Imagine a wild fusion of sharp British wit and anime absurdity. This light novel blends wry, quirky humour with a satirical journey through the ever-evolving world of online trends, social media, gaming, and music culture. It’s the kind of book nobody else could have written—and the one I always wished existed.
Lillian is like all other girls—every single one of them. She dreams of eBunnee fame on the hottest social media app around. But while wandering through the enchanting #HeartLingForest, she stumbles upon something—or rather, someone—a quirky ghost girl with a flair for the dramatic, and when Lillian asks the ghost to follow her... she literally does.
At Estresey Academy, the youth of today are moulded into eBunnee addicts, trained to worship followers as if they're the key to eternal life. In this bizarre world, followers aren’t just important—they’re everything. eBunnee is so addictive, even the non-humans, inanimate objects, AND ghosts are scrambling for their own slice of the fame pie.
Join Lillian (or, you know, follow/stalk) on her hilarious journey through a world where fame is fleeting, friendships are tested, and the line between reality and the virtual realm blurs in the most entertaining ways!
I have no idea what i am rating my fellow evil-doers.