17. Occult club.

Chapter 17

Arriving at the gates of the school I needed, I saw a basically standard educational institution with a sports ground and the like. At this time of the morning, the entrance was quite crowded, since students were heading to school. I didn't bother to look for the main character of this world in the crowd, since the main thing would still be decided in the evening, and I still had to live until that moment.

It took me about an hour to fill out all the necessary documents, at least I didn't keep track of the time, what I personally was immensely happy about was that I had already passed all the necessary exams here and having filled out the documents now at the very end of the school year when there were no more classes, I could say that as an external student right after the holidays I should have been able to skip straight to the second year and, judging by everything, Itadori Yuji and I are classmates. Since I had such a convenient opportunity, although after today I will most likely never come to this school again. I signed up for the occult club so I could follow the events closely.

While I was walking to school, I thought carefully about what to do tonight and realized that I couldn't just watch from the sidelines as Itadori Yuji signed his own death warrant by becoming Sukuna's vessel. If I, knowing the danger that ordinary schoolchildren would be exposed to, stayed and watched from the sidelines so as not to interfere with canon, then I would be disgusted with myself, how would I be better than that same dambigada who hides behind the common good.

So, having learned the direction I needed, I headed to the classroom where the occult club resides.

- Kokkuri-san! Kokkuri-san! Please tell me which animal the student council president will lose to! - That's what I heard when I was already close to my destination, though a black-haired guy with glasses literally flew past me to the door, who immediately burst into the classroom with an angry shout, slamming the door loudly.

- Occult club!

- Oh, hello, President Plankton! - Itadori greeted cheerfully, causing his friends to laugh.

- I'll kill you. - The student council president said with clenched teeth. However, after a moment, he managed to pull himself together and spoke.

- "A club that does not submit a report on its activities cannot have its own room." That's what I had to convey. From this day on, this room will be assigned to the Women's Athletics Club, so leave this place quickly!

- Hey, I'll get into trouble if you continue to talk so disrespectfully to my senpais. - Itadori said while a girl named Sasaki put a stack of folders on the table.

- What does that mean? - The president asked in confusion, uneasy from the creepy look the three teenagers were giving him.

- There's a new story. That's circulating in this school. - Iguchi, the third member of the occult club, began to speak, and then Sasaki took the floor.

- You know that the school rugby field was closed, right?

- Yes. Many of those who used this field complained of deteriorating health and were hospitalized. - Itadori supported the story.

- Exactly! Doesn't it seem strange? And yet among them were real athletes, strong guys!

- In fact, before they became unwell, they all heard strange sounds and voices.

- Here, we found an article in a newspaper from 30 years ago. - Opening one of the folders, Sasaki pointed to a newspaper clipping.

- This is an article about Yoshida-san who disappeared! He was last seen here, in the place where our school was built!

- Besides, Yoshida-san had a lot of debts. So he had enough ill-wishers. And that means! - Sasaki became more and more heated with each sentence, and to be honest, I was surprised by her talent for telling such stories, she chose the intonation so well that it seemed to have touched our four-eyes.

- Yoshida-san's body was buried in the rugby field! And all the problems were created by his spirit! - Sasaki finished pompously, accompanied by Itadori and Iguchi.

- What?! - the president asked in shock. And then, suddenly becoming normal, he answered.

- No... Actually, they were pincers. - These words plunged the room into silence for a few seconds.

- You see, this is why we need an occult club! The Occult Research Club is trying to explain everything, so this is a great report! - Itadori spoke furiously as if he hadn't heard the president's previous words while his colleagues lost heart.

- This is not a child's play! You're just talking nonsense once again! And the main problem here is you, Itadori Yuji! - the president pointed to the target of his displeasure. - You're not even a member of the occult club! You're in the athletics club!

- Huh? - Itadori was surprised.

- So your club doesn't even have the minimum three people! - the president continued.

- I-TA-DO-RI! - Sasaki and Iguchi said in sync.

- No, stop! I'm absolutely sure that I chose the occult club! - Yuji panicked.

- Ahem, ahem! - I decided to interrupt such a funny scene, drawing attention to myself.

- Sorry to interrupt, but you're a little wrong, student council president. There are three people in the occult club, since I literally just filled out the registration form.

- Hahaha. You see, there's no reason to close the occult club anymore. - Taking advantage of the chance, Yuji spoke up, laughing happily.

- And who are you? - the president spoke sullenly.

- Oh yeah, let me introduce myself. My name is Fischl von Luftschloss-Narfidort, you can just call me Fischl. I transferred to your school today for my first year. Take care of me. - After introducing myself, I bowed traditionally.

- You see, plankton president, we have enough people, so go to the exit. - Sasaki immediately began to happily push the guy out the door, turning to me along the way. - I'm Setsuko Sasaki, a second year.

- I'm Takeshi Iguchi, also a second year.

- And I'm Itadori Yuji, a first year like you.

- Stop! The fact that you have three people in the club hasn't been confirmed yet, and the order to vacate the premises has already been issued! - the president began to yell again, breaking free from the girl's grip.

- Yes, what are you talking about! I remember exactly what you indicated: occult club. - Itadori was indignant.

- I changed your form. - a man who was clearly over 40 appeared at the door. - Itadori, we need you for nationals.

- And here's the teacher who causes more problems than the students. - the student council president sighed heavily, not knowing whose side to choose.

- How persistent you are! I've already refused you a bunch of times! - the local protagonist was indignant.

- This won't do! - said the athletics club curator.

- It won't do? - Yuji asked again

- But I'm not a demon! - the man continued. - Let's have a match! An athletic match!

- Wow. - Itadori immediately perked up.

- If I lose, I'll leave you alone. BUT! If I win...

- Not another word! I agree!

"What cheerful people there are in this world." - I thought, looking at what was happening with a smile on my face. And yet, I can't let such a cheerful guy as Yuji become Sukuna's vessel.