
The old guy dropped everything and quickly rushed upstairs into another room. I was sure the sound had come from the kitchen area, but for whatever reason, he went upstairs.

What on earth had happened in there? Had Meowington orchestrated a fireworks display? I could hardly fathom how an animal could generate such a cacophony. And 'Meowington' as a name? Unless he also owned a cat, it was quite amusing that he had chosen such a feline-inspired name for a Cocker Spaniel. Perhaps he genuinely believed the dog thought it was a cat. Well, I wouldn't have put it past him. Speaking of going past him, it was high time for my great escape! Now he was distracted by Mr. Meows or whatever. I wasn't going to say their name again, even if it was just in my head. He was as distracted as a seagull, surrounded by holiday-goers tossing greasy chips at their heads.

If he actually noticed I was gone, he could just stick some fox ears on his cocker and pretend it was a fox. It was basically the same thing—kind of.

With excitement bubbling within me, I swiftly reached the door, and to my delight, it was already open. Stepping outside, a rush of emotion filled me, and I couldn't help but release a triumphant shout, embracing the feeling of freedom. My arms shot up in the air, mirroring the iconic scene from "The Shawshank Redemption."

Unlike the movie, there was no rain pouring down on me—I mean, that was the last thing I wanted—considering I was JUST WEARING A TOWEL! The more grave reason was that it would have wreaked havoc on my freshly washed hair.

As I made my way through all the heavy foliage, obscuring the view, I noticed lots of bees buzzing around my head. I bent slightly to the side to avoid them. I pulled open the big gate with a latch on the front. There was a sign on the gate that said, "Beware of the..." Beware of what? It didn't even look like any letters or words had fallen off or anything. Beware of the dog? The bees? Or the creepy old man? And why was it on the inside of the gate? Whatever, I didn't care; I just pushed the gate open, took a look around, and instantly realised EXACTLY where I was!