19. Battle with curses.

Chapter 19

Evening of the same day, the occult club room.

It had long since gotten dark outside, and now the three of us were sitting at a table on which lay an object tightly wrapped in a strip of cloth with incomprehensible symbols on it. We did not turn on the overhead light, but instead used a lit candle as a source of light.

"Before you begin, I must warn you," I began, although it was obvious that I was saying this to ease my conscience and, in all fairness, I would take this finger away from them and wait for Megumi.

"About what?" Sasaki asked.

"This time you stumbled upon a real cursed object, and my conscience is literally screaming at me to take this thing away from you and give it to the right people, and I don't understand why I haven't done it yet." With every word that came out of my mouth, I realized that something was indeed wrong. I was just thinking about not letting Itadori become Sukuna's vessel, so why the hell didn't I try to stop them from removing the seal!

- Hahaha! Fischl-chan, are you really scared? Curses don't really exist! - Iguchi said, laughing along with Sasaki, who had already picked up the sealed finger.

- Stop! - I shouted, taking the item from the girl's hands with incredible speed.

- Wow! Now I believe in your words about speed. - Sasaki exclaimed in admiration, seeing how quickly I, having taken the item, found myself near the wall.

- Phew. - Exhaling to calm down a little, I removed the bandage using my inventory.

However, as soon as the information entered my brain, I realized that I had started to calm down too early. The seal on the finger, a dummy!

I saw huge accumulations of curses all over the school and I am absolutely sure that in the canon there were not so many. No, six eyes do not allow me to see through walls, but they do allow me to see and feel cursed energy in a fairly large area.

- Fischl? Are you okay? - the upperclassmen became worried, seeing how I froze after the eye patch suddenly disappeared.

- Sasaki, Iguchi. Listen to me carefully. We are now in serious danger, do not leave me under any circumstances, and I will try to protect you. - Becoming as serious as possible, I summoned my two-handed sword and strengthened myself with cursed energy, trying to transfer part of it to the sword, which, fortunately, happened successfully.

- F-Fischl, what's going on? - Sasaki began to panic, and Iguchi, seriously taking my words from such a manifestation of the paranormal, began to move closer to the girl to protect her from an unknown danger.

- Move closer to the door, they will come from above. – I said, looking at the ceiling right above the table.

Luckily, they listened to me, because a few seconds later, a grotesque creature similar to a toad, walking on its hind legs and having long black hair, appeared in that place, breaking through the ceiling.

- Kyayaaaaaaa! – Sasaki squealed.

Without waiting for what the curse would do and, even worse, additional enemies, I dashed forward, making a vertical blow from top to bottom.


The force of the blow made a hole in the floor one floor below, where two halves of the monster, cut lengthwise, flew.

- What the hell! – Iguchi couldn't help but say.

Ignoring his cry, I rushed to the door and ran out into the corridor, shouting.

- Follow me! Now!

Without arguing, both seniors ran after me. I ran ahead, killing every curse in my path. My goal was to get to the stairs to try to get the students out. I could try to jump through the window with them, but I don't have the skills yet to protect them from falling.

I don't know how long it lasted, we all ran and ran in one direction, and for me everything merged into one stream, I chopped, dodged the monsters jumping out of the walls and chopped again. Sasaki and Iguchi were already starting to run out of breath, and we were still running.

- Stop. - I suddenly stopped.

- Ha-ha, what happened? - Sasaki asked, breathing heavily.

- We're stuck. - I frowned.

- What do you mean stuck?! - the girl screamed in panic.

- We should have run through the corridor a long time ago, but we're still here. Let me think for a while. - I said, replacing the sword with a bow and shooting curses that periodically ran out to us.

"I don't understand why such a wild thing happened at the very beginning of my journey in this world, but what's happening reminds me of one moment from an anime. There was a series with a cursed house, in which there was the same loop, there it was necessary to simultaneously run in different directions to escape."

- Just that. - I looked gloomily at my companions, who simply would not survive if we tried to separate like that.

"Stop! Oz! How could I forget about him?!" - I was struck as if by lightning. Since my arrival in this world, despite my seemingly pumped-up brain, I have never once remembered my most faithful companion. However, now is not the time to deal with this.

