The Well to Hell is an urban legend that originated from what many would call a hoax but has since become a widely shared supernatural tale. 

In the late 1980s, a team of Russian geologists working in Siberia drilled a very deep hole—allegedly over 14 kilometers (9 miles) deep—to study the Earth's crust. 

However, what they found was far more different from what they had ever expected.

After reaching down to a certain depth, the scientists lowered a heat-resistant microphone into the borehole to record any sounds from the Earth's interior. 

But to their shock, they heard several agonized screams of human voices crying out like they were in great suffering. 

The scientists were so horrified that they shut down the project immediately. 

Some versions of the story say that demonic entities began climbing out from the hole, forcing the researchers to flee.

The legend gained widespread attention in the 1990s when it was shared by religious broadcasters as a proof of Hell's existence. 

Although the story has been debunked as a fabrication most likely inspired by a Norwegian horror film, it remains one of the most chilling urban legends, making many wonder might be laying beneath the Earth's surface.