Bitter souls

"Look at him" a man said with jealousy seeping from his voice while he waved his hand at the tv "so full of himself" as he annoyed the ones around "ey man shut up" someone said from the sidelines "he's getting all the recognition" as he took another sip of his yellow drink "and what's funny he didn't do shit.." he slumped down on the bar.

As he saw the half empty glass of alcohol he asked the tender of the bar "what do you think?" He looked towards the burly man "i think you should ease down on the drinks bud, you've had alot and cause you ain't lookin so good there" the man smiled a little "it doesnt matter, I've lost everything anyway" he took another gulp "they kicked me off the project, they said i «knew» to much... i say screw em" as he finished another glass.

Giving the bartender a little wave "another one please" he said to the man behind the bar "i think yo- " as he was abrupted by a "please" the keeper took a sigh and poured another "and that general.. the sick bastard worked me and my colleagues to my bones, and some of them eventually disappeared.." as he stared at the tv of a man cled in green was having a speech making the poor doctor feel anger, jealousy and beaten down over the years of hard work with nothing to show for it.

"I was supposed to have succeeded by now" he took another sip "i was supposed to be at home enjoying my labor"he looked at the bartender who gave him a look of annoyance "but i got nothing, no home, no family, no nothing." The bartender looked at him with pity "uh huh" in frustration he gulped another pint down and with a loud "ahhh... But of course he gets all the glory!the ingrate who did nothing" as the doctor smashed his fist down on the bar much to the dismay of the bartender "alright thats enough for you" as he walked out and towards the doctor "we ain't tolerateing that shit in here" as he grabbed the doctor by the neck of his jacket and dragged him outside.

"Oh you throwing me out too? Seems to a trend these days" as he soon felt the cold asphalt of the outside, sluggishly standing up he felt the cold raindrops fall on him as he heard the bang of a door shutting behind him.

"Fuck em, fuck em all" the poor doctor spat on the ground as he sluggishly walked down the street, seeing waste along the steets, people sleeping on cardboard, he knew that he was in the worst part of town but didn't care he still enjoyed his little walk.

"Who does he think he is?" The doctor spoke to himself "fire the one who discovered a way to make superhumans?"

As his head bobbed side to side as he continued his walk "«you're no longer needed for research» he said, what a load of shit" he said with frustration as he heard from his side "Sir do you have some change you can spare?" He saw a young girl no older than 18 sitting on the side of the street, with a little cup infront of her and a blanket to keep her a little warm in this rainy weather.

But as he saw her dirty state all he could feel was pity, as this girl had met the same cruel injustice that this world had to offer, though her eyes had shown she had long given up "sure here you go" he gave her the little he had as he had spent most on booze, the young girl brightened up and offered him a smile as he moved on, continuing his conversation with himself.

As he walked about and minded his business he suddenly heard a meekly "leave me alone please!" She pleaded as the doctor turnerd around and saw a big burly man harassing this poor girl "oh shut up i know you like it" he heard him as saw him put his hands on her.

His mind raced through a thousand of what he witnessed, and he wonderd what to do... should he continue the bystander effect like everyone else? Or should he act.

His mind went through thousand scenarios in seconds as he felt his breathing got heavier as his mind got foggier by every second that passed until only one scenario remained.

Helping her.

He hesitation went no further as he went for it, a slow walk turned into a light jog wich ended in a run as he finaly took a leap and bodyslammed the scum.

Though little went through the doctor's mind at the moment, the only thing he did was send his fists towards the man's face making it bloody and beaten.

After a thorough beating the doctor relized what he had done as it all came crashing down at him, he didn't feel badass nor did he think he did any good though one look at the girl and her gratification made it all better.

Until a fist came towards his face and landed straight on his nose, breaking it with a audible crack.

"Ah shitss.??" The doctor was caught off guard as he saw the blood filling his palms "ohh no" until he heard "who the fuck do you think you are?" It was the burly man as he now stood up "you broke my nose you shit!"

The doctor was quick to answer though "and you broke mine? I guess we're even?" He pleaded.

"Oh no we ain't even" he stepped towards the beaten doc as he laid there, though the doctor could only think of a way out of this, but the chances seemed slim as the man walked closer and closed, as his eyes went to look for the girl he had just helped but to his surprise nowhere to be seen.

'Shit the one time i try to do good it goes to shit' he had no other option 'fine if i die today, it doesnt matter' he stood up to face his opponent

As he waited for the much bigger opponent he got himself ready, bending his knees waiting for the right moment, as he got closer and closer it finally came, the doctor threw himself towards the midsection while grabbing hold with all he had, though he didn't move much his stomach did take some damage as he spat out.

Digging his fingers into the mans spine he used them for all they were worth and hearing the man scream gave him the reassurance, though enraged by the pain and driven purely by adrenaline the man brought his fists down on the doctors back making some loud thumps.

Still holding on he loosend the grip on his left arm and instead dug it in right under the rib cage on the mans right side poking his liver.

But all that resaulted in was more punches to the back and some kicks to the stomach, making the doctor struggle to keep himself awake 'how much *ack* can this guy *ack* take?' He thought to himself.

As the both of them panted heavily they both soon fell to the ground, though only one continued theyre siege as he got atop the other grabbing a hold of his hair and banged it into the cold hard concrete chanting "die"

As a hole in the head was made, soon blood filled the ground but he wasn't done, though long dead he still banged the head into the ground while still screaming "Die".

Soon after a while of banging and letting his agression out, he looked at what was left and felt sick to his stomach, he felt sick that he had done this, ha wasn't this type of person was he? he was a man who enjoyed a good book while sipping some hot chocolate while his niece listened to what he read, he was a man who enjoyed his peace and quiet.

He was a good man wasn't he?

Though the poor doctor knew what he had done and was disgusted by it, there was this miniscule part of him... that liked it and like a flame it had taken root deep within him.

"Hey you hold still!" Someone spoke loudly from somewhere, he didn't care who it was anyway.

As time felt slow to him, every blink felt heavy as he watched the mess he made though he was soon taken away the police as there was clear evidence what he had done.

Step by step they walked him towards they're police cruiser as all that went through his head was 'what have i done?' He knew that type of thought could send one down a spiral but nonetheless he thought them anyway.

And soon he would be locked up.