Chapter 9 Book 3

Chapter 9

Finding the Beauty

Mom pulled into the only gas station in town while Aaron and I quickly pulled on our shorts, which I had stashed under our seats. Mom filled the car up with gas while Aaron and I went in and bought ice for the coolers and several six-packs of soda to fill another cooler as we waited for our group of guests to arrive while our sisters were contained inside their prison.

No one said a word to my sisters when they screamed. "Help us, we're being kidnapped." Pounding on the glass in the backseat. But like me, they ignored them, most likely because they knew us from church or the neighborhood and just waved. As I said we live in a tiny town and even the gas station attendant knew each of us by name.

We didn't have to wait long before the Kenly family and Bishop Earl's family showed up, with my longtime friends the Whitmore's, all giving us a warm handshake, Mr. Whitmore told us that his wife Rena would be joining us later with my grandmother, with the rest of our share of the groceries we would need for our camping trip. When I looked back at my sister's scared faces, seeing all the boys dressed like me and Aaron and girls wearing swimsuits, I doubted their faces could get any redder. Even more so when my three best friends and their parents, as well as their sisters from Highland, showed up, filling the parking lot. There wasn't a drop of ice left in or out of the store and the soda cases were looking very empty.

I had called my foster Dad early this morning to check if he really meant for me not to call him until after the fathers and sons camp-out, but instead, Mom picked up the phone, telling me not to worry, I had just called at a bad time when things were a mess. Not telling me what the mess was, and I didn't push it. I still couldn't get the image out of my head, and it made me sick to my stomach thinking about it. Mom said we were still on for our skinny-dipping party later on this afternoon and would be here around 2 o'clock, but Dad wouldn't be able to make it so he could tend to our three bad boys. I understood and told her I loved them, and she said it back to me with several kisses on the phone before hanging up.

Yet apparently plans change when it comes to my mother's unpredictability. My mother having to call her back before leaving on our skinny-dipping camp-out, had talked my foster Mom into changing our plans which I knew Susan and Becky were going to have a cow when Shane and my two sisters and my two younger brothers Jason and Jared show up this afternoon with Kerry's husband later on during the week. My mother said the more the merrier, but I caught a hint of shyness when she realized that there were a lot of people who were going to see her naked, watching her pack every swimsuit she owned.

As I said, Mom was not a skinny woman by any means compared to my foster Mom and my sisters, but it was too late to back out now when everyone was already on their way. I told her she could always call it off and it would just be us, but Mom shook her head and said. "No. I will not let your father ruin something or taint what God has given us, but I might need your help to show me that's not a big deal because I am lacking on the beauty part on the outside unlike you and your brother."

I hugged my mother and tickled her, telling her. "If I have to, I'll tickle your clothes off, and I am sure Aaron would love to help me."

Mom smiled when I said that and tickled me back. I wish I could have felt sorry for my sisters, but I didn't. Like Grandma said, if they want to see boy flesh so bad, then let the games begin. In some ways I was still a little shy, but when I realized nobody's going to care when they had seen me enough times without my clothes and then that I really had nothing to be ashamed about. Well, maybe I was a little scared, but I wasn't going to tell my mother that or even my sisters.

With the father and son's camp-out on Thursday and Friday Bishop Earl and My mother thought we needed a more private place that wouldn't interrupt our plans or our fun, and with the size of our group which seemed to grow by leaps and bounds adding more people, most of them I have never met and their kids. Our normal spot would be a kind of crowded. Santaquin Canyon is quite large not as big as Spanish Fork or Provo's, but there were bigger lakes and ponds as you got further south towards Mona, Utah known as Mona Reservoir and Burnaston Ponds. Just perfect and isolated from the outside world.

Best of all with our large group of family and friends we could do most of the driving on the freeway and turn west off a dirt road that is seldom used because it's on private property, but our church uses it sometimes for large scouting advents and social events, I am not sure if you would call this a church social considering the bylaws I am sure we are breaking, but what did I know. I am a sixteen-year-old boy who loves my carefree lifestyle.

Instead of driving the narrow canyon until we get to the top, we would have easier access by using the freeway and be within thirty miles of the nearest store or hospital if we need them. We could easily leave a trail of breadcrumbs for our stragglers, so the decision was made. Bishop Earl would stop and pick up the key for the gate to let us in and leave a note. And a map with a gas station attendant, considering this was our main meeting place to get ice, drinks, and gas. Officer Kenly would have one of his buddies keep watch to make sure they find us, having me call the Rothwells picking up said note and a copy of the map where to find us. When everything was said and done, we looked like a train of cars and trailers that you would see going to the sand dunes as they rode through town from time to time.