I used the Electro element and a moment later I felt something separate from me and Oz appeared next to me in a purple flash of lightning.

- Oz, you know what to do, right?

- Yes, my lady.

- Sasaki, Iguchi. Are you ready to run further?

- Yes! - I heard a friendly answer, oddly enough, from the slightly calmed down teenagers.

- In that case, I warn you right away, this time run as fast as you can, understood?

- But won't we quickly run out of breath then? - asked Iguchi.

- Yes, but this is our only way to get out of here, or hope that someone from outside will save us. Ready? - I explained briefly and, stopping him from continuing to ask, asked about his readiness.

- Ready! - I received a decisive answer.

- Oz, Let's go! - I shouted and again replacing the bow with a sword rushed forward at a speed only slightly exceeding my fellow travelers, Oz took full advantage of his Electro nature and leaving only a purple trail flew in the opposite direction from us.

Luckily, we did not have to run for long and after a minute the space around us was covered with old cracks, until like broken glass it crumbled into fragments releasing us in an untouched room of the Occult Club.

- Are we saved? - Sasaki asked with a relieved smile, getting ready to open the door to look out into the corridor

- Back! - I exclaimed, seeing that a huge accumulation of cursed energy appeared right behind the door. Unfortunately, I was a little late.

I honestly do not know how Sasaki at that moment got away with only a broken arm, because the door and the wall that the curse hit were literally torn apart.

Seeing how the ordinary schoolgirl I promised myself to protect literally flies into Iguchi's chest, knocking him to the ground, I was overcome with anger.

"Oz, fusion!" I literally roared, allowing the rest of my reserve to turn into Electro.

I rushed forward. As I ran, running turned into flying, and a second later a thunderous bird cry was heard, which was so similar to the one I saw in my dream.


The sky above the school was filled with unnatural thunderclouds, sparkling with purple flashes of lightning, and the next moment, dozens of lightning struck Sugisawa High School.

Seeing how only ashes remained from the curse that angered me, I calmed down and, separating from Oz, barely moving my legs, reached the nearest wall and leaning my back against it, sat down on the floor.

"Oz, how are they?" – I asked tiredly.

- Judging from the external examination, they are simply unconscious, milady.

- Okay. – I smiled with relief.

- Oz, pass it to Megumi and Itadori. – I took out the cursed item hidden in my inventory and handed it to Oz.

- Yes, milady.

As soon as the raven flew away, I finally relaxed and allowed myself to fall asleep.

Megumi Fushiguro and Itadori Yuji looked in shock at the corridor, which literally just now was full of curses, and now after a purple flash, only the floor, strewn with the ashes of monsters and a ceiling full of through holes, remained in front of them.

- What was that? – Itadori asked in shock.

- I don't know. – Despite the fact that Itadori Yuji learned about the existence of the supernatural only today, Fushiguro was the most shocked of the duo. In such a strong mass attack, he did not feel even a gram of the cursed energy, as if what happened was a natural phenomenon, but what his eyes saw literally screamed that it was not so.

Itadori, driven by the desire to save his friends, did not wait for the magician to come to his senses and rushed forward.

- Stop, Itadori! - Megumi suddenly came to his senses, feeling the energy of the cursed object quickly approaching around the corner.

- What? - Yuji asked stupidly, suddenly stopping, watching as the panicking magician rushed straight to him.

- Here you are, Itadori Yuji and Megumi Fuishiguro. - Itadori heard a male voice behind him.

Sharply jumping back and turning around, the schoolboy saw the speaker. It was a strange raven, covered in small flashes of purple lightning, and the color scheme combined purple, black, white and gold.

- Don't be afraid. I am Ozvaldo, Lady Fischl's familiar. After a tiring battle against curses. She is resting in the club room with your friends.

"The item is in your claws. Hand it over." Megumi said tensely.

"Of course, that was my lady's order." Oz began to fly towards the magician.

When Oz had already covered half the distance, a huge curse suddenly flew at him, breaking through the wall, dispelling the raven in a purple flash with one bite.