Chapter 40: Devil in Disguise

Katerina’s POV

When Douglas stepped into the strip club, the waitress turned her attention to him and completely forgot about me. I took advantage of it by fading into the crowd. Keeping my head down with my eyes on every waiter and waitress, I deftly avoided being seen.

Douglas and Justin passed me by and entered the VIP room. They were leaning into each other before the door closed, which made me think they wanted to talk in private. My heart leapt in my throat. I had to get a chance to listen in.

But what if Douglas recognized me? Obviously, I didn't want either of them to know I was here, but Douglas would grab me and take off like I was a prize. If I went in there, it could put Justin in danger, and I couldn't risk that.

Not with how I feel about him now.

The bumping music and people milling by caught my attention as I tried to decide what to do. I had to warn Justin. Pulling out my phone, I found his last message and wrote to him.