Chapter 74 Sabotaged

Bellatrix Sinclair

“It’s between the one that smells like a forest and the other that smells like the ocean under a night sky.” I suggested, her candles were intoxicating and encapsulated a scenery and experience.

“These are incredible.” I praised, wanting to keep the one that smells like coffee vanilla and rose. “Why don’t you start your own business?”

She shakes her head, “My parents would kill me, they want me to get married and pop out babies. My dreams aren’t of necessity.”

I frowned, agitated at the complete disregard for what she wants. “You should do it regardless; people will love these.” I appease, changing the sombre atmosphere.

She pouts, “You think? There isn’t a demand for candles.”

I chuckle, “It’s a luxury and once people smell these, trust me, they will want it.”