18. Strong Itadori Yuji

Chapter 18

- Everyone here!

- Hurry!

There were enticing cries on the sports field.

- Takagi-sensei from the track club and Itadori from the junior high are having a match!

- What kind of match?

- Shot put!

A crowd of students had gathered to watch the show. The track club supervisor was at the designated starting position, and after taking the right position, he threw the shot.

- 14 meters! - the person in charge of checking the result shouted.

- Amazing! Takagi-sensei is still in shape! What are you going to do, Itadori? - one of the spectators asked.

- Hey, Itadori, what's up, celebrity? - Sasaki asked Iguchi, drawing my attention. Although I roughly remember what was happening, it's much more interesting in real life.

- Of course, it's all lies, but they say that he passed the ninja warrior. And also that he is the reincarnation of Mirko Filipovic.

- But this Mirko... is still alive. - Sasaki answered, amazed by the gossip.

- Iguchi-san, what kind of game is "Ninja Warrior"? - I asked curiously.

- You don't know Ninja Warrior?! - Sasaki and Iguchi exclaimed in unison.

- Well, no? - I answered, embarrassed.

- Ninja Warrior is a legendary super-hardcore game in the stealth slasher genre. They say that in all of Japan, literally a few were able to complete this game and there was no evidence of this. - Iguchi enthusiastically enlightened me.

- I see. - I simply answered, turning my attention back to the competition.

- And that's all the reaction? - Iguchi was about to express indignation at my indifference, but Sasaki interrupted him.

- Shhh. Now it's Itadori's turn.

- How did you throw it? I don't quite understand. Can I throw it any way I want? - Itadori asked, holding the shot with his right hand.

- What? Well, considering the circumstances, I don't mind. - the man answered, while he was thinking with his eyes closed - "Sorry Itadori, but I've already competed with athletes at short distances, but this will show you how serious I am."

Meanwhile, Itadori grabbed the shot like a pitcher in baseball and threw it forward. As a result of his throw, the shot flew a whole 30 meters and stopped only because it crashed into the frame of the football goal, getting stuck in it with a deep dent.

- Cool! - Itadori exclaimed triumphantly, while those around him looked at the result in shock. - I won!

- You know, if I'm not mistaken, the official world record at the moment is 23 meters. – I broke the surrounding silence.

- Whaaaat?! – the students around me were even more surprised, and the athletics club supervisor seemed to have lost consciousness from shock, remaining standing there with his eyes bulging.

- Well, sensei, it's time for me to go to work. That was a great throw. – Itadori slapped the unresponsive man on the shoulder and headed towards us.

- Itadori, you shouldn't have tried so hard just to stay in the occult club. – Iguchi said.

- Eh? – Itadori was surprised.

- Wouldn't it be better if you showed your talents in the athletics club? – Sasaki said, a little upset. They clearly thought that they were holding back their friend's talent.

- In fact, Itadori most likely wouldn't have been able to participate in the nationals. I think that he is far from the first superhuman and there should be some kind of inspection committee. For example, although I will be weaker in something power-based like shot put, etc. But the hundred-meter dash if I give it my all within a second.

- Superhuman? - Sasaki stared at me, and then looked at my left eye hidden by the bandage and made a face as if she understood something.

- No, I don't have the eighth-grader syndrome. - I answered with a frown, realizing what she was thinking and before she asked about the eye, I added. - My eye is just too sensitive, and to avoid a headache I have to close it.

- What are you... - Sasaki started to say again, but I interrupted her.

- I can't read minds, it was just easy to guess what you were thinking.

- Ha-ha. - the girl laughed awkwardly.

- Fischl, can you show me what your eye looks like? - Itadori asked enthusiastically.

- Uh, I don't think so...

- Please! - the three asked with amazing synchronicity.

- Okay, okay. - I gave in under such pressure and took off the blindfold, preparing for another stream of information.

Meanwhile, at a short distance from us stood a relatively tall, slender young man with light skin and dark blue eyes. He has uniquely styled black hair with long spikes that stick out in all directions around his head, resembling a sea urchin. This is Megumi Fushiguro, a mage sent to find a cursed item of a special level that disappeared from the place where it was supposed to be sealed nearby.

- This guy is amazing, without using cursed energy, such power. I wonder if he is like Zenin-senpai? - said, looking towards Itadori, who was now talking to three unknown schoolchildren.

Suddenly, when he was about to go on searching, the blonde from that group began to take off her blindfold, he didn't know why, but it aroused his curiosity and he continued to look further. After the girl took off the blindfold, it was clear that she was surprised by something, looking at the guy who interested Megumi, and a moment later she suddenly looked straight at him. Her eye, if Fushigure didn't know that six eyes are a different color, he would have thought that somehow another carrier of this technique appeared, even if only in one eye. It was an awfully familiar feeling from this look, as if you were being seen through. For a few seconds, the girl looked straight at him, causing a feeling of danger, and then showing a beautiful smile, she turned back to the interlocutors.

"Should I report her to Master Gojo?" - Megumi thought.

"No, first we need to find Sukuna's finger." - shaking his head, the magician pulled himself up and began to leave.

- Wow! Your eye looks simply magical! - the students exclaimed, causing me to smile, however, when I turned my attention to Itadori, I was quite surprised.

I remember that Itadori Yuji was not supposed to have cursed energy before becoming Sukuna's vessel, but here he is standing in front of me, and I clearly see particles of cursed energy that constantly strengthen him according to a more advanced scheme than I was taught, although no, they did not strengthen, but set the direction for the development of the body, that is, where I need to use energy to make muscles stronger, his body initially strengthens these places itself. Fortunately, my brain now works quickly, and I was able to quickly cope with the surprise and turned towards the well-perceived large source of cursed energy.

"So this is what Fuishiguro Megumi is like." - looking at my future classmate, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought that in order to see the details of his technique, he would have to use it first, but he is literally constantly connected to some dark space under his feet.

"I wonder how difficult it will be to repeat his technique?" - smiling affably at the guy, I again turned my attention to my interlocutors, who, as it turned out, began to look in Megumi's direction after me.

Why did I even think that I could repeat his cursed technique? Well, today, I somehow decided to ask the system about cursed techniques, especially Gojo Satoru's infinity, and as it turned out, due to the fact that the environment literally originates from one of my past incarnations, there is no limit for me to study other people's techniques. And remembering that Sukuna killed Satoru Gojo precisely by capturing Megumi's body and techniques...

Well, I think my plans are obvious.

"You liked this guy, and Fischl?" Sasaki said conspiratorially, hugging my shoulders.

"No. - I answered categorically and, putting the bandage back in place, added. - I just know a little about him.

- Well, I'm not interested. - the girl let me go, pouting.

- Damn! It's already 4:30 PM! - Itadori suddenly exclaimed and ran away.

- Where is he going? - I was surprised, just for show.

- His grandfather is in the hospital in a serious condition. - Iguchi answered.

- By the way. Since you're a member of the Occult Club now, you simply can't miss today's meeting. - Sasaki told me.

- What, are you planning on doing?

- Itadori managed to get one funny little thing that looks just like some sealed object from a manga. - Sasaki answered excitedly. - So, are you coming?

- Why not.