
Pugtopia: Begin your wonderful day in the company of Wally, the awe-inspiring pug of fortuity. Open up your spirit and let it be captured by Wally. Let Wally flow through your veins.

Wally is a pug. Pugs are love. Love is Wally.


"This is so boring," a kid grumbledin an annoyed voice.

"Be grateful that you get to see Wally in person. Many, many dream of this opportunity! Look up there! Look at how many dream of being in your position," she said, pointing at the digital counter on the side of a tall pillar, with an eyeball underneath. It displayed '504,000' viewers, with the number increasing rapidly every second.

The kid nearly made a rude hand gesture at the counter but restrained himself reluctantly.

"These people are all stupid!" he exclaimed. Before he could say anything more, the lady shouted at him:

"Shut up, Quigley!"

The statue lay in the shrine-like courtyard within the heart of Berghwoodna, adorned with beautiful archways and colourful hanging flower baskets. Flowerbeds brimmed with blooms of spiritual meaning. It gave off a fantasy-fairy-tale-like appearance, except for the pillar that housed the digital viewer's counter and camera, which completely ruined the aesthetic of this tranquil location. It was like building a bypass through a beautiful forest or putting pineapple on a pizza. This place had really been spoilt.

The woman said, "We need all the luck we can get. Let's remove all the things that are considered bad luck: the number 13, black cats, broken mirrors, and so on! I can feel it all changing now that we are in the presence of Wally."

"The statue looks like a cat! This isn't even the real Wally statue; it's just a plastic replica of him! You can see that it has melted near the right eye area," he pointed out.

"Oh, shut up, Quigley, will ya?! He has not melted! He is just sad because he needs more love, and that is just a tear under his eye," she remarked, her tone transitioning from aggressively argumentative to gently patronising.

Quigley grew fed up and panned his eyes around the garden and courtyard area. Feeling the need to rest his hand somewhere, he looked around and quickly put his hand into a bunch of flowers, unaware of the lurking wasp. He let out a sudden, dramatic scream: "Aargh, my hand! It stung me!" He pulled back quickly, damaging many of the precious flowers.

The lady grinned and said, "You are going to have bad luck unless you pay Wally some respect." As she said this, she patted Wally on the head, and her hand got stuck to the melted plastic. She hastily yanked it away, tearing part of the skin on her hand. A scream leapt out of her mouth. "My hand! I freaking hate you, Wally! Look what you did to my hand!" she screamed as she started kicking the statue.

With damaged flowers and a broken statue, the location was now truly 'spoilt.'

Live stream:

Turboman: who cleans the bird muck off the statue? Because I really need a job

Slimecat: wally not real? It is a statue of a dog. So it is a fake of a fake?

CosmicLemon: I need some luck tonight.

HelpfulFiend: so wally is a he?

Slimecat: duuuh. With a name like Wally, of course, it is a he! -_-

Bookimp: i have a ghost back at my house, but she doesn't bother me much.

HelpfulFiend: how do you know it's a woman?

Slimecat: How do you think they know? stop asking me so many darn questions about the gender of things DO YOU NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE?!

HelpfulFiend: i know the difference between a male and a female – that's not what I am querying about.

Bookimp: i know a woman died in the house in the shower.

HelpfulFiend: so she haunts you in the shower? You should sing to scare her away! LOLs!

Acey: what is this girl kicking? Did i turn into the football world cup final by mistake?

Matrix2000: Goal!!

CosmicLemon: WTF! She is kicking Wally! The girl has gone crazy!

Slimecat: whoa! what did wally do to you? somebody stop this crazy woman now!

HelpfulFiend: how you know it is a woman?

Slimecat: ...