanding out to the side as well, every concept above merging as I experienced pure, nothingness.
Seconds later, not that I could see clearly or feel clearly in the void of everything, the concepts all merged into one. That combined ball of chaos churned venomously before concentrating into one single point, directed at me.
Then it happened, the event that I could never reverse and would most likely never wish to... I was struck by what seemed a beam of annihilation. Like a war of the worlds alien particle weapon blasting down into the ground... Except it was only myself here to take the brunt of the combined firepower.
My eyes fluttered open as my head picked up off the desk in my office, Susan still snoring away as a new sensation of unfamiliarity sundered me to my core. Bringing my hand to my head I found my skin extremely soft to the touch, beyond normal.
Simply looking at the space around me was disorientating as the air seemed to pulse in effort to comprehend what movements I was making. Gliding my hand over my face I soon felt a difference around my ears, a slight extension at the top that curled ever slo slightly, like those of an elf from Lord of the Rings or any anime ever that had elves.
Everything felt wildly different now... It was as if I had spatial awareness of everything within several kilometres of me at any time, without any effort being put into it. Beyond that, the power I had before was now exceedingly concentrated within every part of my body, my tattoos storing an unknown quantity of, whatever this power was called.
{User has purchased too many systems at once and had therefor been forced to combine powers, energies and newly purchased systems into one single evolution. Congratulations, you are now a Queen Sidhe of the Æs'rune }
Sidhe... I knew about them... They were fae from Celtic folklore. My attention unfortunately couldn't linger on that thought however as I sensed a force of some sort roaring towards the front gates of the Uchiha mansions. Red flared within my eyes and all over my tattoos as fire lightly emerged from the corners of my eyes followed by some heat mirages.
"You fucking dare!?" Susan awoke from my angered tone, but she hadn't seen me... My speed now comparable to the Mikaelsons at full power.
As I ran through the HQ a heat mirage was left in my wake, only subsiding as I appeared outside of the front gates, the flames turning bright blue from anger. Cars were full-throttling into my home. This was a travesty and a very unwelcomed one. With an instinctual tug the flames merged into me only to be replaced by azure energy.
"I wonder if I can do Force abilities with this...?" I held my hand in front of me and imagined Darth Vader's first introduction in his full black outfit. The air rippled, the ground flexed and snapped as in front of me a massive distortion wave cascaded towards the oncoming cars.
"KILL THE BITCH!" Were the last words ever heard from any of the gnats in the car. Their deaths would serve as a message.
The wave struck the front of a Humvee, the momentum dying in totality as dents and blunt forces were pounding into every individual nano-centi-metre of the metallic structure. Front lights were the first to pop as glass was held in place, floating alongside the car, and then shredded into granule thin glass-sand. Electronics fizzled only to have the spark that resulted snuffed completely, the electricity being squashed alongside everything else.
A tidal wave of primordial power ran amuck through the car, crunching and chewing everything inside and out... Bodies included. Blood, shit, piss and viscera imploded within the car as every element that made them human was suddenly exposed to the open air. Glass that would have existed, if it weren't for Freya, would have been painted in crimson from this singular implosion of force... Unfortunately, not even the glass was spared as it was turned to sand and thrust backwards into the car behind.
Four cars in total suffered this fate as they all died in the force-equivalent of a meat grinder. Azure flickered with bright volcanic reds and yellows for several moments until it settled down and my eyes returned to normal.
"Fuck off and die, you scum." As if spitting in my resolve a helicopter flew from above, weapons firing off in quick succession as they had already received the go ahead for their mission.
30 Calibre bullets pummelled through the air at an exorbitant rate as the helicopter tried to quickly dart around my field of view... A failure of the pilot in not understanding that they were messing with someone who had just evolved; no fault of his own, on second thoughts, he could blame his bosses.
Psychic power resonated outwards from me, as if a gentle note on the wind that was reality. Every bullet trudged towards me, until they didn't. All of them had halted halfway between them and myself.
"Time to see if Helicopters are immune to telekinesis." The bullets dropped unceremoniously as I reached out with my mind and twisted the blades in an opposing direction. The rotor snapped and the engines gave out as the sheer force of the breakage was catastrophic.
"Oh... Sorry, did I do that? It was cold, so I turned the fan off." I ignored the crashing helicopter as it plummeted into one of the Uchiha gardens and was promptly surrounded by my people.
My enjoyment of watching my enemies fall before me was short lived however as from the shadows of a nearby tree a man dressed in gothic armour and adorned with bright reds strutted out. His eyes narrowed on me before a vicious smile graced his lightly bearded face. His jawline was all angles and beyond that, his features distinctly looked eastern European.
"Lady, it is nice to meet you. I am count Dracula of Walachia." He bowed like the fake piece of shit he was. I had, had enough. My hands flicked off to the side, where I pulled out a business card that Alucard had slipped to me secretly through relinquishing his car to me.
"Dracula my ass, motherfucker. How about I show you the real deal?" I crushed the card, an ominous red light cascading through the entryway to my home. Sounds of blood-curdling cries echoed out as the depression of centuries of warfare clung onto the atmosphere like a sore eviscerated puppy.
"Yo! Goddess, you called me!?" Alucard's voice echoed aloud as his form was whisked from the crimson light and planted before me.
"Hello Alucard. I have a friend who says he is you... He calls himself Dracula."
"HE FUCKING WAHT!?" He drew his pistols and turned on a dime, confronting the would be Dracula with utter hatred and anger.
"No matter the servants you summon, witch, all of your forces shall fall this day."
"OOOKAY Mr.Rapey mc-ass-fucker! Like Lucifer, I dislike my name being besmirched! I AM A FUCK-MOTHERING VAMPIRE, THE FIRST ONE TO EVER EXIST!" He turned back to me for a few moments. "This won't count as a favour, I hate this fuck already."
The other 'dracula' sighed and pulled a blade from its sheathe on his side.
"Very well, it seems that class is in session."
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