The next class with Justin began with him deducting ten points from my next term paper. It seemed as if I’d woken the lion and angered the beast.
On another day, I’d be pissed about it and react like a child. Today, though, I was prepared. I knew he’d take another shot at me. I knew he wouldn’t stop.
I couldn’t believe this was the same guy in the washroom at Penthouse—his hand on my cheek, his breath in my ear, the bass in the air. The thought brought goosebumps, and that made me angrier. I watched him teach without a care in the world, as if he didn’t ruin my entire day with that comment. Move from one side of the board to the other, rambling on and on about natural law and positivism…
“Next time, choose high-end cosmetics,”
If I could afford them, would I be stripping in the first place?
Why couldn’t I focus?
And in my mind, I saw the entire evening again. The mafia boss. The sinister look on his face when he touched me. Justin’s subtle smirk. Lee screaming at me.