Bullets passed by 'Dracula' as he danced between them, his body turning to mist in places where they would have hit otherwise. Vampiric incisors extended from his mouth as spittle dripped out of his mouth.
Alucard grinned a touch as he began to clap tauntingly, the crisp sound of his white gloves echoing through the air. "Oh wow. Look at you. Turning into mist to dodge bullets. That's sooooo impressive...!" His clapping increased a touch before ceasing. "Wow, never seen that before, oh wait, I HAVE! Because I can do it too, and I do it better!"
He stepped forward, spinning the Casull and Jackal in his hands, reloading in an instant, Dracula snarling as his eyes turned reddish-black and his teeth continued dripping saliva.
"Also… ew! You got drool all over your fangs, dude! You look like a rabid dog... Are you trying to be intimidating, or did someone forget to refill your food bowl?" He continued to approach his copy-cat as his eyes went mad in excitement. "Tell you what, I'll stop shooting, and you can go fetch a napkin... Or a muzzle... Your choice!"
Dracula hissed and roared at the same time as he leapt for Alucard, the suicidal maniac not dodging in the slightest as bullets flew out once more; this time aimed at lethal points. Dracula dissolved into mist again, slipping below in an attempt to catch him off guard
"Hahahaha!" Alucard watched the mist come towards him without a single defence emerging, his expression morphing into satisfaction... "Ohhh, spooky! The old 'turn-to-mist-and-slink-around' trick! How original!" As the mist reached his feet and began to take shape, Alucard stomped down, grinding Dracula's face back into vapor.
"Too bad mist can't bite, dumbass!"
Watching from the sidelines I couldn't help but marvel at the ease in which Alucard was dominating the 'ancient' 'Dracula'. Honestly, did these villains conceive themselves as badasses? They just appeared pathetic from my vantage point. Though that could have been because of the utterly broken nature of Alucard.
Dracula in mist form slinked away and reformed himself, his right hand clutching his face as a red welt was festering upon his lips and the bridge of his nose.
The fake hissed. "What coward fights an honourable foe like this!? I am the first and greatest of all vampires! Treat me as such...!"
"Oh nooo... did the big, scary 'first and greatest' vampire get a boo-boo? Aww, want me to kiss it better? Maybe grab you a juice box? Tuck you in...? And honour? Really? Oh, sweetheart, you must be new here. I don't do 'honour.' I do carnage, I do bloodbaths, and I do it with a fucking smile!" His voice growled like that of a beast, a flash of an upside down cross appearing behind him.
Alucard's eyes glowed a bright red as the nightly gloom surrounding us turned blood-red. Hisses and moans whispered throughout the area amidst the rising intensity of 'Dracula' and his stance.
"So what now? We gonna fucking fight, or are we just gonna keep flapping our lips, little bitch?"
Dracula's eyes flared bright pink, psychic energy plunging at Alucard with ferocity. My gut told me to block it, but my ally's eyes gleamed with so much confidence that I felt I would be betraying his intentions. Therefor I stepped back and sat down in the air, my psychic power creating a pocket of condensed air that was technically solid.
The psychic energy struck Alucard as the wind whipped through the trees. Pale moonlight lightly dappled through nearby trees and specifically reflected off the windows and roofs of my compound.
"Oh no, not hypnosis! Whatever will I-" Alucard broke character, his exaggerated worry transforming into manic laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"Dracula's glare intensified as his fangs bared in frustration."Oh, you're serious? That's cute," Alucard taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he straightened himself up, eyes gleaming with twisted amusement.
Dracula scowled and shouted out in defiance. "I am the King of the Night!"
"More like the Dollar Store Prince of Darkness. Seriously, did you get that title from a cereal box?"
Alucard vanished from his previous position and emerged from behind the armoured Dracula, his black hair whipping out behind him as his stereotypical red trench coat flared out straight; His speed was so fast, it could've shattered the sound barrier. BANG
His movement cracked the air like a gunshot, but Dracula was a step too slow to react, Alucard diving from above and pulling the triggers in his hands, multiple times. SNAP . Bullets struck centuries old hardened steel as modern weaponry proved its superiority... Breaking 'Dracula's' blade into hundreds of fragments.
"Oh, whoops! My bad. Guess your 'legendary blade' doesn't have 'anti-big fucking gun' enchantments, huh?"
Clawed hands swiped at him, but Alucard dodged effortlessly, reappearing where he had been before. He sheathed his guns, striking a dramatic JoJo pose, hands flaring out as he laughed manically, his gaze fixed on the blood-moon he had summoned with sheer arrogance.
"You see this, God?! This pathetic excuse for a copycat?!"
"ENOUGH! I refuse to be ridiculed by an inferior being!"
Dracula slapped his arms wide open in the initiation of some form of power. Black smoky ooze biliously crept out from the recesses of his medieval plate armour, the night darkly draping his form.
His body bulged, distended and cracked as a morphosis occurred. Chiropteraic features grew from previously human features. A small croaking noise ensued during this shift. Grotesque bat-wings unbuttoning themselves from his back as flesh previously used to cover the spinal core was repurposed for chthonian purposes. The flesh oozed with pink spinal fluid as more and more wreathed itself into new segments of the body. Bumps and nubs burgeoned out from muscles and pressed tightly against greying skin as hook-like appendages split like tentacles from the very tips of his newly formed wings.
Disgusting was barely applicable for this change. 'Dracula' was nowhere to be seen now, a new 'thing' taking his place with primal ferocity.
