A good nights sleep

[A recon helicopter In the skies over New York]

"Sir! The missile didnt seem do do much, but it does seem to be bleeding" the pilot spoke to his commander

"Too bad I'd hope to get this over as soon as possible" the commander spoke through his microphone

"Should we try another sir?" The pilot said as he was watching the jet fly lower than he should

"Hmm" he wonderd what the pilot in the jet was doing as he watched him go lower and lower

"Sir somthings happening with echo-1"

"What do you mean? Whats happening over there?!" The commander sounding more and more worried by the second

"Sir i think he's loosing altitude" the pilot reported back and so the monster leaped at the jet destroying it.

Witnessing this he could only report back "Sir we've lost fighter-1"

The commander kept his cool and and orderd "Send out 2 jets this and hopefully the army will arrive quickly" he said on the other side of the line to someone.

"until then i need you in the air pilot as the citys gone dark"


Just as the pilot was going lower he heard a earthshattering boom and lost control of the helicopter, as he was loosing altitude and desperately trying to regain control he caught a glimpse of what made the shockwave, as it stood there and seemin dissorianted "what the hell is that?" He muttered and withing a split second it disappeared.

Seeing whats left of the monster and quickly gaining control "sir i think the monsters dead" looking at the remains of the monster.

"WHAT?!"the commander exclaimed with confusion.

"Yes! theres barely anything left sir"

"Who could've killed it?" The commander sounded bewildered.

" i didn't a good look sir..." as he looked at the little dust cloud over the river "But i think i know where to find it"

"Well what are you waiting for? GET OVER THERE!" he nearly screamed in the microphone. "But keep caution

"Yes sir!"

[A little later]

"Do you see it pilot?" The commander sounded cautious

"I think so sir" as he gazed at the tall figure in the crater

"His head looks to be buring sir"

"What on gods green earth could have a burning head?" Baffeld the commander.

"I'll be landing soon sir" he reported


As the pilot landed he suddenly saw the figure turn in to a poof of smoke.

"Sir that thing.. I think it released some soft of toxic gas" the pilot reached for the gas mask under his seat.

"What is this" the pilot utterd with confusion as tried seeing through the smoke

"What is it? What is it that you see?" The commander getting more anxious by the minnute

The pilot left the chopper and hurried to the crater but all he found was a boy, taking off his gas mask he noticed there was no toxicity to the smoke.


"Yes pilot?"

"You'll never believe what this is" he chuckled

"Try me"

"A boy"

[An unknown time later at the hospital]

"So is there anything abnormal with him?" A man dressed in all black, kinda like in those movies with aliens.

"No there's nothing wrong" assured a doctor as she looked through her documents.

"Anything other than the abnormal craving for food i see no wrong"

"Hmm i see" the man frowned as he leaned against the wall.

"Please do further tests, and send me some samples" he instructed.

"Ah yes of course, but where should i send them?"

He handed her a note "the goverments office?" She looked at him oddly "i was expecting some secret location but alright"

"Be sure to write t-1 on the adress too" as he took out his phone he gave a light chuckle "so they know where to forward it to"

"Okay... oh by the way you can talk to him if you'd like, he seems to be doing good now"

She informed him as she scribbled at a piece of paper.

"Thank you miss" he excused himself and walked out of the doctor's office.

As he walked through the hospital corridors he saw just how mamy that had been affected by the attack 'over two hundred dead and five hundred injured' the thought made him sick to his core but on the outside he showed nothing as he walked along the corridors.

As he got to the elevator and pressed the button, he was met with a familiar sight "ah hello agent Simmons, did you get your coffe yet?" He asked with a light chuckle

"Yea i got it when you were talking to the doc" he answered while looking at his phone "what did she say anyway?" As he put his phone away

"That everything was normal" he paused "Although! He did have a serious apatite" he added as the elevator opend.

"Age before beauty old man" he grinned as he stepped aside

Simmons just stared at him and went in the elevator.

"Even though you're handsome, you're an asshole Tommy" Simmons spat out

"Oh you know me, i always aim to please" Tommy grinned as the door closed

"So who is the kid anyway" Simmons asked while leaning against the wall

"Hmm let me see" Tommy brought out a stack of paper "His name is Simon Valen, 10 years old, 5 feet tall, born 3rd of july 2005 and look at this" he pointed to the sheet of paper "he's a tourist?" Simmons remarked "Yup all the way from Norway it seems"

As Tommy looked over the paper he he saw something the made him feel sad for the boy "the kids parents died in the attack" Simmons looked at Thommas "poor kid" as he tried to sound empathetic.

Tommy tucked away his papers "Does he even know english well?" Simmons asked as he looked at his watch "the doctor said he was rather good at it, but we'll see" Thommas spoke as the elevator doors opened.

As they walked down the corridor "wich room was he again?" Tommy ponderd

"Probably the one with the hazard sign" as Simmons pointed to a door with the yellow sign and a nurse walking out with her trolley.

Walking up to her "Is this Simon Valens room?" I asked the nurse "oh and is it dangerous to go inside?"

"Ah yea it's his room and no he isn't hazardous or anything abnormal" the nurse smiled as she took the hazard sign away.

As the nurse walked away as we stood in front of the door "You want me to talk to him alone or?" Tommy asked knowing Simmons isnt that fond of kids "Sure knock yourself out" Simmons chuckled as he sat down at a nearby chair.

Before Tommy went inside he looked through the mirror seeing a boy who was nibbling on a popsicle "poor kid" he muttered to himself.

As he opened the door he saw the child look straight at him as he had his popsicle in his mouth "hello" Tommy greeted.

[A little earlier] [Simons pov]

As the nurse stabbed me with a needle "how many times are you going to stab me today?" I asked wich seemed to shock the nurse.

She looked at me oddly "Im not stabbing you.. im poking you, and this is the last one for today" she said smiling trying to ease my discomfort.

"Its okay haha, ive been poked by needles alot back home" i stared out the window sounding tired.

"Have you been sick alot?" She sounded curious, as i shooked my head "no, just my mom who got hysterical every time i had a fever"

The nurse chuckled abit

"I think thats enough blood for today" as she took her vials and placed them on her trolley "and let me take that out for you" she said moving towards the needle "this is gonna hurt abit" as i felt a little pain in my arm.

"There, all done" as she put a bandaid on my arm, "since you didnt even cry once from any of the needles, i think you deserve this" she rummaged through her drawer in the trolley "oh where are they" hearing things moving around i smiled a little "Here it is" as she pulled out a pink lolipop "Here since you did so well today" she took off the plastic and gave it to me.

Readying herself "I'll be checking up on you in the morning okay?" She told me before heading out the door.

And when she left i was all alone again.

Until i heard the door open and saw a young looking guy dressed in a black suit with black sunglasses

'isn't it abit late to wear sunglasses' i thought to myself seeing that it was dark outside.

"Hello" he greeted me

"Hello" i stopped nibbeling on my loli.

"Who are you?" I questioned him

"Good question, im from the goverment" as he took off his glasses "you know the ones that keep this country safe" with a light but stern face he approached me

"Uh huh" i retorted as i immeadly felt like this was gonna be a drag "why are you here, and also wheres my mom and dad?"

"Ah about th- wait you dont remember?" He looked abit shocked

"Remember what?" I looked at him with a face full of confusion.