Shadows in the Rain

Nita's POV

"Stay away from me Junior," I shouted as I tried to step around him and his gang. I had tried to tolerate his juvenile pranks but now they were getting too much. He had had it in for me since the day I arrived at school. It started small, like whistling whenever I passed by or pulling at my hair. I never reported any of it, maybe that was my mistake.

"I did you a favor, Benny. The short skirt makes you look sexy," he looked at me with mockery dripping from his words. He had ruined two uniforms in one term already, this was the third one, what more did he want from me. I adjusted the glasses on my face and held on to my skirt so the wind wouldn't blow it off and reveal my ass.

I had sat in the glue he and his fellow delinquents put in my chair and had to carefully rip the skirt to detach myself. I was headed to the administration office to request a new uniform and he still wouldn't let me be.

"What did I ever do to you, Junior… to all of you?" I looked from him to the others. I knew them all, they were seniors, four years ahead of me and they were still behaving like children.

"Come on Junior, let her be before we get in trouble," one of his friends whose name tag on his uniform jacket said 'Sam' advised.

"Hey, we were just fooling around, Benny."

"Just let me be. Thank God tomorrow is your last day, maybe I will finally get some peace," I shoved past him and headed off.

"I will miss you too!" I heard him shout behind me. I had too many things to do to give a shit. First, I needed new uniforms or I would have nothing to wear to class tomorrow. My parents were going to be pissed. Next, I needed to get to my dorm room and change into informal clothes, do my dorm duties, and hurry to the library to study for the final exams of the year.

At the admin office, I explained to the inventory staff that my skirt had caught on a nail and ripped. She checked my file and school account balance. While I was waiting, I heard the principal ask for Junior Richard to be brought in. I guessed he was a regular in the principal's office. Why he hadn't been suspended or expelled will always be a mystery to me.

The inventory officer handed me a new set of uniforms and I hurried out of the office so I wouldn't run into Junior again. I had no such luck cause I heard him call out 'Snitch!' as we passed each other in the hallway. I sighed, I just needed to hold on for one more day to go home on vacation, and beginning next term, I would never have to see him again.

I hurried with my dorm duties but Icouldn't make it to the library until late in the evening. My roommates were in the lounge area, I was the only bookworm in their midst. I had only two exams left and I intended to do well in them.

The pattern of rain on the roof caught my attention and when I raised my head from the books I buried it in, I realized it was pitch black out. I packed my books into my bag hurriedly, and ran in the rain across the courtyard, into one of the classroom buildings close to the hostel. My uniform was already soaked and I needed to protect the books in my bag.

As I walked close to the walls under the shelter of the roof, I made my way towards the dorm when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and grab me into a dark classroom. I mumbled and kicked, my bag and glasses falling to the ground. I must have kicked the figure hard because I heard him mumble "shit!" before pulling me roughly toward him again.

I couldn't see his face, it had a cloth covering the lower half and the hoodie of our uniform was covering his head. I thought someone was trying to pull a prank on me or maybe Junior and his minions were trying to get back at me for reporting to the principal. But I didn't.

"What do you think you're doing?" I tried to kick again but this time he turned me to face the wall, my head hitting the concrete. He pinned me down with his body, one hand over my mouth to keep me from shouting. The thundering rain drowned out my muffled cries. He roughly took his other hand to my breasts, squeezing them hard and slapping them one after the other. I realized what was happening and panic set in.

"No, please, no," I cried but it was only muffled against his palm. God, please help me! Somebody, please help me! His hand left my breast and roughly went down my skirt, up my thighs, and through my underwear. I was crying hard now, begging the heavens to send help. He had his fingers in me, twisting, turning, and flicking, his breathing became ragged.

He turned me once more and for a moment his palm left my mouth, I seized the opportunity to scream "Help!!!" but the sting of his palm on my face caught the word halfway. Lightening flashed and I saw his name tag. I couldn't believe it,

"Junior?..." I whispered. The fight left me when he tore my shirt, threw me to the ground, he pressed his erection against me like he was trying to speed things up and enjoy himself all at the same time. He began squeezing my tiny nipples and grunting louder. I cried as every touch felt like torture. I lay there on the bare ground, my soul retreating to the back of my mind. He groaned louder and louder as he pressed his erection on my crotch, his clothes the only barrier between us. Finally, it got quiet, his body left mine and I was left on the bare floor, half-naked with the sounds of rain, thunder, and lightning to keep me company.