Centuries ago,
Their sister has always been a troubled soul.
It was clear that she was not like other children from the time of her birth.
She was only six years of age but she has suffered more than most humans have.
At her birth, she made little to no noise. She didn't cry, and for some, it would have looked like a good thing, but it brought concern to Tema and Toran.
Their mother, the Queen of Bailimi only concerned herself with ensuring that the infant got all she needed to survive. She was not paid much attention to by her parents, who loved the Kingdom more than the things happening with their newborn child.
They loved the appearances, the show-off, and the glam. Their children had people who looked after them religiously.
The little girl didn't seek to babble, walk, or climb like other children when she turned three. She would only do these things if prompted to.
Otherwise, she just stared at whatever was before her.