Chapter 51
Just when I was thinking about the discussion about how I planned to reveal myself as a strong fighting unit loyal to Mondstadt and was about to ask Oz to give me and Jean a ride, he said something that made me feel cold inside.
- My lady, I think you have made your decision too hastily. Don't forget that your parents are currently in Liyue and they are not the owners of the God's Eye.
- Oz... Do you think the Order of the Abyss and Fatui can take them hostage? - I asked, realizing what Oz meant.
- Wait, Amy, how come your parents are in Liyue and you're here? You're 14 years old, aren't you? - Jean asked worriedly.
- Well, my parents travel a lot and recently they had to go to Liyue to help someone. - I answered uncertainly.
- How often do they travel? - the girl asked suspiciously.
- Almost constantly? As long as I can remember, they periodically went on various trips bringing various rare books.
- And you were left alone?! - Jeanne was indignant.
- No, no, they paid a girl from a good hunter to look after me, and Aunt Margaret taught me to cook beautifully.
"That's not much better," Jeanne sighed.
- Jean, I understand that from the outside they don't seem like very good parents, but I love them very much. And as you can see, I'm quite healthy and I can do a lot. - I reassured the girl.
- Okay, it's none of my business. However, if your parents are abroad, it will be more difficult to protect them, especially if they are unaware of the danger. - Jean thought.
- I guess I'd better catch up with Cyrus and ask him to reduce my strength, I still doubt that the Fatui would be interested in an ordinary S-rank adventurer, especially if she has the eye of God, although I'll probably have to ask to reduce my rank to A, and then I'll go look for my parents. - I voiced a plan I had thought up on the fly.
- Wait, Amy. Don't rush. Although the Fatui might have stooped to hostages, with the Order of the Abyss, things are a little different. First, tell me, do you have any idea why the Order of the Abyss attacked you?
"I'm not sure, but I have one, albeit a little crazy, but at the same time the most logical assumption," I began uncertainly.
- And? - the girl looked at me questioningly.
- Well, I'm a little unsure how to explain it correctly. - Although I trust Jeanne completely, I don't want to tell her about the system.
"Allow me, my lady," Oz intervened.
- I'm counting on you, Oz.
- So. As you know, Lady Djinn, thanks to the Princess of Condemnation, this world, like many others, goes through cycles of beginning and end. That is, each successful reincarnation of the Princess of Condemnation first travels, gains strength, and then, when the fateful moment comes, devours the entire universe and sacrifices itself to give birth to a new one. It is quite natural that during the countless cycles, the predecessors also took care of their future incarnations, to simplify the gain of strength, and so at the moment when Her Highness awakened, she also received part of the power of the one who in two years would become a famous traveler from another world and according to our theory with the princess, the Prince of the Abyss can feel his sister. As a result, the Prince of the Abyss, deprived of his sister for a long time, decided to come and see her from afar, but disappointment awaited him. In confirmation of such a theory, one can also accept the fact that the readers of the Abyss called Her Highness an impostor.
- Let's say I understood about the moment with the princess of condemnation and the prince of the abyss, but how was Lumine's power obtained, that is, was part of her power taken away or what? - asked the girl, listening attentively.
- No. Since the universe itself is a derivative of the princess of condemnation, this universe seeks to help in the restoration of strength. And the energy of the universe is essentially infinite, therefore, for example, from our world, a power was granted based on the template of one of the strongest personalities in history. After all, even if it seems that the twins are travelers from another world and their connection with ours is minimal, in fact, their fate is extremely closely intertwined with Taivat.
- I admit honestly, it's quite difficult to wrap your head around what would usually be called nonsense, but I understand what you mean. It seems to me that at the moment, I doubt that the order of the abyss will hunt for your parents, Amy, and as for Fatui, the main thing is that you do not shine with a power greater than that available to ordinary owners of the eye of God, and then they will not pay attention to you.
- But even so...
- Don't worry about your parents, I'll ask Kei to look after them, he's been asking for a vacation lately anyway, where he could travel a little. - Jeanne interrupted me, understanding what I wanted to say.
"Is this really possible?" I asked uncertainly.
- Yes, but you will need to trust Kei and the Master.
"So they'll have to tell everything?" I frowned.
- Not really, only the most important, besides, I can't hide such important information from Master Varka for long, and you yourself suggested trying to reproduce computers with the help of Albedo, without revealing yourself, it's impossible.
- Okay. - I agreed, although a couple of minutes ago I was ready to open up completely, but Oz's reminder about my parents was like a bucket of cold water on my head. - But will the master agree to send Kay, he is not a simple knight, but a cavalry captain.
- Don't worry, with the important information you've given us and you're clearly planning more, I'm sure there won't be any problems with that, and we're friends. You know, even though I don't usually use it, being the deputy of the Master of the Ordo Favonius has its advantages. - the girl smiled.
- Thank you. What would you prefer? Fast travel via teleportation or slower, but still fast travel via Oz? - I suggested ways to return to the city and something tells me that Oz will be happy if she chooses the second option.