Poor Ben

[Outskirts of London]

"Ohh you're big alright"i utterd as i saw the giant fat monster infront of me in the distance "good punching bag tho" as i saw the fat rippled with every movement and with every step the plates shifted abit.

"Oi whats all *hic* this then?" I heard someone yell beside me, turning around i saw a bald guy with a mug of beer "a-are ya the oness ruinin me *hic* dearest house huh-h? HUH!" he stumbly walked closer and closer.

"Look *hick* at it ye wee bastard" as he pointed with a flash in his hand towards a house laid in ruins, i once again looked down at him seeing that he was waiting for some sort of response with his hands on his hips.

Catching his rotten breath as he spat out "Oi ye listening ey?" As i ignored him i walked away leaving his foul stench.

'Poor guy' i pitied whats become of him.

It didnt take long until his voice got lower and lower as i walked away, bringing attention the monster again.

Getting closer and closer i saw the once pubs full of life lining up in the steets looking more like a ghost town than anything, seeing halfeaten food and mugs still full of alcohol aswell as the corpses of those who had the misfortune of beeing near this foul creature.

My gaze fixed on the monster as it leaned on the skyscrapers tipping them over one by one seemingly melting them aswell.

Geetting a better look at it, it looked more like a blue ball of flesh than anything with short stubby feet while the arms weren't much better but its face was grotesque as it was full of moles and such, though its face resembled more of a smiling face rather than a face of a beast but the only thing that reminded it of a monster was its teeth.

As it waddled forward, all that was left in its wake was the ruins of former homes and offices, looking almost liquid like though still abit firm.

Thinking enough was enough i jumped quickly above it without it seeing me, with the momentum from gravity i quickly fell down towards it.

As i made eye contact with it, the smile grew as its eyes glowed red but i soon made contact with my fist.

Thinking the pressure of my blow would blow it up but instead i was sucked deep down into the fat, like squeezing something soft, though the strength i used at it suddenly rebounded and came back sending me flying straight up towards the cloudy sky.

While soaring upwards i swear i could hear a little "hehe" from the blobby monster as it mocked my poor attempt at a hit.

Soon i came falling down with a hard landing making a big crater "urgh" i let my frustration as i picked myself up and walked out of the crater.

Looking at the big blob once more i noticed something odd 'is he getting bigger?' I thought looking a the slight growth of the great mass of monster infront of me.

Though not entirely sure i decided to test something, speed blitzing right infront of it i let out a heavy hit.

Feeling my fist get swallowed by the belly and it came out an instant after, though this time i stood my ground and took it.

Managing to endure the force i looked behind me to see what damage had been caused as the asphalt had been deeply cracked, windows on the nearby building eviscerated and the cars that once stood there had flown away.

Abit stunned i quickly heard a gurgeling sound as i felt something touch me and almost swallow me, making me step back as i saw the blob stand a little taller aswell as a little wider.

"Hehe" as i heard that little chuckle again.

Feeling rather calm i stepped back once more trying to get a better look, the same tubby arms looked more stiff and a little smaller though the legs could barely be seen anymore.

'So thats how it is huh..' i thought giving a right puch a little harder than the last time then a left and over and over till my hands were like a barrage of fists flying into it.

Slowly beeing pushed back the growth aswell as the pressure sent back at me i dug my toes in the ground as i continued 'i little bit more now..' i thought.

"COME ON!!" i yelled within the fat as i continued my barrage with punches, every single one harder than the last.

Hearing it gurgle and sloosh around inside i was certian it would pop like an overfilled ballon soon.

But as i continued that cursed chuckle of it grew into a laugh that sounded almost demonic.

"MORE!!!" I roared.

"HARDER!!!" As my flame grew abit.

Hearing the meniacle laugh filled me with anger making me step forward, pushing it back little and another step pushing it a little more until i got it sliding backwards.

"HRGRAAAA" giving it a final punch sending it rolling backwards.

"Oh no" i quickly relized my mistake as i saw it roll through london laying anything in its path flat.

Quickly getting a move on my feet i catched up with the rolling blob until i got beside it jumping from roof to roof.

As i looked in the distance i saw big ben and the rolling blob was headed straight for it 'i have to stop it... but how? I can try to stop it buuut i don't know if i can stop something that big?' I thought as i tried to decide how to stop it.

