Let's dance!

(A dude approaches Cross and Goh. He sips his Sake and throws it in the water.)

Dude: Man! Whoever disturbed my beauty sleep, that person I won't forgive!

(He lines up with Cross and Goh)

(Cross looks and expresses shock)

{Bounty Hunter, Straus Bomba (Age 30)}

Bomba: Oh c'mon guys! (He staggers facing down)

Bomba: I know you know who I am but here's the twist, (he looks up with an emotionless glare) I'm on break.

(Cross holds his hilt with his left hand)

Bomba: Relax my dear. I will help you fight this dude. He too has a bounty and I'm not willing to let it slide. (He unsheathes his two Katana's)

(The figure vanishes, they notice and vanish as well.)

(Bomba runs on top of the Water in high speed as the figure floats on the air, the figure launches towards Bomba, he reaches and they clash)

(While struggling, Bomba says...)

Bomba: You sure have some nerve to attack them, Ikenga Band!

(The figure comes into light)

{Ikenga Band, One of the Loyal Spies of the Serpent Cult}

Bomba: Well you did me a favor as well. Saved me the trouble of finding you!

(Bomba shoots him back as he says "finding you!". He goes flying rotating; Goh appears and kicks him hard with a right, he goes flying once more forward. Cross appears and gives him a right to his jaw, he goes up with force as waves engulf the area.)

(As Ikenga goes up with his back hanging first to the Moon, Bomba appears with an aura engulfed bomb laced arrow set in place. Ikenga gives a sharp look to the left side of his back. Bomba shoots, it reaches, collides with and explodes massively.)

(The Steerer of the ship spins the wheel left and right ferociously, dodging the mortars.)

(The Captain with a fed-up look says out loud...)


(They do as he says saying...)

Crew members: AYE

(As the ship advances in super speed towards the already fast pacing approaching opposing ship, the Captain says out loud once more...)


(They get closer)


Captain (Opp): HARD TO PORT

(The ships both make a simultaneous turn to the right. They come in contact.)

Both Capts: FIRE

(Both send shots toward one another and destroy their halls. 10 mfs from both ship jump ferociously to the air and clash, the area gets engulfed in waves big enough to make the ships drift away from one another.

The remaining mfs and bitches at the top decks of both ships begin shooting to kill.)

(They succeed in killing one another one by one. The Captains run swiftly towards the sides of the ship facing one another, reach the last point and launch simultaneously and ferociously. They reach each other and unsheathe engulfing their Katana's in aura. They send blasts that collide and crack up the atmosphere sending berserk waves all over the coast.)

(Goh and Bomba simultaneously send fists and kicks towards Ikenga, he defends and sends them back.)

(This hand to hand combat is so fucking hot that lots and lots wave engulf the FUCKING area around with lots of crack in the atmosphere.)

(Cross appears floating on the air to his right sighting the back of Ikenga. He powerfully right fists the air. It cracks and a massive blast gets sent towards him. Goh and Bomba simultaneously hold Ikenga in place, he struggles to break free as the blast closes in.)

(They engulf themselves in hardening aura. The blast comes in contact with Ikenga, he screams whilst being held in place. The light from the blast covers them all up.)

(Cross stays afloat on the air gazing at the point where the impact was established)

(Goh and Bomba appears by the left and right side of Cross simultaneously. They all stare for a while. Goh says...)

Goh: He's coming!

(A massive looking strong earth type shii comes forth from the Water towards them. They harden and defend themselves with an X. It collides with them and shatters, the debris fall to the Ocean 🌊)

(Goh's eyes glow with a blue light. He turns swiftly to the back engulfing his Katana with aura. Ikenga appears and sends a massive blast, Goh sends his letting out a yell, they reach and collide POWERFULLY)

(Cross and Bomba fly upward sharply.)

(They reach the top of Ikenga from a far distance. They send a yellow light looking type blast towards him. Cross to his right and Bomba, to his left. Ikenga hardens and it collides.)

(As they all struggle, Ikenga says within'...)

Ikenga (WITHIN): Shit! They are stressing me!

(He releases raging aura, they become shocked; he blasts them away letting out a yell.)

(He rushes towards the displaced Goh, reach and sends a big right; it collides POWERFULLY with his stomach. Omo my guy blood comot ein mouth like say he go die na na. Ikenga smirks)

(Cross stops himself and calls out...)

Cross: Goh!

(Goh comes to, grabs Ikenga's arm and head butts him without mercy. He releases aura like there ain't no tomorrow, Ikenga screams.)

(They watch. Ikenga screams the more. Goh stops and releases him. He falls to the Water with blood coming out his burnt forehead.)

(He enters the Water. A massive splash springs up far to the atmosphere)

(They all gaze down)


(They zap simultaneously towards the Water. They break through to where an already passed out Ikenga floats. They reach and stab him simultaneously to the stomach. Blood comes out his mouth once more. They take out their blade ferociously with a loud grunt. Blood flows out excessively.)

(Ikenga seals him up)

Ikenga: I can't afford to lose his body.

(Penet, James and Gun slide backwards from the impact of a massive clash. They stop themselves with their Katana's ferociously struck the ground.)

(Penet says whilst panting and with blood rushing down the right side of his face..)

Penet: Well, well, well, what can I say? (He looks up) You guys have touched me a lot.

James: Eww!

Gun: I didn't know you were gay!

Penet: Call me whatever you want. (He staggers up)

Penet: But it doesn't change the fact that you were touching me.

(Becca lies on top a bed stack naked.)

Becca (WITHIN): Where the fuck are you, you fool!

(He looks up and says within'...)

Penet (WITHIN): I'm sorry Michelle, I'm not sure if I'll make it home tonight.

(He takes a balanced stance and releases raging aura)

Penet (WITHIN): I'm going shopping!

(James and Gun express shock)

James: Impossible! Don't tell me...

Gun: ... He was holding back on us all along!

Penet: Please don't loud this kind of allegation. I don't want my life anymore louder than it already is.

(They stare all confused looking)

Penet: Y'see I have a Girlfriend, I love her so much. I don't want her good-for-nothing, freeloading sexy ass getting caught up in my heat.

(A hiccup catches up to Becca)

Becca (WITHIN): He's onto me? Well since it's just one (She lets out a prideful expression) he must of added "sexy" to it. Heh, I love him so much!

(Gun smirks)

Gun: Heh! I could care less about the bitch! She can go to hell for all I care! AND I'M THE ONE WHO'S GONNA SEND HER THERE

(They release raging aura's whilst taken a balanced stance)


(They give a killer grin)

(Penet with a tired look, closes his eyes)

Penet: Thank you guys.

(He opens them)

Penet: You made me know I'm going home soon. Truly I'm thankful.

Gun: What the fuck is he talking about?

(Penet launches, they follow suit)

(They reach and clash ferociously. They scream while doing so. As this occurs, the atmosphere cracks as the area gets covered in unstoppable waves.)

(They struggle and eventually a white light comes forth and covers them up as well as the area around while they scream like animals)

(The light later dies down showcasing the area and Penet as he gets erect with the two lying on the ground dead. He carries his blade and puts on his right shoulder)

Penet: Damn! I should of known better than to underestimate Special Grades.


{Bounty Hunter, Penet Shifter}

Power Level: Star.

(Bonk faces Achnel sternly)

Achnel: What's wrong, Boss? Ain't you gonna say anything? (He grins)