Fly me to the moon

"So how are you feeling?" I heard a voice beside me, when i turned around i saw my doctor "ok i guess" i answered half heartedly.

As i looked at her i saw her name tag that read «Dr. Maria Chen» as she gave me a warm smile, seeing er warm eyes reminded me of my mother.

"Are you sure? Cause when we brought you in yesterday you didnt seem so good" she questioned me but "im fine" i assured her.

While she scribbled on her notes i tried to stand up to go to the window, mustering my strength i took one step after the other struggeling with each one, seeing this Dr. Chen went to help me "woah!.. woah there" she went to assist me "even though you think you're fine doesn't mean you are" as she helped me to a chair.

"Is this what im supposed to be now?" I asked her while leaning back "what do you mean?"she looked confused, I looked at her with red eyes "to be this weak?" As a tear fell down my cheek "how can you be weak? When you've done so much!" She got on her knees infront of me "you've done so much for us! So much for the world" she continued

"B-but i couldn't save them" i weeped.

Seeing my pathetic state she embraced me in comfort as i leaned on her shoulder in silence, after crying my tears "it's alright" i heard her silently whisper while patting me on the back.

As i gently pushed off her, i wiped my tears and looked at the sunrise before i closed my eyes and spoke "I'll make them pay" leaving her a little shocked.

[Area 51]

As a man cled in a white coat with dark curly hair spoke into a microphone "Test subject 3 prooved another failure. *sigh* it seems the acidic tendency of the monster blood creates a sort of domino effect that ruins the mutation." As the doctor brushed his hand through his hair in frustration he gazed into the room before him, seeing a disfigured person aswell as blood and innards scattered across the room making him sick to his stomach "ugh... to move forward we have to somewhat neutralise that effect so the mutation can go into full effect, as the goal remains clear"

While he focused on documenting a door opened, startling him "have you made any progress yet?" The voice spoke reeking of authority as he entered "yes sir.." as the doctor looking a little distant.

"Good. But please tell me more" the general nodded with satisfaction "the acidic effect of the monster blood kills the body before reaching full mutation" with that the doctor sat down "i see, but what about the disfigured appearance?" The general questioned as he leaned close to the glass, as he got closer he could see a light reflection that showed his brown eyes devoid of empathy for the woman who laid in the room.

The doctor almost lost in his thoughts "i don't really know, but i think it has something with the cells refusing the mutation." He slumped down.

Looking back at the doctor who was seemingly not feeling well "Are you perhaps having doubts on how we proceed?" As his stare was almost lifeless.

"No general Radcliffe, it's just.." before getting interrupted "just what doctor Law? That we skipped animal trials?" He said flatly "Yes.. we're giving these people a death sentence" as he squeezed his head looking down at his desk "True but these people are the lowest of the lowest.. addicts drowned in depts, sick people who can't feed they're families" he turned to the glass "but dont worry Dr. Law they know exactly what they signed up for" as he gazed upon the mutated parts of the once person "Depts paid off. Families paid good money and will be provided for.. awhile" he took a long big breath before heading for the door.

Right before he opened the door "thats blood money" making the general stop, swiftly turning around he grabbed the doctor's collar "if you dont like it, you can always walk away" with the visible anger on the generals face "and if you do choose walk away, do you know what's going to happen?" Firmly but with underlying anger the general got in the doctors face "you'll be sentenced for high treason since we can't have you running around saying things you aren't supposed to" Letting the poor doctor go.

"You can't do that" law protested as he was composing himself "i can't? You see Doctor Murphy Harrison Law i have something called leverage, something not many others have. You see i have alot of shit on some very powerful people.. very dangerous people, and those people could snuff you out like a candle" Radcliffe threatened while his face contorted in anger.

"So all you have to do is what your told" he spat in the doctors face.

"Is that understood?" Radcliffe leaned in and pointed to his ear.

Shaking with fear "i-i understand sir.." Dr. Law gave a meek reply.

Composing himself the general started opening the door "i expect better results next time i arrive." Leaving Doctor Law alone with his thoughts.

[On the east coast of America]

Standing on the coast of New York was Simon in his other form gazing into the horizon as all he saw was the calm sea.

"Haaa this is gonna be tricky" Simon mumbled to himself while slowly taking a couple of steps back.

"Should i maybe practice abit?... Nahh the clocks ticking" he spoke to none other than himself.

"Ahhh" he bended forwards touching his toes.

"Okay.. you got this" he looked at the horizon with doubt.

"Orr maybe not" he started regretting his choices.

"No!" He tried to slap himself but all that happend was the hand going through the fire.

Making up his mind he pumped himself up while starting to lightly jog and soon running, going faster and faster "you're the boss.. youre the boss.. YouRe The BOSS" as he leaped.

With force that sent tremors through the ground he launched himself towards the sky as he soon was among the clouds.

Though his speed was far greater than any plane, he underestimated the needed power needed to leap to another continent and soon came crashing down into the Atlantic.

"Oh son of a b-"he came tumbeling down as he was soon surrounded by water while making a splash that would put the greatest of canonballs to shame.

As he was slowly sinking he noticed his fire though not disappearing was severly smaller? Going deeper and deeper he did not feel the need for air nor did he feel the pressure of the ocean laying ontop of him.

Like a lump of heavy steel he soon came to the bottom 'should i try jumping again? Or should i just walk?' He ponderd while seeing a fish swim by in the endless abyss.

Without a second thought he readied himself for another leap that sent him flying to the surface in seconds and towards the sky.

While graciously going through the air he noticed a plane, and gave it a friendly wave but as he looked a little closer he saw two shocked pilots 'thats not something you see everyday huh' simon giggled to himself.

Soon he started falling and could see land, as it came closer and closer he prepared himself 'bend the knees like grandma always said' as he recalled to his grannys wisdom.

Comming down hard he could feel something soft as he landed on a beach "that... was something" taking a handfull of sand as he stood up to see where he was.

Collecting himself "but really fun" as he sterted looking around himself

All he saw was a small beach with a big hill of green grass behind it, with haste he quickly got to the top were he was met with a group of hikers.

Putting on his nicest voice he asked "would any of you kindly say where i am?" But all of them ran away screaming yelling gibberish 'rude' he thought to himself as he watched them scramble like headless chickens.

Composing himself he utterd "Eh it doest matter, all that matters is that i know where you are.." looking into the distance.

Feeling a drop land on his shoulder "looks like theres gonna be rain" as he lookd up the a sky and heard a sizzeling sound.