Trying the first thing that came to mind i swiftly jumped infront of the rolling ball, spreading my arms out and plunging my legs down scraping them across the floor.

Gripping into the flesh only caused it to rip as blood spew all over but it seemed to slow down abit, though the speed was still high.

As my back laid flat against the ball of flesh i could feel the heat radiating from its skin 'thats hot' i thought as i felt my grip loosen abit i decided to switch side as my back faced forward now.

Looking like a certain someone who was punished to push a rock for eternity i stood firm pushing with all that i could muster.

"HHGRAAA" I scream with all that i had presseng my palms deep into the flesh, hearing the tearing sound as i split the fat.

But within a single moment of bad luck i lost my stance as i tripped comming face first into the ground, getting rolled over.

After getting squeezed into the ground "Ughh" i groggily got my feet though not feeling much.

"That worked well" i said sarcastically as i mentally facepalmed.

As i looked behind me seeing a long line of flat land "this thing would do wonders in demolition"with my hands on my hips i joked to myself.

Looking back at the rolling flesh "Aaaand there goes big ben" as it hit it dead on like a bowling ball "bye bye.." i waved sadly at the lost landmark with a heavy heart.

Seeing it wreak havok i tried to think of what i should do "Should i just wait till it slows down orr? Should i try and slow it down again?" I asked myself as i ponderd what to do.

"Or should i play some football? Haha~ better not"i joked as i started to make a run for it.

As i caught up with the big fella it seemed to slow down abit, and abit more till it almost stopped "huh? Did it stop?" Steeping infront of it.

Though it didnt move or make a single sound, looking around i soon relized nothing moved.

The clouds stood still as no wind could be felt, taking a step closer to it i touched the flesh, seeing it caved in i took my hand away and saw the little spot i touched still caved in.

'This is weird..' i thought to myself as i slowly stepped back.

As i stepped back i nudged into a small rock and picked it up, looking back at the colossal ball seeing its horrific smile but no creepy laugh.

Looking back at the rock in the palm of my hand i slowly let it go, but what affirmed my Suspicion was there.

The rock stood perfectly still as my hand swayed away.

Looking in awe at the little rock wich looked like it was frozen in time "what is this?..." i wonderd what this body was capable of.

As i recalled every time i fought i always were as strong as i wanted to be 'i wonder what my limit is?' Thinking of what he could do.

Remembering the doctor and her questions

[Flashback at the hospital earlier]

As the doctor looked at me with eyes of pity "do you hate them?" She asked with concerns.

"Yes" i said flatly.

"I see.." she noted on her clipboard.

"What does it feel like?" She looked at me with a little glimmer in her eyes.

"Does what feel like?" I was abit confused.

"That other form.. you know when you transform?"

"Oh that... it's kinda weird i guess" i answerd really not caring.

"Could you elaborate?" She leaned in abit.

"Hmm.." i frowned abit at her.

"Please?" She spoke softly.

"Okay... well i dont really know how to describe it but my best guess is that its like a dream." I answered honestly but still looking abit absent.

"A dream?" She sounded abit confused.

"Yea a dream, a dream where it feels like i can do... well anything, though sometimes it feels like im not fully there." I carried on.

"What do you mean? Like its someone else in there?" Her face was full of concern.

Trying my best to answer her questions "No no no its... more like instinct, like it becomes easier to see things but still abit zoned out" as i tried to find the right words to describe how it felt.

Before she could ask more on that "But! my last fight was alot clearer than my first and second one" i tried to ease her.

"I see.." as she scribbled on her notes.

[Flashback end]

Seeing the rock float seamlessly gave me a sense of peace in contrast of the giant ball that was infront of me.

'Seeing as this is a dream... doesnt that mean i can do anything i want?..' i stepped up the monster looking it dead in the eye.

"And what i want is to blow that ugly face away" i said as i took a stance and bended my knees.

Though i could not breathe since i had no nose, i could feel the flame that burned bright in the air, i had no eyes but yet i could see so clearly and no ears could be found on my body but i could hear everything..

As my body felt like a feather

"Some say its hard to focus in a dream" i loosend myself as i placed my left hand forward and pulled my right one back.

Feeling calm and somewhat at peace

"But once you do it.. the very world is at your feet." Letting my fist fly toward the bulging mass before me.

The instant it landed everything that was infront of it was gone.