65. Schism.

Chapter 65

The result of the search for the couple was a radio, a revolver, an aluminum alloy baton, a protective vest and a five-meter rope.


- Oh, Smith & Wesson model thirty-seven, lighter than the thirty-six. Since 2000 it has been adopted by the Japanese police instead of the Nambu. It is also widely used in America, among the police and private security structures. - Kota said enthusiastically.


- A five-shot thirty-eight caliber cartridge, suitable for both revolvers and self-loading pistols, as well as carbines. - Takashi decided to be smirking. - Hirano, do you know how to use it or have you only read thematic magazines?


- A couple of years ago, my father took me to America for the summer, where I lived with his friend, a veteran of the American-Vietnamese war. He had his own ranch, and we would go to a shooting range every day. - the guy smiled calmly. - So I managed to get acquainted with many types of firearms.


- Hmm, a basic training course or sniper training? - Takashi asked.


- No, just shooting. - Having accepted the weapon, Hirano began to look noticeably more confident. - But I am familiar firsthand with many, many types of weapons.


- It's a pity, some specific knowledge and skills wouldn't hurt us. Do you know how to take care of weapons?


- Do you really think that a battered soldier cleaned the guns after me, and didn't throw his own on me as well? - laughed Kota. - Are you interested in weapons, too?


- I'm not interested, but I can shoot. - Takashi shrugged. - As a craftsman, I perceive it simply as a tool for self-defense and attack, nothing more.


"Otaku, fucking otaku," Takagi said loudly, but everyone ignored her.


- Usually there are two of them on patrol, his partner might be nearby, - Takashi noted. - And it would be a good idea to find this policeman, if he is dead, then we can get an extra pistol and ammo from him, by the way, does any of you know how to shoot?


"I have a high level of proficiency with all types of firearms," I replied.


"How high?" the guy asked cautiously.


- Give me Twilight and I'll hit the target from 4 kilometers. - I suppose adding that it will hit the bull's eye 100 times out of 100 and that the range is limited only by the bullet's flight range is not worth it.


- That can't be. The world record for hitting a 3x3 meter target is 4210 meters! - exclaimed Kota, who was in the thread, and I just smiled at such a comment.


- Hmm, in that case, if we find another trunk, then you can have it, - Takashi said, clearing his throat.


"No," I shook my head.


- No? - Takashi asked again.


"I have my katana, and I wield it well enough that there is no need to take a firearm, although if we find a bow, I will definitely take it," I explained my refusal.


"Why onions?" Ray asked curiously.


"Give me a bow with normal draw weight, and I'll hit any target within a radius of 1.5 kilometers," I answered with a proud smile.


- You could at least lie more convincingly. A compound bow with a draw weight of up to 40 kilograms won't shoot further than 1200 meters. - Takagi stated arrogantly.


- Well, 40 kilograms of tension is not enough for me, - I answered without being offended.


- Okay then, no need to argue. - Takashi interrupted the politician's daughter, who was about to say something else. - Since Gojo-san said that she doesn't need it, the question still stands, who else can shoot?


- What's the point of dividing the skin of an unkilled beast? - I decided to speak out. - It's far from certain that we'll be able to get another firearm.


- However, it would be better to decide in advance who could be given a weapon in such a case, - the guy answered me before looking at the others. - So?


- Well, I saw it on TV... To shoot, you need to press the trigger... - Hisashi said, immediately becoming embarrassed under the gaze of the others.


- I see. In any case, there is no such thing as too many bullets, and a spare barrel wouldn't be superfluous. - Takashi shook his head and suggested moving on.




1 hour later

Roof of a 5-storey building.


Sitting on the edge of the roof, I looked from afar at the group led by Takashi, accompanied by Oz, who was perched on my shoulder.


- Milady, although I have your memories, I do not quite understand why you left this group. - the raven addressed me.


- You see, Oz. At first, it was quite fun to go with them, but if I were to always be in their group, it would contradict one of the purposes for which I came to this world. I wouldn't be able to train, and even if there were more zombie encounters along the way, it wouldn't be a problem, but Takashi, this time traveler, seems quite smart and seems to have a premonition of which path will be safe, and apart from that incident, his instincts have not failed.


"So you used this as an excuse to leave them," the raven realized.


- Yes, I never thought that a clash with those people would cause such animal horror in these schoolchildren towards me.


- You, like an anime character, cut up a bullet fired from a rifle before their eyes, and then literally chopped up five people, albeit attackers, but still people. Ordinary schoolchildren were not ready to see a person cut in half in real life.


- Well, you know, a katana is not a bow. Naturally, the spectacle will be bloody. - I was a little indignant. - But overall, it really was awkward. The poor guys will have nightmares now.


- Judging by how Takashi Komuro and Saeko Busujima tried to dissuade you, they weren't affected by this sight at all.


- And what will happen to them? One is a time traveler, and the other has the urge to become a maniac, but she is beautiful and controls herself well, a good girl. True, I feel sorry for Takashi in advance if he tries to stir up a harem with her participation, as for me, she is the perfect blank for a yandere. - I answered with a smile, remembering how we parted.


Half an hour ago.


After Hisashi and Rei had robbed the policeman's corpse, 15 minutes later we came across a gas station with a small store that gave us the opportunity to stock up on provisions. While the others were taking the really necessary things, I threw some perishable food and a little bit of all sorts of unhealthy goodies into my inventory.


