Chapter 8-1 Book 3

Chapter 8-1

Trouble In Paradise

Part 2

I had risen early or soon enough after my father left for work, hearing him slam the backdoor. As I mentioned before, he doesn't drive and hasn't since the accident that caused the limp in his left leg. I have heard stories of that event, but I am not exactly sure when it happened. The story is that while he was working up the Spanish Fork Canyon. The driver at the wheel fell asleep, causing the truck they were in to drive off the road and throw my father out the back. Too bad it didn't kill him. If I knew what kind of father he would be, I would have left him for dead and not lifted a single finger to help him.

Life is cruel and I would know because it often is to me, but something inside of me still feels sorry for my father even though he hates me and wants nothing to do with me. What I feel sorry for is the fact unlike my father, my mother she had turned over a new leaf just so she could have me and Aaron back into her life. Mostly at first, I think it had to do with being jealous of the other mothers in the ward showing off their boys. Making her envious of what she didn't have, and that was a perfect family. Some would say around these parts, keeping up with the Joneses. To everyone else, it meant she wanted something that everyone had, and it was a perfect family. Too bad my father or my sisters didn't want the same thing.

After hearing him leave, I felt safe and opened my door, and knocked on my mother's door so I could get permission too once more to go on a quick run before breakfast. I could see Mom had been crying when the door opened, and I knew it had something to do with my father. I told myself it was none of my business. I didn't have to ask. I simply knew I wasn't welcome here, but Mom and my brother were the only reason why I was here in the first place. That and she refused to leave well enough alone.

After a quick kiss and hug, she let me go. She still hesitated at the door afraid I would run away and never see me again. It didn't matter how many times I had promised that I wouldn't, she still made me promise her every time I left the house on my own. Sometimes she would follow me in the car to make sure I wasn't. Mom was Mom, and I loved her for it by showing her it never bothered me. As always, when I came back hot and sweaty, Susan sneered at me, calling me a freak, but I would ignore her. Becky to would stare at me and sometimes growl at me, repeating the same words as Susan. You would think they were twins at birth, but if it wasn't for Aaron between them, they might have been. Other than the fact Susan's hair was dark brown and long and Becky's was dishwater blond and curly, it would also be hard to believe we all had the same genes.

Today was a free day, well in my case, and Mom's it was a workday. Normally I would need my typewriter, but Mom had purchased a secondhand electric typewriter and enough supplies to keep me typing forever, and a few highlighted pins and several paper clips. It was like having my own home office sitting at the table. To me it was like having power at my fingertips, feeling the vibration of the motor and loud keys that hit the paper with barely a touch, basically, the same kind I was using to learn how to type while I was in school.

While Mom was gathering the work for our special project, I had made several phone calls regarding the trouble that was taking place. In some ways, I felt relieved hearing that neither Jared nor Jason had spoken to my contacts. Yet when called home Shane answered giving me the quick and the dirty which was into regards to Danny, Arthur, and Shawn had been caught in the men's restroom at the American Fork pool and gym together doing the five finger Lucy, with Shawn's penis in Arthur's mouth and Danny and his friend's gang doing the two ways thrust behind him taking turns, on a mutual outing, I choked. It was different doing it at home in the privacy of your bedroom where you didn't have to see it, but to do it out in public, it was just yew. It was an image I wanted to get out of my mind.

No wonder my foster parents were freaking out. Shane quickly hung up the phone, telling me not to say anything. I didn't have time to promise to hear the phone go dead. The image of it still grossed me out, but maybe this time someone would put an end to this. Then again, they most likely would get off Scot-free. I had other things to worry about, seeing the stacks of books and papers sitting scattered across the table. Mom had allowed Aaron and me to at least wear our swim trunks after some debate that concerned my father's rules regarding my and Aaron's clothing.

My sisters too seemed relieved by the fact that we were decent enough, but still complained about it until my mother said if they said one more word, she would strip us and them and down to our skin. I had no doubt she would and seeing the fear in their eyes said that they believed it as well. Personally, Aaron and I would feel just as comfortable or even more so compared to my sisters.

