Chapter 9

Tales of a group of Blue Swordfighters rescuing the innocent were being spread throughout the galaxy. They weren't just stories or rumors but were facts.

George, Mason, and Frank were the three Blue Swordfighters who were rescuing every good person they met on their journey. They were relaxing when all of them sensed danger.

"Arm yourselves, men!" Mason announced. "Something evil is coming."

He was right. Ray entered the cavern. He had his unactivated laser sword out.

"Do you wish to join us or kill us?" George asked.

"The latter." Ray activated his purple laser sword.

The four of them fought for what seemed like an hour. Even with three as their number they were clearly outmatched.

"I guess this is it, men." Frank said.

"Yeah, I will miss you two." George declared.

"I guess Master Hollander will have to face the Empire alone." Mason said.

"He won't be alone." George told them. "He will have us in his hearts."

That was the last sentences they uttered as Ray defeated all of them within the next few seconds. Master Hollander was bringing food to the cave when he saw the pile of bodies on the ground. He dropped the food and raised his green laser sword.

"You have some nerve showing up here." Master Hollander said. "And now that you have killed my brethren. I will never forgive you."

"A Green Swordfighter?" Ray was taken aback. "I never thought I'd see one in my lifetime."

"Pity I will be the last sight that you'll ever see."

Hollander surprised Ray with his blaster. The shot made Ray lose the grip on his purple laser sword. Then in four strikes, Ray lost his hands and his feet were cut off from the ankles. He sat on his backside on the ground crying in agony.

"You have disappointed me, Apprentice." Emperor Arthur appeared out of nowhere at the cavern's entrance.

"Please Master." Ray pleaded. "Have mercy."

Arthur activated his red laser sword. "Mercy is for the weak."

With that he decapitated Ray with one swing.

Hollander turned around. "You've made a mistake showing up here. And an even bigger mistake getting my men killed."

Arthur chuckled. "I knew Ray wouldn't last against you. But I had to see if he had the power to take down three worthless Blue Swordfighters."

Hollander got himself into a fighting stance. "I'll show you worthless."

Hollander shot from his blaster but Arthur successfully dodged all the shots. Hollander was surprised by his speed. He knew the rumor that the Emperor was talented but he was not fully aware of his capabilities.


Many years ago.

Knight Hollander and Junior Craft were assigned a mission to locate a Purple Swordfighter and arrest him. They were ambushed by the Swordfighter and were being held hostage.

"Reinforcements are on the way, Rebel." Hollander warned. "What are you doing in this town anyway?"

"I'm here to become a Red Swordfighter." The Rebel told them.

He raised his purple laser sword and was about to kill Junior Craft when Hollander intervened. "Kill me instead. I beg you. Let my Junior go."

"You Blue Swordfighters think you're so brave." The Rebel then stuck his sword into Hollander's face.

Hollander screamed as his flesh melted off his cheek.

Suddenly, as if listening to his cry, from the end of the room Hollander's laser sword flew towards him. He activated it and tore down the binds which held him.

"Impossible." The Rebel said.

Hollander then followed the Rebel's eyes to his own laser sword. The color was green instead of blue.


Hollander placed his blaster into its holster. He needed both his arms to finish off this villain. The grasp on his green laser sword tightened. He then proceeded to fight sword to sword with the Emperor. They traded blows like crazy. The red and green lights flickered in the semi-darkness of the cavern.

The Emperor seemed to have met his match. "You are even more formidable than the Grandmaster. But remember that I got the better of him too."

"Lies!" Hollander screamed and then replaced his sword in its holster.

"What are you doing? Meditating? At a time like this." Arthur asked.

Hollander had his eyes closed and had his arms raised. He was wide open. But Arthur waited as he felt a force nearby. The rocks behind Hollander started moving then hovered in the air.

"How are you doing this?" Arthur asked raising his laser sword.

"I will bury you alive!" Hollander pointed his hands in Arthur's direction and the stones flew at the Emperor.


Master Rebecca and Master Parker was enjoying themselves at a tavern when a worried villager entered the room.

"The Rebels!" He was panting. "They are here!"

Parker put down his glass. Then left the tavern with Rebecca following close behind. The villager was right. The Rebels were in fact there. Five of them stood together and the evil seemed to ooze off of them.

"Where is the tax for this month, Parker?" The Commander asked.

Parked raised his hands and grinned. "Aren't you all a bit early this time?"

"We can arrive whenever we please." Another Rebel said.

