And Death

"Doesn't he looks promising" asked a soft voice.

"Him?" Said another's wich sounded lighter but still gruffier.

"Yea" the soft one affirmed.

The gruffy being thought to himself carefully.

"You mean a boy who's end is so close?"

"Yes! The child deserves chance atleast" the soft one pleaded.

The gruffy one sunk himself in his thoughts and pondered just how diffrent it would end if this child could be the one?.

Thinking and thinking he spoke is answer

"Very well" the being mused.

The being stood up and took a breath.

"I shall watch is fate closely" he quietly spoke.

[Somewhere in a big city]

"Ah that'll be 15.23 dollars sir" said the cashier with a bright smile.

The man looked annoyed and a little tired,

But handed her the cash without inconvenience, as he grabbed the coffee he muttered "15 dollars for a coffee is insane" as he walked towards his loving family.

As he saw his wife sitting at the table farthest in the back of the coffee shop, he admired how good she looked even in her 40s and relized how lucky he was, for he who was a simple farmer, and she a respected doctor.

'Meh its an insane world' he thought as he sat down.

But he looked and saw there was one missing "Wheres Simon?" He asked the auburn haired woman.

"Toilet." She answerd plainly, engrossed in her newspaper

"Ohh, he'll be back soon then".

"Yea, oh by the way did you know that they have alot of rats here in New York? Like they're huge, says here they're even bigger than some cats." As she started measuring with her hands.

"Oh really" he looked at her with a face full of doubt taking a sip of his coffee.

"Uhh yea, written right here look" as she showed me the article and a picture of a giant rat.

"Jeez Mia we're supposed to be on holliday not researching rats" he looked at her dumbfounded.

"Look its fascinating okay? Not everyday i get to see giant rats ~ haha" she smugly laughed while poking me with her foot.

"You know, loosening up sometimes can do wonders for that neck of yours right Nicky?" She said with sincerity.

"Uhh yea i guess" he mumbled as he looked out the window at some bird.

[Meanwhile in the Mens room]

A young boy could be seen in a stall playing some sort of game on his phone, as he placed the cubes around it soon resembled a sort of mud house.

But as the game showed a dark night, it did not take long for a little sizzeling sound to come and soon with it, a large KABOOM.

"Aww my house" i whimpered with sadness, as i looked at the «You Died!» Screen "but i spent a whole 10 minnutes on the house" with a defeated tone.

"Meh I'll build it better later, and even bigger!" putting the phone in my pocket and stood up and out of the stall, as i washed my hands, i looked in the mirror and saw a boy with dark blue eyes and dark brown hair, and a little pale.

As i finished washing and used the dryer i went out in the caffeteria and saw my parents, as i came closer and closer to their table i announced myself "sup dad" i spoke as nonchalantly i could.

As i sat down my father suddenly spoke "soo since it's your 10th birthday" with that my father started digging in his bag" I'd thought I'd give you this" as he brought out a comic book.

"You like it?"he asked with curiosity "Love it" as i gave him a hug.

"Aww so cute" my mother said a she took a picture "this will make a fine addition to my collection" as she smiled sweetly.

"Oh by the way my gift is at the hotel, so you'll get it later if thats okay?" She said as she drank some coffee, i just nodded.

"So whats next on the agenda huh?" My father asked "walk downtown and look for some stores? Maybe take a walk in central park?" My mother chimed in.

"hmm i don't know, why don't you pick?" My father asked.

"Fine, park it is" she said as she finished her coffee.

"Should we get going? Looks like its gonna rain soon" my father said as he finished his, and started gathering his belongings.

[ 10 minnutes later on a sidewalk]

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" My mother asked as she tried to look at his map.

"I think so, should be a le- " my father answered before he was bumped into by a stranger.

"SORRY, sorry" the stranger yelled as he ran along.

"Wonder what his rush is" my father mumbled to himself "anyway, let's carry on shall we".

[ down the street at a front door]

The stranger looked sweaty and troubled

"God i hope im not too late, please!" As he knocked on the door.

" Oh Marcus how sweet of you to stop by" the lady said with a sweet tone

"But she's already left, I'm afraid you're too late" the older lady said with a sad tone.

The man looked troubled and abit sad .

"She told me this was the last time she would wait for you im afraid".

"But im here now aren't i?" He looked more troubled by the second.

"I'm sorry Marcus, but you were always too late, and hardly ever there" she spoke with a hint of anger.

"I'll do better, i promise" he said desperately.

"It's too late, you've broken too many promises" she gave a little pause " it's over now, move on" she finished her words firmly as she closed the door.

The strange man who's name was Marcus looked at the door with a tear falling down his

Cheek and utterd the words .