My father had given up when it came to Aaron and I when came to our "Carefree lifestyle" considering my mother would break his rule warning him if he said another word about it she herself would strip down right there in the kitchen and force his so-called innocent daughters to do the same, and run through the sprinklers in the front yard where everyone could see us.

My father growled. "You wouldn't dare?" But Mom was serious and quickly took off her top and her bra, letting her full bosom show, and was about to drop her shorts. My father growled angrily and said, "Fine, get arrested. I don't God damn care!" Slammed the front door closed on his way out. I could see the blush on my sister's faces as they held their mouth open, then quickly turned and followed my father down the road.

Mom knew, and Aaron and I weren't embarrassed about seeing her in this light. To us, she was our mother, and she was beautiful. Mom sighed and said. "And to think years ago he liked seeing me naked." That's when Aaron I blushed, making her smile. I had just finished our paper when my father and my sisters came back. Mom's chest was still fully exposed, putting together a picnic basket for us to take up the canyon to our favorite spot.

My father growled at my sisters to go to their rooms and pack, informing my mother. "That since you refuse to put a stop to your immoral ways, then he and his daughters will be elsewhere until that immoral, freak! God damn sissy boy is out of my mother fucking house!"

He was about to slap her when I stepped in front of her daring him to lay a single hand on her or me. He growled, taking a step closer with his belt buckle in his hand only for me to give him a quick jab just below his neckline, forcing the air out of his lung. Having me sweep his legs from underneath him so fast it was almost a blur until he hit the floor gasping for air. I ripped the belt from his hand and set it to blaze on the stove, filling the kitchen with smoke, and causing the fire alarm to go off. Which brought my sisters out of their rooms wondering what was going on. Having them gasp when they see their father on the ground choking for breath and his belt in flames on the stove.

Mom quickly composed herself and opened the back door and the window, pointing outside and saying. "Get out of my house! And don't you come back until you can accept the fact! I like our "carefree lifestyle," and is not immoral by any of your so-called immoral standards! And if you so much as think you are taking my daughter's way from me. You will find yourself in jail by the end of the day! Until I divorce your sorry God damn ass and let you rot in prison for all the atrocities that you have done! Regardless of if I helped you in the past. But God damn it, Jim! I have changed and confessed every one of those sins and been given a second chance! To prove that I can be a loving mother to all my children and put my life on the line and my children's! If I so much as turn back just so you, Jim, can feel good about yourself! I lose everything I have worked so hard for over the past two years. Just because you think your beautiful sons are nothing but useless garbage!

"That by removing them from this world just so you won't have to look at them and remind yourself how ashamed you are about your God damn body! When I loved you regardless of if you had hair on your head and chest and elsewhere, where it makes you feel like a freak. Hell, Jim, you are not the only one out there who doesn't have a hairy body!" Mom reached over and took my complete paper and threw it at him and waited for him to leave out the back door with his tail behind his legs.

The rest of us were in shock as I stood there watching my father get up and walk out the door. Mom was crying as she slammed the door and locked it. I watched as she slid down to the floor, sobbing. I hated to see my mother cry, sat down with her and put her head on my shoulder and put my arms around her, and held her while I combed my fingers through her terrible haircut.

Susan picked up the paper off the floor and read the first page and gasped, "immoral freaks" stopped reading and ripped it up, and threw it on the ground. Telling her sister to pack, we were leaving.

Mom growled. "If you make one move towards that door! I'll paddle your butt until it's blue!' Then gave me and Aaron a quick smile and said. "Actually, change that. Be ready to go in thirty minutes and I'll drive you." My sisters gasped, thinking they had just got exactly what they wanted, having them race to their rooms. Mom whispered in my ear. I grinned, giving her a knuckle bump, and helped Mom off the floor, giving her a quick hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

The plan was simple: having Aaron quickly empty the freezer and the fridge into the coolers and carry them and our limited camping gear like sleeping bags and our pillows, and packed other things we might need into the trunk of the car. While I made a quick phone call in my room to Officer Kenly discussing the said plan and Bishop Earl with the door closed so my sisters couldn't overhear our conversation.

