52. Thoughts about the future.

Chapter 52


In the end, we decided to return to the city with Oz's help, and eventually caught up with Cyrus, we discussed all the important details based on the situation with my parents. After our conversation, Cyrus was disappointed. After all, it was decided to lower the rank that they would give me to B, and I would mainly be doing reconnaissance missions, and I would still be allowed to personally eliminate dangerous targets after reconnaissance, but on the condition that this would not go beyond the limits of what an archer with the Electro element could do. Also, although Cyrus was disappointed that he would not be able to add an S-rank adventurer to his guild department, he did not refuse his promise of a welcome party, and that evening, I spent the evening in the company of Djinn at a party consisting mainly of adventurers. I even met Benet. A funny guy, but very unlucky. To be honest, it seems to me that he is cursed, and not in the way that it happens in the world of magical battle with the help of cursed energy, but with the help of local magic, which Lisa seemed to be planning to teach me, but we never found the time to start training. I wonder if the eyes of death perception are able to see the death lines of spells cast on people?


The next day, Jeanne decided to return from her vacation a couple of days early, and then that same morning I was called to a conversation with Magister Varka, who, although obviously reluctantly, decided that we should try not to disrupt the sequence of upcoming events, with the only difference being that we would prepare to minimize casualties, so my words about helping in a difficult situation, although they were received with gratitude, were still asked to let the traveler prove herself, and that was where they finished initiating me into the plans for the future of the country of freedom, except that they said that for such useful information, Kea would be my parents' bodyguard and until they returned, she would periodically change, with a limited circle of trusted persons, among whom was even Rosaria, although she seemed to belong to the church faction, but here her connection with the Magister, who was like a father to her, most likely played a role.


After the meeting, I came home and, in the company of Oz and the system, thought about what to do.


After the world of Magic Battle, where I, to be honest, acted almost without looking back while constantly training at the limit, I thought that, having returned home, I would be able to rest for at least a week and return to training with renewed strength, but reality, as life shows, is cruel.


First, my parents, whom I missed a lot, but until Oz pointed it out, I thought they were completely safe, however... in my home world, I will clearly have to act with caution so as not to accidentally expose them to danger, which is why I won't even be able to train to the fullest, especially with my main weapon, the Bow. After all, at the average level, in order to at least slightly advance in the daily shooting routine, I need to do without energy what the same Tignari usually does with an explosion of elements, and this will quickly attract attention. I'm not even talking about training with energy. With physical training, everything is also difficult. Yes, I have the reverse technique and am even sure that I can quickly, so to speak, pump up, but there is one nuance. I don't want to turn into a mountain of muscles! And that means that I ideally need to look for magic that will allow me to pump up my muscles so that they basically just become denser.


Next comes the moment with Nirvana of the Night, I can't put off forever the moment when I need to visit it and start figuring out what vassals I have, what titles they have and who is responsible for what. Even though my brain is pumped up thanks to a special eye, but just thinking about all this makes my head hurt.


And finally, two equally important things. Which world should I go to next and how to solve the problem with small energy reserves. And what's funny is that they are small only in terms of such super-expensive techniques as the Infinity Technique, as well as the extremely gluttonous Creation Technique. Mai Zenin, for example, could only create one damn bullet with this technique and she ran out of energy. I can instantly create only one arrow, fortunately, thanks to the never-ending reserve, I can gradually create something big by pouring in energy for a long time. Recently, for the sake of interest, I created a katana for myself, similar to those I saw in college, except that, having spent a lot of time on it, I was able to achieve molecular sharpening, although I'm not sure how strong such a katana is. Oh, and also an important criterion for choosing a world, for the sake of the same Nirvana night, I designated a post apocalypse or zombie apocalypse, where I could engage in an occupation not worthy of a noble princess, namely looting. I plan to replenish the treasury with precious metals and no less precious stones of fallen states, as well as various equipment, thanks to which I could diversify the leisure of soldiers, who, according to Oz, have nothing to do except endless training, I also need to select various seeds of plants and other things thanks to which the new residents who will appear sooner or later will not die of hunger, and I am sure that, like heroic spirits, my immortal subjects would not mind eating normal food.


And yes, training, it all comes back to that, I need to get stronger, but there's no point in throwing myself at everything. I had to decide what types of weapons to focus my training on, as well as what magic skills.


I spent almost the whole night discussing with Oz and the system, going through various world options, based on what reward I would receive after that world. Fortunately, I managed to come to a decision and chose the right world. The only unpleasant thing is that this time the mission will require a lot of my time, which means I will have to try to persuade them to give me literature that will help me learn at least the basics of Taiwanese magic.


So, with thoughts about my future, I went to bed.