ORIGIN: Eastern Europe and parts of Bulgaria.
This Urban legend centers around a phone number: 0888 888 888, which is rumored to bring death to anyone who owns it.
The legend gained popularity in the early 2000s after a series of strange deaths were linked to this number.
According to the story, the first known victim was the CEO of a major Bulgarian mobile phone company.
He reportedly died under mysterious circumstances in 2001.
Then the next person to hold the phone number was a mob boss, who was gunned down shortly after.
The third and final victim was a businessman who also met a violent end.
After these deaths, the number was suspended by the phone company, and it is said that anyone who dials it now will only hear total silence or strange, whispering voices.
Some versions of the legend say the number is cursed by a vengeful spirit, while others believe it is tied to criminal activity.