Time to progress?

I snuggled into my blanket as i wrote "Dear diary, its been awhile... ever since i killed that blob of fat everything seemed so much clearer now and as the days turned into months my hunt never ended, day in and day out it felt endless when i traversed the world to kill these beings who were once... just like me." I scribbled in a notebook.

"Spending my days hunting beast gave me little time for myself as i spent it mostly sleeping and watching movies, tv series and playing games." I paused to nibble on the pencil.

"And of course eating heaps of food wich in turn made me move to a more private hospital as i needed more «carefull» care when i was there." As i continued.

"Though it became like a home for me after awhile i still missed the farm i grew up in, as there were times i wanted to go home and forget all about this... but i felt this responsiblity since i was the only one."

"And everyday when i looked in the mirror and saw myself withering away... i saw the colour of my eyes slowly fade and my once pretty dark hair growing light aswell as longer, since i didn't care to cut it."

"As the days turned into weeks and with the little social life i had, i felt more and more alone and even though the doctor and nurses were nice, it didnt matter much since they kept a distance i think." I sighed as i pushed a strand of a long grey hair out of my face.

Looking at my thin pale fingers "I've asked the nurse of how i look since i barely grown in the last few years but all she says is that im «cute» and «looks great»... urgh i guess but i know they're lying" i wrote as i took a strand of hair and stared at it.

"Anyway.. the doc asked yesterday if i remembered how many monsters ive taken down, though i didnt remember i said around ten thousand or something since my memoryis abit fuzzy sometimes" i wrote as i seemed abit deep in thought.

"About them.. i don't know much about them other than that they're people who's turned into monsters. The doctors call them Fiends and they're transformation are caused by some sort of mental break.. i think?" I continued to write.

"The doctor has been pretty helpfull with teaching me stuff, like english and math though we mostly talk about when im in that other form, she seems to want to know alot about me and sometimes she's pretty weird too."

Scratching my head i continued to write "meh she's been testing me alot and taking alot of blood when i sleep... dunno whats up with that, either way as i long as i get food im good" as i gave the end of the pencil a bite.

"And my next lunch should be her soon" i mumbled so myself.

[Area 51]

"I'll personally oversee this test Dr. law" a booming voice echoed through the little test chamber.

As a man cled in a lab coat tended to the machine "ahh yes.. of course sir" he gave out a tired reply.

The poor doctor looked tired and lifeless in contrast to the general who looked like he always had.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" The doctor asked sounding tired.

The general turned around to look at the poor doctor "until we are successfull" he replied "but why? We already have someone who can deal with them?" Dr. Law got abit agitated as he stood up.

The general looked abit deep in thought as he answered "he's... not reliable" he said dryly "whats that supposed to mean?" The doctor looked a little outraged.

"He's been hunting them for the past three years! And you're saying he's not reliable?!" He spoke with anger.

"Yes" the general stared him down.

"Wich one is next?" Radcliffe asked leaning over the doctor.

Regaining his former meek way he skimmed through his notes the doctor looked at a list "the next is.. Ethan Summers, age 34, former fighter pilot... reason for volunteering is because of his wife" Dr. Law informed as he put a vial inside the machine.

"We should probably move to the next room" as his head hung low and eyes full of regrett.

[In another room]

A man was seen was seen sitting on a bench by himself in what seemed to be a changing room "it's okay.. as long as she's fine it's good right?" He spoke to nun other than himself.

*drip* as a tear hit the ground "remember who youre doing this for" he said as he straightened himself "if i can give them a future it's worth it." As tears welled up and flowed down his Cheeks.

Getting a better look at him we see his golden hair and handsome face, his bright golden eyes shined brightly in the dim light of the room as did his lighly tanned skin.

Wiping his tears he composed himself, his tall frame went over to the sink and gave it a splash of cold water "you can do this! Just a little pain and it'll be over right?" He tried to motivate himself.

Looking in the mirror as all he saw was himself, he smiled a little as he gained a sence of peace, accepting whats to happen.

Finaly calming his nerves like he had done so many times before, he headed for the door.

[In another, another room]

Dr.Law spoke into the microphone "Subject 876-W «Ethan Summers» is ready for the test of HS2-2C"he scribbled on his notes aswell as Ethan entered general Radcliffe snatched the microphone "Don't worry Soldier it's gonna be alright"he tried to sound empathetic to the man earning him a small smile.

As Ethan walked towards the chair he felt his heart pump harder and harder, when he sat down he felt the cold leather as they strapped him down, his breath heavy as beads of sweat fell down from his hairline.

After he was locked down in the chair they hooked him up with a needle and a tube, he looked weakly up at the dark red liquid that was in its container at the top of the machine.

"Let's begin" said the general as he pressed a small button.

The general stood in anticipation as he saw the liquid fall down the tube and into Ethan, in contrast to the doctor who gazed at the man with only pity and regrett in his eyes.

The vial was nearly emty as Ethan saw the last bit of juice go down the tube "Ha. ha. ha thats not s- ACHHH" his face turned red with pressure as he was cut of with the sudden pain.

"AHHH HRGHAA HAAHHA" his screames filled up the room as his body changed, though nothing could be seen on the outside other than the pain he was feeling, all that was happening was on the inside.

"HElp mE PleAsE!!" He cried for help as his body continued to change.

His bones got harder, muscles denser and his heart stronger, the general did not dare to utter a single word nor did the doctor.

One by one the things that latched him down sprang up as he broke them, he walked forward with heavy steps, feeling his new strength felt so foreign for him.

When Ethan finally managed to calm down and walked around in a haze, everyone could only look in awe as something miraculous had happend.

"It worked" the general spoke.