Chapter 50
It took us literally a couple of minutes to cover a fairly decent distance to the area near the Temple of a Thousand Winds, where an active guardian of the ruins stood in the middle of a destroyed semblance of a colliseum.
- AAAAA... Ugh! - Cyrus suddenly screamed, Oz letting him go about a meter above the ground, and then the raven himself landed nearby and, unlike the man, specially bent down and put out his wing so that Genie could calmly descend.
"I hope the flight was pleasant, Lady Djinn," the raven addressed the girl.
"Everything was great, thank you Oz," the girl thanked with a smile.
"Looks like we've arrived," I said, landing next to Genie. It was fun to travel with the help of infinity, but I still liked flying on my own wings when I was united with Oz.
"I wouldn't mind a softer landing," Cyrus grumbled, rubbing his lower back, getting our attention.
- Cyrus, how are you? Maybe I should treat you? - Jeanne asked worriedly.
- Oh, don't worry. As the head of the adventurers' guild, I'm pretty tough, you can't get me down with that, hahaha. - The man laughed, showing off his huge biceps, and I bet I heard Oz snort, albeit quietly.
- In that case, I think the head of the adventure guild won't mind if he's dropped higher next time, I'm sure you'll make a good paratrooper.
- A... er, I think I'll prefer a more classic way of returning. - The slightly pale man lost his mood.
- Oz. - Genie looked at the raven with a slight reproach, to which he looked in the other direction, pretending that he had not said anything.
This behavior of my companion made me laugh lightly, I never expected this from the eternally serious Oz.
- Ahem. - Cyrus coughed, drawing attention to himself. - Since we're already there, all you have to do, Fischl, is destroy that ruin guardian. That'll be enough to get Rank A.
- Okay. - I nodded, and then approached Oz and asked. - Well, shall we show something spectacular? Or should I do it quickly?
- My lady, today I'm in the right mood for a great thunderstorm.
"Very well, then let's show some of the power of the princess of condemnation." I said with a satisfied smile, and then Oz dissipated, merging with me. The sky immediately filled with thunderclouds, and wings appeared on my back.
Taking the bow out of my inventory and pulling the bowstring with the created arrow on the go, I, like last time, connected it with my elemental explosion, although unlike that time, during the time it took me to prepare the shot, I only managed to throw a couple of my reserves in there, but I'm sure that even so, it will be spectacular.
"I advise you to close your eyes," I warned the audience before releasing the bowstring.
- Know the wrath of the princess! - I finally gave a little free rein to my inner chuunibyou. The released arrow almost instantly covered the three hundred meter distance and stuck right into the glowing mechanical eye of the machine of the fallen civilization, and then hundreds of lightning bolts simultaneously fell upon the poor machine, which was literally evaporated, although due to a significantly smaller charge than last time, only a small melted crater with a radius of about 2-3 meters remained at the target site.
- Fischl... - Cyrus began, clearly shocked. - You are not, by any chance, the illegitimate daughter of the electro-Archon.
- Do you want to know who I am? Well, listen, mortal, I am Fischl, the Princess of Condemnation, the mistress of the Nirvana of the Night... - maintaining a majestic appearance, I showed my princess outfit, and in the sky, as if greeting me, new thunderclouds gathered, blocking the light of the sun.
- Wow - Jeanne looked at me in amazement, covering her mouth with her hand. After all, although my dress and crown were not incredible masterpieces in appearance, they nevertheless emanated an aura of royal grandeur and immense power, and Cyrus looked at me with his mouth open and in awe.
- I am the one who is to judge the worlds and punish sinners! - I said, getting into a rage, lightning struck against the background of my words, and the outlines of an entire army seemed to appear behind my back.
"But…" I began loudly, while putting my everyday clothes back on and breaking the fusion with Oz, and allowing the clouds to disperse, I continued calmly. "I'm also Amy, who was born in Mondstadt."
- Besides, Electro-archon is unlikely to be able to have children after replacing her body with an artificial one. - I finished in a joking tone.
-... what? - such a sharp transition from the image of a majestic goddess descended from heaven to the image of an ordinary girl, with the addition of incomprehensible information about the Electro-Archon, was too discouraging, even for Djinn, who, although not personally, but still heard about how I used to play the role of this very Princess of Condemnation.
- Hee hee, Ha-ha-ha-ha, you should have seen your faces! That's hilarious! - I giggled, but couldn't help but laugh out loud at how funny the faces of Genie and Cyrus looked.
- Fischl, such an anomaly was probably visible even from the city and quite possibly even heard. - Jeanne said with a heavy sigh, putting her palm to her forehead as if she had a headache. And the head of the guild was still in a stupor.
- We were going to at least hide your power a little, so as not to attract Fatui's attention.
- Don't worry, Genie, if I get really pressed, then in the worst case I'll take a walk through other worlds and quickly build up enough strength to cope with any problem.
"As you say," the girl decided not to argue.
- Wait... Princess of Condemnation Fischl. Just like in the book "Flowers for Princess Fischl"?! - Cyrus exclaimed, frankly surprising that he seemed to have read this rather rare book, which was released in an extremely limited edition.
- To be honest, I'm surprised that you read it, but yes, you're right, it describes the fate of my predecessor. - I answered the man.
- Amy! - Jeanne exclaimed indignantly, clearly unhappy with the fact that I was so easily revealing such information.
- Don't worry, Genie, it was before, when I first revealed myself to you, that I was weak and it was worth hiding, but now, I can become a means of intimidation, so that the same Fatui don't get too brazen. Perhaps, I haven't shown it to you yet, but I have mastered infinity, I have infinite energy, and in addition, while the attack is not capable of harming the space itself, it won't reach me because of that very barrier of infinity.
- Show me, - demanded the Genie. - If what you said is true, then I will not object to publicity.
"Okay," I said and took the Archaic prototype out of my inventory and handed the handle to Djinn, calmly holding onto the blade.
"Why do I need it?" the girl asked, taking the sword.
- Isn't it obvious? Hit me.
- Do you even understand what you're asking for?! - Jeanne got angry.
- Then you can hit me with your fist first if you don't believe me, - I said, rolling my eyes.
- Excellent! - this incredibly beautiful girl got so angry that she even, without noticing it, when she tried to punch me in the top of the head, strengthened the attack with an anemo element, but it didn't affect me at all, unlike the ground around me, which was pressed down by about a centimeter under the impact of the compressed air.
- See? I'm fine. - I turned to the girl who was scared by her own actions. To be honest, before it seemed to me that it was almost impossible to anger her to such an extent, but it seems that she is really worried about me.
- Amazing! With such an adventurer, our department will instantly become the most famous in Taivat. Hahaha! And the rank?! No, an adventurer with such strength cannot be given a rank lower than S! - Cyrus immediately burst into laughter and joy. - Ladies, today I will throw a welcome banquet at my own expense in a good hunter to celebrate such a strong personality becoming an adventurer of Mondstadt.
- I see you'll have a lot of things to do, Mr. Cyrus, need a ride? - Oz appeared, flashing his claws.
- N-no. I'm sure I'll be able to do everything on my own. - the man answered hastily, turning slightly pale, and hurried away.
- Hah, I hope you know what you're doing, - sighed Jean.
- Don't worry, I'll be fine. And thank you for worrying about me, jean.