"What? What the hell do you even mean by that!? You're indeed a stranger to me,but as a human being,there's no fricking way,I can see a woman getting harrassed in front of me." Said Akihito.
"Huh? What do you even mean by that? Bruh,all men are the same. Y'all first harrass women and then say that y'all want to protect them. You were once ceo too,right? So,why do you even think that there aren't any women who got harrassed by your interviewers? Hah,how would you even know! You never paid attention to what your employees were going through. Anyways,tell me if I get the job or not. I don't have time to answer your weird questions." Said Suzume.
"Hmm,you're braver than I thought. I didn't expect you to be so courageous. I mean,you could have sued them and forced them to compensate you but you didn't. You indeed are brave. And by the way,it's true that I never paid attention to my employees but I did pay a lot of attention to the people who hired my employees. I check on them every week,hired male interviewers, who were not perverted and even tested them. I did everything I could. And when it comes to your harrassment,don't you have a husband to take care of that? Why didn't you tell him?" Asked Akihito,curiously.
"I didn't know that you were going to ask me,questions about my personal life. And when it comes to my husband,I don't feel the need to tell you the reason why I didn't tell my husband,about what happened with me at the interview,today." Said Suzume,hesitatingly.
"Well,I don't want to meddle in your business. I asked you this question because,I wanted to test your mental health. I wanted to know if you're happy or not. I don't want a depressed employee who would always be sad and ruin the animation. In my opinion,the feelings of the person who's making the animated movies,matters a lot. Your emotions will definitely reflect in the animation. The characters can have similar feelings too,so it's important to know about your mental health." Said Akihito,calmly.
"Bruh,I have a degree in animation,and this is the first time,I am hearing something like this. What you said is not true! Who the hell told you that the developer's feelings matters!? There's always a readymade script,which is there as a reference for the developer. The developer works according to the script,not according to their feelings!" Said Suzume,irritatingly.
"Uh,I don't care what your opinion is,I just told you what I think,is right. Anyways,you can go now,you're hired. Come at 8 am tomorrow. Try to be punctual,I don't like late comers." Said Akihito.
Suzume got up,took her handbag,and went outside.
She decided to walk back home instead of taking a can. Suzume's thoughts: hah! My life is so frapped up! I don't have enought money to even take a cab, my father got arrested,my fiancé betrayed me and it took me a lot of time to find a job.
The only good things that happened with me are,I got the chance to work with my idol,mr Akihito and I also got to know that the love of my life,Haruto is a cheater. These are the only things I am happy about! Suzume reached home while thinking about these things. After going inside,she took a bath,brushed her teeth,had dinner and went to bed.
Suzume tried to sleep,but couldn't. Suzume's thoughts:hah! Why can't I sleep!? I need to sleep,so that I can wake up early tomorrow! I need to go early tomorrow!
hmm,why are these stickers still here!? We sticked these stickers here 4 years back,and they are still here. I....I feel so bad after seeing these! I won't be able to sleep,if I keep seeing these stickers. Maybe,I'll just try to remove these stickers. Suzume took a steel scale and began scraping the stickers,stuck on the wall.
Suzume kept scraping the stickers continuously,for 2 hours,and fell asleep. She woke up by the sound of her alarm the next morning. "Oh,wha....what's that sound!? Who the hell is making so much sound in the morning!? Haru....oh yeah,he's not here anymore. I'll have to switch off the alarm on my own from now on." Said Suzume,while groaning.
Suzume got up,switched off the alarm and saw the time. "Ahhhhhh! The hell! What the frap!? Wh.....why didn't I wake up at 7 am!? It's 7:40 am right now!! Hah! I need to get ready as soon as possible!" Exclaimed Suzume. As soon as Suzume was on her way to the washroom,she heard a knock on the door. "Who the hell is it!?" Exclaimed Suzume,while opening the door.
"Uh hi! I am your neighbour! I live downstairs. I actually heard a..." Said the man. He couldn't complete his sentence because someone pulled his hand from behind. "Move,son,you don't need to be so polit.....wait uh,hi young lady! Yo....you are beautiful! I actually wanted to tell you that I live downstairs,and you were shouting from the past 20 minutes,so I wanted to tell you that we were having problems by,your shouting." Said,an old lady.
"Oh...thanks.... I guess! By the way,I was just a bit tensed,so I am sorry,for shouting and disturbing you,so early in the morning!" Said Suzume. She waved her hand,and closed the door after saying this. Suzume went inside the washroom,took a bath,had breakfast and left for her office.
After reaching the office,she went inside and sneakingly sat on a chair in front of a table. "Good morning,miss Suzume! You're 20 minutes late! Being late on the first day of work,feels good,huh?" Said Akihito,sarcastingly. "U....um....sir I...I just woke up late,today. I....wanted to be on time,but my alarm got delayed and I woke up late." Said Suzume.
"Hmm,so now you're making excuses,huh? I got late,my alarm was late. Where do y'all even get the audacity lie so much,huh!? People like you always complain about not getting any jobs and when you get a job,y'all don't value it and always come late to work! Such a cheap and indisciplined mindset will never get you anywhere! And don't you know that,you should apologise when you make a mistake!?" Exclaimed Akihito,angrily.
"I....I am....sorry....sir.....this....will never happen.....again." Said Suzume,while crying. Tears rolled down her cheeks,as soon as she said this.
Author's note.
Hi guys. I am the author of this book! I am sorry for not uploading since 8 days. I was actually working on another book,named a classic love story. It'll soon be published. Ill inform y'all as soon as it gets published. So stay tuned and sorry for the delay!