Fuck, I'm so stupid

(Fuel and Ander lie naked, panting heavily with sweat all over their body)

(He raises his right hand, stares at his palm and chuckles)

Fuel: I done did myself now. (He brings it down)

Fuel: I'm a traitor. (He says as he covers his face with his left hand in shame)

(Ander faces up)

Ander: Wanna runaway?

Fuel: Run where you idiot?!


(Deep in the darkness of the night two Men walk whilst chatting)

Man 1: It's night already and yet we're still far from the checkpoint.

Man 2: Man, what do we do now? It's a day's journey or two away.

(The first Man looks to his left and sights a Port)

Man 1: Should of known, this is Binda Port.

Man 2: The port named directly after King Binda of the Okokoni Kingdom? You sure we're safe here, Cross?

Cross: Absolutely!

Man 2: How do you suppose?

Cross: A gut feeling!

(Man 2 falls down in disappointment)

Cross: Let's go aboard, Goh. Sooner or later it would have wound down to this. It's either we come to them or they come to us.

Goh: And if they attack us on the Ship?

Cross: We defend it!

Goh: Then lose the ship! Binda won't be happy about this. He'll add to our already fixed bounties. Which means, more Hunters! Finna sees the likes of Penet and Bomba!

Cross: That's more like it!

Goh: Fool!

Cross: Anyway, let's go!

(They launch)

(Penet slides backward and stop. James appear and sends a slash, they clash; the ground shatters and parts float.)

Gun: You should watch yourself!

(He says whilst afloat above them)

(He shoots. The bullets reach and make impact)

Gun: Damn, he's good.

(He dodges Penet's left kick. A huge blast of wind burst through. Gun power browls him to the ground. He approaches the ground, side flips and land. He vanishes.)

(Massive ground and atmosphere shattering attacks with bullets flying around occur. Penet skillfully dodges the attacks of the both for a while but gets sucker punched to the ground soonest by James. He hits, bounces and crashes into a building)

James: Don't let your guard down!

Gun: This is the most difficult battle I have ever been!

(Penet walks out the dust. He stops and gazes)

(James and Gun get firm)

(Penet smiles, runs and zaps. They zap as well. They clash)

(A little girl runs emphatically with fear all over her body from 5 large Men behind her. She runs screaming as the Men gain with mighty killer weapons in their possession)

Man 1: There's no use girl! You're in the territory!

(He tosses a metal catcher, it grabs her right leg. He then draws her back with force, the leg partially snaps)

Man 2: Hey Man! You went too far! Now we gotta heal her!

(She screams in pain)

Girl (WITHIN): Why me! Oh God, why me! Kill me now! I can't take it anymore! Please end it all!

(The 5 walk into a camp, where tired people work endlessly, get whipped, marked with fire, raped, screamed at and many more)

[Slave Touch]

(A man whips the girl tireless all over her back side. She screams in anguish.)

(As the whips continue, a signal for stop with a left hand surfaces. The Whipper stops and retreats into the darkness. The person in charge surfaces from the darkness)

{Akikia Bumba, True Master of the Slave Touch Territory (Age 29)}

(Akikia approaches the profusely bleeding girl. He reaches her back and presses her left nipple with his left forefinger as well as puts his cock on her ass)

Akikia: Such beauty go to waste. You could of been with me tonight.

[Certified Pedophile and Obvious Rapist]

Akikia: Y'all kind should know y'all lives have ended, so why resist. Tis' not the 1st, not the 2nd, not the 3rd! 10 GOOD TIMES

(He reminisces as she comes back multiple time to get whipped and flame scarred as punishment)

Akikia: Why baby! Why do you choose to leave my cock?

Baby: ....


Baby: I-It's too big!

Akikia: I see! (He says with happy grin)

Akikia: Tis' why I love you. (He closes his eyes in joy)

(Everyone bursts into laughter. A woman says...)

Woman: It's a monster he got in there!

(They laugh harder)

Man: How do you know?!

(They laugh harder the more)

Akikia: Listen Gudrid... (He says as he puts his face on top her head)

Akikia: I am the Master of this Territory. And fate has it, that NOTHING on earth can stop it. Since it's backed up by the 7 Kingdoms.

Akikia: No one, YA HEAR ME, no one! Even if there was no contract. Yes, not even Kunda Azazyel.

(Inside of a hotel room Bishel and Kunda lay. She lays with her right hand over his chest. They both seem to be naked underneath white blankets. Kunda stays with his left arm over his head.)

(He sneezes)

Kunda: Been sneezing lots today. I wonder why.

(She smirks mischievously)

Bishel: Could it be old acquaintances calling unto you?

(Kunda becomes prideful)

Kunda: They seem to recognize their Master. Nice!

(Bishel laughs. He follows suit)

Akikia: Why is that you may ask? The answer is simple. IT WOULD BE A HASSLE

(He reminisces)

[10 years ago]

Akikia: 10 years ago, when we both 19! We clashed!

(A Young Akikia and Kunda land forcefully on a wooden bridge. The bridge waves emphatically)


Akikia: THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA FUCK ME (He says with a psycho smile)


(He replies with the same smile)

(They zap and clash, mighty waves engulf the area)

Akikia: We did this shit for 10 good days before drawing the curtain.

(They stand on top a mountain panting and bleeding)

Akikia: Damn I could smell yuh ass all the way over here!

(He catches himself with his Sword forcefully to the right)

Kunda: Eh, Akikia! Why you concerned WITH MY ASS (He staggers)


(He grins like a psycho, Kunda follows suit)

Man 1 (WITHIN): Why is he so gay?!

Woman 1 (WITHIN): How disgusting! He's so shameless!

Akikia: You see now baby. So now, acknowledge me.

Gudrid: ....


(She becomes scared)

Gudrid: My Master.



Akikia: Good!

Akikia: Bring her down guys! (He walks down)

(3 guys rush up to do so)

Akikia: From now on everyone, refer to her as "Lady Gudrid"

(They express shock)

Man 1: Nani!

Man 2: Why!

Akikia: I have spoken! She is now free and she will be my Lady! (He goes into the darkness)

(With the expression of shock on Gudrid's face, tears rolls down her eyes)

Gudrid (WITHIN): Thank you God!

(Bonk and his Team land in a strange White Dimension. They look around to understand where they are but while they do so, some people approach them one to one.)

(The one with Bonk comes into the light with a smile)

{Achnel Jester Americana, The Kidnapper}

Achnel: RŪGA-SAN

(Bonk looks at Achnel emphatically)

{Western Sea} "22:30"

(On top a fast-paced Ship are boarded Cross and Goh. They stay sitted on top the first deck classically sipping Tea with legs crossed)

Cross: Ahh! Such a lovely night!

Goh: I hope it won't be overriden

Cross: I hope. (He sips)

(Their eyes glow)

(A bell is rung emphatically. A ship Commander rushes up to where the Steerer is as if it were Titanic)

Commander: HARD TO PORT

(The Steerer turns the steering swiftly to the right)

(The Ship despite it's massive size maneuvers to the right, dodging the massive incoming mortar. It reaches the Water and crashes leaving out a massive splash. The crew members evacuate in order to escape.)

(Meanwhile all these happening, Goh and Cross are sitted comfortably as if to say it were all an illusion)

Cross: Tsk! What a pain! (He throws his Cup out into the sea)

Captain: Hey! Do you know how much that cost!

(Goh pleads with the sign and eyes closed)

Goh: Gomen, Gomen!

Captain: I don't need your sorries, PAY ME THE FUCK BACK

Cross: We will! Right after we take his head. (He says while glaring at a Male Figure that stands on the Bulbous Bow of a ship)