"This is all my fault"

And for a brief second the whole world stood still as all he could feel was pain, as he spiraled into darker thoughts he felt something different.

Something dreadfull.

[On a street not far away]

"Mom are you sure dad knows whats he's doing?" I asked looking at mom.

"Well your fathers sense of direction hasnt always been... the best" she answerd mumbleling the last part.

"I heard that, and I've always gotten us where we need to" he said as we say a sign wich stood central park "see, told you" pointing at the sign.

"Soo are we going to the zoo first?" I asked my father my stars in my eyes.

"Yes we a-" he was suddenly abrupted by a booming sound.

"What was that?" my mother asked with fear.

As each second passed, the ground shook as screams could be heard, until a roar so loud it could make your ears bleed.

"Monster" my father exclaimed with fear painted across his face.

I could hear its destruction, glass shatteing, metal being twisted and pulled apart and its earth shattering steps as each of them sent a rumble through the earth itself.

"RUN" screamed my father as he picked me up

As i could see all that was behind us, i saw it a huge beast with quills all over its body, eyes glowing blood red, long white teeth and

And claws as black as the night.

I saw it eating anyone and anything in its path, destroying as much as possible while crawling forwards.

No matter how fast my father ran,

he couldn't outrun this.

The police couldn't do much either as the bullets seemed to do nothing, and they would meet their end aswell.

As i saw it seemingly calming down, but it was just a fools hope to think it was going to stop, instead it jumped on the sides of the buildings and ran across them until it landed in front of us.

As i stared it in the eyes feeling nothing but terror, in a blink of an eye it slashed my mother, feeling tears form in my eyes i saw her fall apart.

My father tossed me behind him as he screamed "RUN SON" i tried to stand up but my legs felt like jelly as i tried to run, looking back i saw my father looking at me, staring at me with eyes full of sadness.

Until he himself was subjected to his fate aswell... eaten alive.

Witnessing such i fell on my knee's, feeling hopeless untill i saw a plane.

A plane I've only seen in movie's, as i barely got a glimpse of what it shot, i saw the monster behind me on flames.

It roared louder than before until all i could hear was a peeping noise.

The monster became all the more feral and savage roaring and becoming more and more agitated it leaped at the plane.

Seeing it was a sight to behold, but all i could feel was pain as i was drenched in it's blood, when i looked at my hands i saw them burning away until i could see the bone.

It didnt take long until the monster came crashing down again, but this time all i could see was a little girl standing all alone in front of a big monster.

[3rd person view]

When the monster came crashing down with a large boom all that could be heard after was a girl screaming "MAMA" As the girl who was all alone called out to her mother, the only thing that set eyes on her was a monster.

As the monster creeped closer and closer and straightened it's arm out for an attack, the girl kept weeping for a mother looked at it and was stricken with fear, couldn't move a single muscle and simply closed her eyes.

In a spilt second the monsters claw was upon the girl aiming to slice her to bits.

But it stopped a few centimeters away

When she opend her eyes she saw a towering figure, body filled with muscle but seeming lean aswell, his clother a dark colour but his head, his head was only a fire wich was so hot it seemed purple.

"Are you alright?" Spoke the towering figure with a low and heavy voice

The girl only looked in awe as she saw something wich looked to be missplaced in this world "it seems you're alright then" as he spoke the figures fire began to burn brighter.

As he pushed the claw away it seemed to disappear all together "now what should i do with you?" He spoke softly

He simply took a stance and wound up a punch of his own, as he punched the monster in what seemed to be a normal punch wich was slow and precise, as the punch landed a loud boom came and sent out a shatteing shockwave, when the glasshards from the nearby buildings fell down and landed, all that was left of the monster was the arm and legs.

[The towering figures perspective]

'Hmm i should go' he thought to himself after seeing whats left of the monster.

'Lets see how far i can jump' he thought readying himself.

As i pushed from the ground i saw just how fast and how high ive gotten " woah woah woah, thats high THATS HIGH" I screamed as i was falling and when i came down i landed on the other side of the river.

'Woah thats awesome but i think im gonna be sick' on my knees and feeling dizzy 'this feels like a dream so it must be a dream right?' I thought as i was standing up.

But when i stood up all i could feel was exhaustion and and started blacking out but at the last second i saw a glimpse of an helicopter.

[Unknown amount of time later]

As i started to wake up i saw a dim light and a doctor 'huh am i in the hospital?' I thought as i saw him notice me, i tried to speak but i couldn't utter a word as all i could feel was exhaustion and hunger

I saw him speak but i couldnt understand him, i tried to focus on him but nothing until i heard a little sound and it grew and grew until a heard a muffeld "can you hear me?"

I smiled and nodded weakly and tried to speak myself.

But all i could muster up was a weak