Ten minutes later, having finished replenishing supplies, we decided to continue our journey, but almost immediately we came across a gang of robbers who were kicking 2 troupes with all their might, and although some hoped that these were zombie troupes, I did not count on it, and in addition, one of them turned out to be armed with a rifle.


- Let's go around? - Takagi suggested.


Although I am sure everyone wanted to agree with her, how could they not notice our crowd, which had completely relaxed over the past time and, without even hiding, looked at a group of armed and clearly dishonest people.


- Hey, guys! Look at these kids! - a guy armed with a katana and showing off his bare, tattooed torso noticed us.


- Everyone in the building, alive! - Takashi immediately commanded, dragging Saeiko and Rei to the entrance that, what a miracle, turned out to be right next to us.


- We'll be trapped in the building! - I heard Saya start to argue, and without thinking to follow them, I drew my katana.


- Gojo! Where are you going! - the Nurse's cry reached me.


- Wait for me there, I'll be quick, - I answered.


- Look, guys, the cutie is coming towards us herself, - one of the bastards cackled. - You should throw away the iron, otherwise you'll get hurt.


The guy, who didn't take me seriously, walked straight towards me with a crowbar in his hands.


- I will give you one warning. Forget that we were seen and you will live. - I said calmly.


- Hahahahahahahaha. - the five guys laughed.


"That's funny, Yukishita, did you hear that?" the guy with the gun addressed the only unarmed person in their company. "She's threatening us."


- Yes, Seika, I heard. It will be interesting to hear her voice when we tear her ass apart. - the so-called Yukishita grinned in anticipation.


"You have made your choice," I said gloomily and, taking one step away from the guy who had come up close to me, I cut him in half near the torso.


- What the f... - Yukishita, who coincidentally turned out to be the next target and was decapitated, began to say in shock.


- Kill that creature! - Seika yelled, firing his rifle, but the expected cry of pain did not follow, the bullet that should have hit me right in the chest, as if in a fantasy action movie, was cut in half by a katana, and the halves flew far enough to not hit me. And without slowing down, I rushed on, not going beyond the speed available to a trained person.


- Who are you! - the guy with the gun yelled, firing shot after shot, watching me deflect each of the fired bullets as I inevitably got closer.


- You can die! - the guy flew at me with a katana raised from above, but before he could chop down, I quickly deprived him of his head and hands, which eventually fell, separately pouring blood on the asphalt. Like an inevitable messenger of death, I killed two more who were holding crowbars. They naively thought that by attacking simultaneously, they would do something. Just fleeting steps to the side, to dodge at the last moment, and the subsequent cut determined the fate of the bandits.


- D-don't come any closer! - the guy almost squealed, desperately trying to reload his rifle, but realizing that he wouldn't have time, he threw it at me.


"Try to be better in your next life," I admonished, dodging before making a short dash forward, followed by a vertical swing from the bottom up.


For a moment his body stood as if unaware that the end had come, before it fell apart in two, and somewhere behind him the sound of someone vomiting could be heard.


Turning around, I saw the crowd looking at me and the carnage that had taken place. Takashi and Saeko looked like the only thing that had affected them was the skills I had shown, but the others weren't so simple. The adult women and Kota, although a little pale, were not clearly against my actions, but the rest of the students. There was an animalistic fear in their eyes, as if I was going to cut them up right now.


- I see. It would be better if I left. - I said with a wry smile.


- What? - Saeko exclaimed, not expecting this. - Why?


- Look at them, if I come closer they will shit their pants. - I shook my head towards the schoolchildren.


"They're just stupid," Takashi said. "Like Busudizma-san said not long ago, it's better to stick together."


- Yes, let her go, I saw how she looked on the bus as if she was ready to cut Sido on the spot, you never know what could shoot into her head. - one of the girls spoke up when I looked at Takashi, clearly not expecting me to hear her.


- You heard her, right, Komuro-san?


"But unlike you, she didn't do anything for our survival," Takashi said loudly enough for them to hear.


- Maybe so. But, to be honest, in my case, it's still easier alone. - I grinned. To be honest, I half expected that he would be glad to get rid of such an incomprehensible element as me. But apparently I was wrong.


"See you later," I said goodbye and, deciding that I didn't need to hold back too much any longer, I lifted the bandage from my left eye and blinked at the nearest roof, from where I watched the teenagers stunned by such a sudden disappearance.


Present tense.


- Your departure will greatly affect them, - Oz said. - The girl who spoke so thoughtlessly will clearly be in disgrace with this group, because all the blame will be shifted onto her.


- Maybe so. But it's her own fault for not watching her language. We bear the consequences of not only our actions, but also our words. - I nodded.


"Aren't you afraid that due to internal discord, they won't reach a settlement large enough to complete the quest?" Oz asked.


- No way, - I grinned.

"Takashi, he seems like the type who thinks about the common good, but at the same time keeps his family as a priority, so he will definitely lead everyone to the Takagi estate when he finds his mother, and we will watch from the side so that they do not die along the way, and at the same time I will see how the shooting quest is going." I said, calling up the system menu.


Daily tasks:

Shooting training.

Completed: 0%/100%.

Reward: +0.01% to shooting skill.


Training with two-handed weapons.

Completed: 60%/100%.

Reward: +1% to Two-Handed Weapon Skill