I could just imagine the look on my sister's red embarrassed faces seeing all this immodesty they are so scared about, but they won't be alone when it comes to too few of these boys most likely have never seen their mothers or sisters naked, but I know for a fact that they had been skinny dipping most of their natural lives with their fathers and brothers and had little doubt the girls and their mothers had done so when they had their own social.

The only difference was as a group we had decided to combine our two parties, with the hope of finding a solution to all the sexual traps in today's society. I know it sounds dirty and disgusting what is about to take place, but all I am asking is that you keep an open mind and leave the sexual desires out of it. But like you, I was getting concerned and worried me that people would take this the wrong way. When we weren't doing anything except taking a group bath as close family and friends. Meaning it had nothing to do with sex other than sharing our bodies, not having a sex orgy.

The second we got back into the car Susan and Becky were screaming to take them back to their father. Mom turned back so quickly that it surprised me when she jabbed Susan with one of my tranquilizers. And quickly did the same to Becky with the other half of the dosage still in shock, watching Susan fall back cold as ice that their heads bumped together and then fell in each other's laps. Mom said. "That's better," having Aaron and I laughed as Mom pulled onto the road following our friends and partners in crimes heading towards the freeway.

It was almost 3:30 pm according to my special watch by the time we turned off the freeway and went through the gate. Our job was to leave the trail of breadcrumbs with several blue plastic plates that I had written with a magic marker that said: "carefree lifestyle up ahead." If I had the room, I would have written in big bold letters clothing optional, but Carefree and Lifestyle took all of it. I knew it would bring a smile to most of us, so when we made the last turn, pulling into our big open field. With gigantic trees on the outskirts and an enormous lake with a large sandy shore that looked like it went on for miles. I went back and added another plate stapled on a wooden stake. I wrote in big letters "Beware Nudist In The Area."

Even though the water was tempting, we had lots to do before any of us could simply dive in. My sisters were still out cold as Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Kenly lifted them out of the car. Mom suggested that we should strip them now instead of later when they are awake, and she would have if it wasn't for Bishop Earl and Mr. Kenly telling her they wanted to make it a special experience not terrorize them, but they did allow her to remove their shoes and socks as they laid them on the beach. I knew even that alone would freak them out, considering they hated going barefoot even more so when my father was home.

Bishop Earl had decided with several of the parents to have that talk with all the kids, before giving the ok. Hoping to elevate their fears as they talk about their changing bodies and how God and their parents feel about it as they get older. But the first camp needed to be set up, which included the bathroom facilities that needed to be cleaned, which hadn't been in since last summer. It wasn't anything to get excited about, being it only had three toilets and sinks on each side plus three urinals for the boys all housed in a small brick shack with no electricity, but at least it had running water and one shower each.

I can tell you this, they sure stink and are filled with nasty dead bugs everywhere and few live ones, but what could you expect when it's outdoors? I guess it was better than digging a latrine or having to squat behind some tree in a hole. We all drew straws when came to cleaning it. Fate is cruel having drawn the unlucky straw to clean the toilets and the urinals, but at least I didn't have to use a toothbrush and was more than happy to use hospital gloves as I doubled them and wore a mask to combat the smell and the chemicals I was using.

Even the younger boys and girls had to help before the fun started, which included a complete physical with a doctor on hand. All the parents took advantage of the opportunity. Each kid was given a number with their assignment or chore they needed to perform while we camped here. Like picking up the trash and helping with the meals and other things that needed to be done to make our camp-out enjoyable. Not even my sisters were excluded hearing a loud yell when they both woke up in the middle of nowhere surrounded by boys and fathers with many of them without their shirts.

Mom tells them, "You can yell and scream to your heart's content, nobody is going to care or hear you." Giving them a number with a list of chores that needed to be done by suppertime or they can go hungry. Susan demanded her shoes and socks back and going home, calling my mother foul names that needed her mouth washed out with soap, but it did earn her a slap across the bottom and when she said it again, she was the first one thrown into the lake clothes and all, which in turn made her even madder.

I watch Mom grab her by the arm and drag her to their tent, ordering them to put on their swimsuits. Only to have Susan refuse to watch Grandma walk inside the tent when the excitement really started. Hearing Susan wailing as grandma personally turns her over her knee and tans her backside. Becky was smart enough not to argue with my grandmother quickly came out dressed in her swimsuit and joined the kids in line for their physical.