"All that pomp and circumstance... and for what? A few extra limbs? I thought Dracula was supposed to be the ultimate vampire, not some... Halloween monster..." he sighed onerously as the bat creature, thing, leapt at him.
"Freya, I thought you had brought me something, someone, fun..." Alucard barely even moved as the enormous ten foot tall bat-monster balefully lunged through the air. Raking claws, stabbing bone-spears and rending canines snapped and bit out towards the real version of Dracula.
Seconds passed in non-silence as the creepy screeches and gulping chitters of the fake blared out like a trumpet. All intelligence was sacrificed, for this... And I was even disappointed. I could have ended him in seconds in this form.
Alucard was matching my current feelings as a part of himself simply opened in a crimson gash of dimensional energy, a deck of cards expanding outwards in hundreds of directions. The sloppy noises of flesh striking paved driveway and gravel met my ears as 'Dracula' was no more, his head being held by Alucard as his mouth widened and sucking in a breath.
Dracula screamed out in pain and tortured relief as his soul was utterly consumed by the fires of hell, an omnipresent sense of satisfaction crying out in the distance. All the while Alucard dusted off his hands and said his final regards.
"I would say 'Rest in Peace'… but let's be real. You pussed out like a bitch..."
He looked over at me and grinned, as if he hadn't just killed another vampire.
"You got any sip?"
So here we were, after literally just five minutes of action, sitting in my office with the entire Mikaelson family present; due to how quickly this all occurred no one had left yet. AND, Alucard was drinking from the infinite chalice of blood, guzzling it down as if it were beers and he was a mid-life crisis dad.
"Om, om, om... This, is some good siiip."
The Mikaelsons were all pretty reserved, watching my guest with intensity. This was the first vampire they were meeting in this world, a pretty insane starting point to be completely honest.
"Thank you for helping Alucard... Though I am sure you had noticed I could have killed him by myself."
"YEAP! He was weak as fuck! It was good fun to eat his soul however, kinda imagined it being me that was dying..." He was swept up in emotions for a split second as he drunk a final gulp from the chalice and dropped it onto the coffee table.
"Do you need me to transport you somewhere or?"
"Nah! You got me away from a scolding from my main woman Integra. If I don't take this chance for freedom then I'll hate myself more than I did before, which, if you know me, is sayin something."
Hope was smiling at Alucard's temperament, chuckling at certain parts. Being younger than the others in the room she got the sense of humour much more deeply. As it was she was already starting to gain influence on social media with her posts... She was using trends from the hypothetical future of her last universe to change culture and stuff, a little lesson that Elijah was teaching her.
"Freya, who is this, man?" Elijah finally spoke up, his interest and discomfort in the presence of Alucard battling vividly within my visual spectrum.
"Let me introduce you all. Alucard, these are the Mikaelson family... Elijah, Klaus, Hope, Freya, Kol, Finn, Rebekah, Hayley and Davina." Each person I said the name for nodded or waved at the bloodstained demon-pacted vampire.
"Everyone, this is Alucard. Originally known as Dracula, though he has multiple personalities through the years... Oh, and they are actually a shapeshifter, male, female, he can truly be both."
Klaus smirked a little as Elijah nodded and fixed his collar, the tidiness being a way for him to control his emotions and worries.
"Yah got ya'self some vampires as well... Pretty powerful ones too... Klaus, smells like a dog so I guess he is some form of hybrid between werewolf and vampire. Elijah is the true pure vampire no doubt, given that he is ridiculously trying to clean himself up despite being already clean. Freya... Is a mage of some kind, really weird smelling one, probably need to have a shower for that." He winked at Freya before moving on with his words.
"Kol seems like me a little, mad and batshit insane! Lovely traits, best to keep them kid. Finn, eh, who fucking cares. Rebekah is..." Klaus and Elijah leaned in for this one, their surprise granted given the accuracy with which he was breaking down their personalities. "A push-over. Girl you need to get you some good fucking, seriously, getting baited all the time by assholes must be tiring!"
Rebekah looked offended and seemed close to introducing herself in a more violent way, before Klaus grabbed her and laughingly held her back, a grin spreading across his face despite his best intents to stop it.
"Finally we have... Whatever the fuck Hope is. Freya, are you seriously not gonna go after her, cause if you don't, I will... This chick is crae-crae-levels of power! A woman after my own heart!" He held his heart, lightly murmuring something about the aristocrats before coming back to reality.
Hope was blushing madly whilst Susan, in the background, was seething from more competition having been added. Which was a new change for me... She was getting very possessive of me and I could now fully understand that she was pining for my affections, though she wouldn't ever say it openly given her past history and how we first kissed.
"I-Ah- Mah, fuck this, I'm out!" Hope vanished from the room faster than Alucard could, her embarrassment causing chuckles and laughter to resound from her family. Except for Klaus, who was eyeing me and Alucard with extreme prejudice.
'Looks like he is for sure the doting father figure who never wants to let go of his daughter... Sorta?' His emotions were flexing. When he looked at me it was more weary and cautious, when he looked at Alucard it switched to direct opposition.
'I'll keep that noted then.'
"Welp, Freya, Ima go kill some politicians. Nice seein yah, thanks for the feast, and also, thanks for the kyber crystal in the game! Shit is awesome...!"
I waved at him and said some quick goodbyes before the rest of the Mikaelson family looked at me, questioningly.
They all sighed before standing and walking off, Elijah being the first to do so as Klaus was the last, his eyes trailing on my sneakily... As if he were calculating something. I needed to keep an eye on that one, he is a schemer through and through.
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