Thank you

"Is that him?" Ethan asked rather confused and slightly worried.

From his side stood woman in a suit "yes it is"

"But he's just a kid?" He asked looking through the small glass in the door.

"True, but he's also a rather violent one" she stated staring him dead in the eye.

Leaning against the wall beside the door she asked "So are you gonna go in or what?"

"..." he was silent while looking at the boy with worry "Are you sure it's him?"

"Yes" was all she gave.

Ethan went to grab the door handle while the woman turned around and walked away, seemingly carefree with her dishevelled look.

'He even looks younger than my daughter..' as Ethans thoughts was filled with pity he recalled that moment 'poor kid'.

As he walked in, Simon was rather occupied with what was on the screen, some sort of videogame it seems but when he noticed the stranger that entered he took of his headset and pressed pause.

Though Simon didnt say a single word as strangers were danger, Ethan was the first to start a conversation "Hello" but when he got a better look at Simon his heart ached, for the boy looked sick and frail.

"Hello.." Simon gave a weak reply as Ethan stepped closer.

Standing infront of the bed Ethan introdused himself "My names Ethan, it's nice to meet you" as he reached out his hand.

Simon a little taken aback shook it "im Simon" his voice filled with caution.

'He's so small..' Ethan thought as he looked at the small stature of Simon "you're probably wondering why im here arent you?" He gave a warm smile as he sat down in the chair beside the bed.

Simon stayed silent as he let the man continue "well I'm kinda like you" making simon rather confused but aswell as something else.

"Though not exactly like you... i can't transform into another badass dude with a flaming head haha" Ethan tried his best to sound lighthearted.

"But im fast, like really fast" he said putting up his hand as it started vibrating.

Looking in admiration Simon stared at the vibrating hand "woah.." he finaly let his voice speak something.

"Plus im really strong and can take alot of damage, though speed is my speciality." He said as he flexed his bicep.

"But not to sound rude or anything... why are you here?" Simon frowned abit as he asked his question.

A little taken aback but still kept his composure "well you see, when i got these powers there was this deal right? And in that deal one of the things that i could get was like a wish"


"And with that wish i asked to meet you" Ethan said looking Simon dead in the eye.

"Still dont know why you wanna se me tho" Simon laid back abit.

"Well it's not really that complicated haha.." as Ethan followed Simons example and laid back aswell.

Simon just stared at him with a deadpan look as he waited for him to continue "Do you remember the New York attack 3 years ago?" He asked looking for some sort of reaction out of Simon.

Though on the outside Simon didnt react much, his mind certainly did "yes" as felt a slight pain his chest and his breathing felt heavy.

Ethan noticed that he didn't feel so well "Im sorry if that waked up bad memories, but i have to ask" Ethan looked anxious as he leaned forward "do you remember the little girl you saved?" As there were a little pause.

"Of course.. i remember them all" he gave a more mature answer than Ethan was expecting but either way he was happy that he remembered her.

"That great! But what im really here for is that i wanted to thank you" he got on his knees infront of the bed, and getting closer he embraced the little boy "Thank you so much for saving my little girl" he said as some tears fell.

Stunned Simon accepted the hug nonetheless as it felt... nice and he felt a little lighter as the pain went away "you're.. welcome" he spoke with sincerity as he gave him a pat on the back.

This was something Simon never got before, something he longed for and it made those three years of hardship worth it, seeing someone gratefull for his efforts would make anyone happy but he felt bittersweet.

The days he spent hunting, sleeping and eating.. his hell, felt like it was over by something as simple as thank you.

Once Ethan finally moved away his eyes were red as some tears could be seen, but what was plastered across his face was the most genuine smile Simon had ever seen, and it gave a warm and sweet feeling in his chest.

Though nothing could be seen on the outside, Simon was happy.

"Now there's also one extra thing" Ethan said abit abruptly "since I'm kinda like a rookie in this business I've been told you're gonna be my teacher" he continued.

"If that was okay with you that is.." he added.

Simon frowned a little "why?"

"Cause you've been doing this for alot longer than i have" he spoke in a soft manner.

"I see" Simon utterd as he thought about this.

While Simon was thinking Ethan stood up and stretched "soo do you wanna have a little spar?" He asked looking a little excited.

"Sure" as Simon was abrupted in his thoughts.

[Later in a big room]

"So they made some sort of training ground for you and you never even used it?" Ethan asked a little shocked at the size of the room.

Walking toward the centre of the room "yep, though its pretty new" he answered.

Marvelling at the private training grounds "and we're deep underground right?" Ethan asked as he speeded towards the equipment room and taking a peek inside.

Seeing all the expensive training equipment standing there without anyone to use them made Ethan abit sad, seeing as a waste.

Though Simon who was cled in a hoodie took his place in the middle of the room and waited patiently for his sparing partner "Are you comming?" He yelled toward the older man "Yeah yeah im comming" as sounds came out of the equipment room and a tall man soon followed.

Soon Ethan took his place infront of Simon "Soo how does this work?" Ethan said as he looked the short boy "like this" as the boy was replaced by a little smoke and another figure appeared.

What replaced the boy was a huge figure almost twice the size of Ethan 'thats.... a big boy alright' Ethan thought to himself as he gazed upon the dark figure with a blazing hot head.

"Woah" Was all Ethan could muster while looking at him, seeing the lean yet muscular build 'he must be what? 8ft? Jesus..' as seeing him in real life was very diffrent than on tv.

Feeling abit nervous Simon suddenly asked "so this is just gonna be a little practice right?"

"Yea I just need to get used to this new strength haha" Ethan said as he relaxed himself.

"Ah ok" Simon said as he too gained a more relaxed state but something also grew in him, he felt pumped, exhilarated! And he itched with anticipation for the sole reason that he's never fought a person before, not ever a little tussle in school for he would rather avoid violence.

But now it was something that happend daily, so he felt numb to it but this was something new, something exciting! This was someone.

Though Ethan shared some of that excitement he was rather nervous as he knew what little Simon was capable, he had seen what was left when he finished his work in the early days and it scared him.

But he knew that Simon got better at damage control therefore controlling his strenght and with time he made quick work of the monsters that once striked terror in people, now as long as he was there they were safe.

And that assured Ethan that he was a good person "how do you do it?" Ethan asked.

"Do what?" Simon answerd with a lower voice.

"Do all that in a single day over and over?" He asked with a little worry.

A little taken aback Simon spoke "I dont know... sometimes theres alot and sometimes theres not." Though his answer didnt fit the question he didnt really want to answer it but deep down he knew.

Dissatisfied with the answer Ethan wanted to dig a little deeper, though he soon understood that Simon didnt want that and rather said something diffrent "say would you wanna make a bet?"

Simon got a little interested "what kind of bet?" He asked with curiosity.

"If you can touch my nose, il get you the best burger you've ever tasted." And with the sound of food involved Simons interest peaked "and if i can't?"

"Hmmm we can talk about that later" he gave a mischievous smile making simon a little uneasy.

But food being one of the few highlights of his days "fine it's a bet then" it was just too temting to refuse.

Beaming he gave a bright smile "thats great!" And soon came the earlier mischievous smile as he made plans.

Stretching his arms Ethan looked toward the dark figure inront of him "so you ready?" He spoke.

"Come at me then" Simon remarked as Ethan leaped towards him