Chapter 64
- Wait! Although you are free to do whatever you want, but what about us? We can't allow our nurse, Marikawa-san, to neglect her duties and abandon the students to the mercy of her own will. - Shido smiled nastily, I had no doubts about what duties he wanted to force her to perform. To be honest, I was about to take out my katana from its sheath, if not to kill, then at least cripple this abomination, but Saeko's hand fell on my shoulder.
- Gojo-san, I understand you, but you shouldn't. - the girl whispered to me and knowing about her bloodthirsty side, I took a deep breath, calmed down and returned the katana to its sheath.
It's funny that no one paid attention to us, continuing the topic that had begun.
- ... I don't like Shido-sensei – I heard the end of the nurse's sentence.
"You're just going to leave us?" Shido exclaimed, watching as Takashi opened the door and our entire group walked out.
- We can punch you in the face, we'll do it, - Takashi made a generous offer. - And no one is stopping you from coming with us, look at Hirano, Marikawa-san and Hayashi-sensei, they don't know where to go and just decided to stick with us. Japan is a free country, so everyone can go wherever they want. If the others want to come with us, we won't chase them away or even oppress them, they want to stay with you, for the love of all the gods. And even if they just want to go their own way, we'll only wish them luck. By the way, whoever wants to leave, it's better to do it now, while we're here and can punch whoever needs it in the face.
After these words, three more people joined our group. These were the same schoolchildren we had saved on the way to the cafeteria. That's how we parted ways with Sido's group.
While the others were worried about where to go, I had another problem. I was tired. Previously, my left eye was almost always sealed with a bandage provided by the system, and now it is extremely unusual for me to keep it open for so long, which results in a rather severe headache. Although the damage heals immediately, this condition makes me quite irritable. I really was going to chop up Sido right then in a bus filled with teenagers. This is a rather bad tendency. If I didn't have to just cut up crowds of zombies to take out my irritation on them, everything would be fine, but now… I will still have to postpone adapting to the constant use of "six eyes" or, more correctly, the incomplete eye of justice.
They decided where to go pretty quickly, and I, lost in thought, simply followed, until eventually, with a heavy sigh, I reached inside my jacket to discreetly take my eye patch out of the system.
- Gojo-san, is everything okay? - the nurse who was walking next to me asked me worriedly and noticed that I had started to put on the bandage.
- Yes, I just have a very sensitive left eye and I'm a little tired, - I answered, sighing with relief when the huge amount of information I was receiving stopped pressing on my brain.
"It's a pretty rare condition, especially when it only happens to one eye," the woman said in surprise.
- Yes, I was mistaken for a chuunibyou a couple of times because of the eye patch, so on the first day of the new school, I decided to come without an eye patch, and then everything happened and I forgot to put it on.
- I was embarrassed to ask, but your eye color, are those lenses? - asked Miku Yuki, one of the girls we saved on the way to the cafeteria.
- As incredible as it may sound, but this is the natural color of the eyes. - I answered with a slight smile, noting that as soon as I closed my left eye, they began to fear me less. Although it is not surprising, even a fleeting glance of six eyes leaves the feeling that you are being seen through.
- Is this some kind of mutation?
- Probably. I used to have both green eyes, and then suddenly my left eye became very sensitive and changed color to gold, and recently my right eye became red.
"Does that really happen?" the girl asked incredulously.
- In fact, eye color can change on its own, but usually by the age of 12 the eye color is already stable, and to be honest, this is the first time I've heard of heterochromia appearing in the end, - Marikawa shared her knowledge.
- There is so much unknown in the world that it is impossible to know everything. Who knows, perhaps if what had not happened, then perhaps my case would soon have been recorded in history as extremely rare, but not impossible. - I said.
"Yes, perhaps you're right," the nurse nodded.
- Listen, - Miku Yuki whispered to us. - Don't you think that Busujima and Takagi are clinging to Takashi a little too much?
- You know, I had the same thoughts, but if they are both interested in him, then Saeko's strategy is definitely more effective. - I answered with a smile, watching as the politician's daughter once again began to argue with the guy, while Saeko simply tried to be closer to him, without crossing the line where it would be awkward.
- In Takagi, he says, it's just a competitive spirit. - the nurse disagreed with us. - She considered herself the smartest in the class, and here he quickly began to show in practice that she was most likely wrong and is now trying to actively prove that she is still the smartest.
- You know, Marikawa-san, your version seems more likely to me, it wasn't just that she called herself a genius. - I nodded in agreement.
- But I still think that she is a tsundere and just doesn't want to admit her feelings. - Yuki remained with her opinion.
So, not moving too fast, it turned out that our company was walking in small groups, talking among themselves, trying not to worry about the huge amount of blood on the road, with an obvious lack of bodies. Until Rey's scream sounded.
- Look! There's a police car.
In the direction the girl was pointing, a hood of a recognizable color was peeking out from around the corner of the building.
Coming closer, we were finally able to assess the condition of the car as a whole. Although the front part was intact, the back was crushed by the truck that crashed into it. There was one zombie in the car, apparently the unbuckled driver ran into the steering wheel with his throat and broke his neck. And judging by the fact that the zombie is not moving, the body is paralyzed.
- This is a really clear example of why you need to buckle up, - I said.
"I think I would have lived well without such visual examples," Takagi said sullenly to my words and probably wanted to add something else, but Hisashi's scream distracted her.
- Ray! What are you doing? - he shouted at the girl who went to the car. - Gasoline is leaking out of the car, it's dangerous, it could explode at any moment.
- Unlikely, - Takashi disagreed with the words of his "friend". - But caution won't hurt.
- We need to see if there's anything useful here. - She grabbed her spear more comfortably, turned around, and pointed the spear at Hisashi. - And you'll help me with that.
- You know, one of my friends, when her husband started complaining about her too much, liked to repeat: "Married? Be patient!" - Takashi addressed his "friend" in a confidential tone, realizing that by "you" Rei meant him and Hisashi.
- But I haven't... - what "not" he said there, Rei's very eloquent look didn't let him finish and the guy simply didn't dare finish the sentence. Then the girl's gaze fell on Takashi, but he said without batting an eyelid.
- After you touch this, you should at least rinse your hands, ideally treat them with antiseptic, and we don't have much water and rubbing alcohol, so be economical. - Although the girl didn't like that she couldn't get to work on her ex, she still went to rummage through the car with Hisashi.