Unlike Dad, it took us two hours before we were ready to go as my sisters put their overstuffed suitcases into the backseat of the car and waited, yelling. "Come on, Mom let's go."

Mom yelling. "What's your hurry?" Trying very hard to sound angry, giving Aaron and me a high five. Giving us each an onion to stimulate tears and pretend that this was a sad moment, having Mom yell loud enough that my sisters could hear it. "That's it! I am through with you! Your father's right! I don't need you screwing up my marriage with a bunch of immoral immodest hillbillies! I am taking you back to those indecent hillbillies! Now get in that car and your so-called fag-it brother can join you!"

Aaron went first through the door first, after a loud smack that sounded like a hard spanking, having Aaron run out the door naked with one arm over his eyes and placing one hand on one of his butt cheeks wailing as if he'd been beaten. While Mom and I watched him hightail it to the car. Mom and I waited for the car door to slam closed. Counted to five and then it was my turn with several loud spankings as I wailed in terror.

But what was really happening was Mom, and I were slapping pieces of wood to make it sound like she was beating us. Mom followed right behind me slammed the door and yelled to my sisters to get into the car. Growled angrily like a mad tiger and turned the key and raced out of the driveway so fast that the tires spun gravel.

Aaron and I would bawl like there was no tomorrow, which brought grins to my sister's faces. They were glowing with happiness as my mother turned into the monster right before their eyes. I doubted they could be any happier even more so, as Mom turned down towards the church house and stopped right in the back of it. Waved to my father to come closer got out of the car picked up a large army duffel from the trunk and threw at him at him so hard that he fell right on his ass with it in his lap.

Susan and Becky tried to get out, but I had taken the liberty to screw off the knobs on the locks on the doors in the backseat single handily locked the doors, making it impossible to unlock the door without a pair of pliers. Mom smiled when she turned around, listening to my sister's scream. Mom quickly slapped my father across the face. Got back in the car and peeled out of the parking lot. The gag was up Mom gave Aaron and me a high five as my sisters started bawling.

With my sisters locked in the back seat, it was time to put our plan into action to desensitize my sisters simply known as one hell of a skinny-dipping party camp-out with as much flesh of both sexes, that the eye could see.

I knew it was going to be a big shock to their system not being raised in it. But my sisters and my father left Mom with no choice, and there was no way Mom was going to end up having the same problems that the Rothwells were having with the three bad boys, and one of them was their own son. Even more so after a long discussion with her own roundtable event. Susan and her friends had been caught red-handed in the boy's shower room several times, recently within weeks of my visit. Grandma said if they want to see what a penis looks like so bad then so be it and my caseworker and everyone else agreed.

Mom was through talking about it, and my sisters and my father were just using it against us. Hoping to get their own way having my mother choose between giving up her sons and never seeing them again or jumping in with both feet, by making it something beautiful instead of sexual or immoral. Bishop Earl stated that's what God had intended all along. It's the other ones that find it sexual and taint its beauty and use it as a devil tool to trap people into giving up their souls.

Like me, Mom trusted Bishop Earl, but he was not the only one that felt like this, with the world so deep into pornography, with ads and shows on TV, with basically no restrictions on how easy today's children and adults, have access to it. Along with drugs and alcohol that were spilling on our streets, there needed to be a way to counterbalance the sickness that was filling our prisons. Nor did we need to join a nudist colony to be accepted into our carefree lifestyle. They're no reason why we couldn't have both closeness with family and God when it comes to spiritual and temporal needs.

If it takes desensitize our children, then so be it. Perhaps it will make having children a special event instead of. "Oops, I am pregnant," instead of saying. "Look what a beautiful child we have brought into the world." Having the decline of accidental pregnancies because of sexual desires with young children, the most important child sex rings and predators out there would become a thing of the past if a carefree lifestyle was at the forefront of every family regardless of their religion. When it comes time for our children to have a family, it will be something beautiful instead of disgusting. Instead of abuse, there is love, and that's where you will find faith in God and love in your hearts and your family's hearts.