When Grandma noticed me, she quickly came over and gave me a hug and several kisses, then turned me around slowly so she could see that I was unharmed and patted my covered bottom, and sent me on my way. Like my father, I have never seen her in a bathing suit, and she seldom went barefoot at home, but here she didn't hesitate once the ground was clear around the tents and all the potholes filled in before she removed her shoes and dug her toes into the sand and into the cool water as she rolled up her pant legs. Yelling how good this felt before she came out of the water.

After camp chores were done and the mess tent was set up, which would also be our meeting hall, Bishop Earl rang the dinner bell, having everyone come in and take a seat. Opening our camp with a prayer, asking God to keep us safe from harm, and opening our hearts and our minds to the beauty of god's work and blessing our food. I glanced down at my watch, frowning at the time. Seeing it was nearly 6 pm. Mom leaned over and kissed my cheek, telling me it looked like we'll be swimming later than planned.

Only to have my foster Mom and my family walk in taking seats I had reserved for them. Having Shane tell me, Mom got a little lost until we found the first breadcrumb, Jody and Kerry quickly gave me a hug and several kisses before my foster Mom hogged me all to herself making Shane move over. I could see the hate radiate from Susan and Becky more so from Susan. Mom told me she and Kerry could only stay for one night and would have to leave by tomorrow afternoon but would both be back when Kerry's husband came.

I understood and squeezed her hand; I knew right then something was off when she hugged me so tight I thought she was going to break my ribs. She confirmed it, asking me if we could go for a walk after they got settled in. I nodded that it would be fine, hoping that I wasn't in trouble or in danger when I got home. I was so deep inside my thoughts I didn't realize everyone had got up to stand in line for the food, having Shane nudge me. Asking me if I was ok, I said. "That depended on what you mean by ok." When I said that. I knew I was going to have to explain myself, but for the moment I just needed to show that everything was fine when it wasn't.

My mother knew something was off about me when I didn't eat much as she watched me push my food around on the plate. All I could think about was what was going on at home that Dad couldn't come, but then again, I didn't want to worry about the three bad boys and their dark secrets, even more so after what Shane told me the night before last. In some ways, I was glad they weren't here. Seeing all my friends skinny dipping made me nauseous. For some reason, I just couldn't get that image out of my head. Grandma asked if my stomach hurt. I nodded that it did, whispering that was just nerves for the big event. She smiled, telling me that most likely I was not the only one including her, whispering she had purchased a swimsuit when she said that I couldn't help, but look her up and down imagining her in one. I should tell you it was the first time I had ever seen her in one. I doubted that the rest of her family had, or ever will.

When dinner was over and was getting cleaned up, I helped set up my foster family's tents next to mine. Mine and Shane's tent was the biggest, with enough room for six people with some room to spare, with lots of headroom unlike our last tent when we went up the Provo canyon to escape the heat. When we bought it, we split the cost, which included a small awning where we could put lawn chairs and a battery-operated cooler and card table, to give us some shade and play games.

If Dad was here, he would share it with us when we went up to the lake without Mom, when she needed to stay home to take care of the baby, and work that seemed to always pile up. We even used it when we were spending the weekends doing ranch work. To say we were living large would be true enough when we had all the amenities of home, including a big soft roll-away pad to make sleeping on the ground seem like sleeping on a cloud of air.

Aaron gasped at the size as he brought his sleeping bag in and set it next to mine. I told him that since our father wasn't here, we could share one big one between the three of us. Shane laughed when Aaron said "Really?" Helping us make one gigantic bed with our three sleeping bags. Like Aaron and I, Shane packed very little when it came to clothing, just enough to keep us decent when we needed to be. If I was to guess, all our clothing could have barely filled a small suitcase.

When we were done and Shane put on more comfortable clothing, meaning just a pair of shorts leaving everything else behind. Like me, he was well muscle tone with a six-pack versus my small four-packs. I can guarantee when the girls see him at the pool, their mouths water as they lick their lips, moaning as they accidentally brush by him just to feel his abs and muscular arms. Even here Jody and Kerry are going to have to fight them off with a stick even more so once they see his cute butt.

Personally, I don't know what it is about our butts they find so cute about. To us, there is nothing special about them when everyone else's all basically looks the same. In fact, the only actual difference is our plumbing and, well maybe their bosoms when it comes to full-grown women, but once you have seen enough naked women. It doesn't seem all that important, but then again, I am desensitized when it comes to nudity. It really isn't a big deal to me anymore. It's what's inside that counts, not their appearance, only if my sisters and my father could understand that, but then again, I am asking for a miracle.