Rebecca stepped in front of Parker. "You will be getting no tax."

"What are you doing, Rebecca?" Parker whispered to her. "You promised that you wouldn't fight them."

"I'm not fighting them." Rebecca replied. "You will be."

She took out the handle of her laser sword and placed it on the ground.

"As a rule we do not kill." The Commander said. "But we will still make an example out of you."

The Commander and his colleagues then started beating Rebecca to a pulp with their bare hands. Parker was paralyzed. He hadn't fought in a battle for years. But he could not face this display any longer.

It started raining.

"Rain?" One villager asked in disbelief.

"It hasn't rained here in decades." The other villager said.

The Rebels stopped beating Rebecca. Even they were surprised at the rain. And they were even more surprised at the sight in front of them.

Parker had his laser sword out. And it was the color of indigo. A laser sword color they had never seen before. He thrust his laser sword into the ground and a wave of water dispersed the Rebels.

"Enough of this!" Parker exclaimed. "You will not hurt another innocent for as long as I live."

Parker then vanished and a puddle of water replaced him. The Rebels had their purple laser swords out but in vain. They were killed one by one in a matter of seconds. Parker deactivated his laser sword to check on Rebecca. She was about to pass out, which she did, after giving him a smile.

Chapter 10

Hollander used his powers to bury Arthur alive. Arthur was suffocating in his newly dug grave and the rocks kept coming.

"This is for the Order of the Light!" Hollander exclaimed. "This is for Grandmaster Oren."

Hollander stopped. He turned around but then heard a rumbling.

It can't be! Oren thought.

Arthur shot out of his grave and landed on his two feet on the ground, panting and holding his red laser sword. Dirt was piled all over him.

"You were close, Master Hollander." Arthur said. "But you cannot defeat me. Even Grandmaster Oren couldn't."

Hollander screamed as he was about to strike Arthur with his green laser sword, but Arthur was too quick, and thrust his red laser sword into Hollander's chest.


"We have to seek out more Swordfighters." Rebecca said.

She was in a makeshift clinic getting her wounds taken of.

"I don't believe that would make a difference." Parker told her. "The Empire is too strong as it is."

Rebecca told his hand. "It isn't the crystal in ours swords that matters but the core of our hearts."

In that moment, Parker believed her.


Hollander was on the ground. He was trying to reach his laser sword but Arthur put a foot on his hand, crushing it. Hollander screamed in pain.

"Now, your soul is mine!" Arthur shoved his sword into Hollander's back.

Hollander's core started transferring via the sword into Arthur. The Emperor felt renewed. He felt like a new man each time he stole the soul of a powerful Swordfighter. Now, he had the power of telekinesis as well.

If only Rebecca hadn't run away, he thought. I would've gotten Oren's light as well.


"I will not marry him!" Princess Athena told her mother.

They were in Athena's bedroom sitting on her bed.

"Now, now." Queen Capri patted her on the back. "You know what your father thinks of this arrangement. It will benefit not only the family but all citizens of Taboo."

Princess Athena couldn't fight back her tears anymore. Just then, King Keanu entered the room.

"I know it seems like too much to ask of you." King Keanu told his daughter. "But I'm not worried about myself. What if he harms you and Capri if you don't marry him."

Athena stoped crying. She knew her father was right. And she couldn't let anything happen to her family. She knew what must be done.

"I'll do it." She said regretfully. "I'll marry him."


Master Rebecca and Master Parker were training in an vacant area in the heart of the forest.

"Good." Parker said panting. "But you still haven't shown me your powers yet."

Rebecca frowned. "That's because I still don't know how to use them."

Parker came closer to her. "Do I need to tell you what you told me?"

"Yes, yes. I know crystals are powered by our hearts. But this seems impossible."

"I would say impossible is planning to fight the Empire." Parker laughed. "We are only two Swordfighters. We need an army."

"That's why we must gather other Swordfighters."


Emperor Arthur sat at the dinner table of King Keanu's castle's dining hall.

"So, have you made a decision?" Arthur asked drinking a glass of wine.

"Yes, my Emperor." Athena smiled. "I accept the proposal to marry you."

Arthur set down his drink. "Wonderful! Just know that there is one condition to our marriage."

"A condition, my Emperor?" King Keanu asked with fear in his voice.

"Yes." He turned to Princess Athena. "We are not to have children."

"But my Emperor." Queen Capri said. "How are we to stretch the bloodlines of our respective families?"

"You will do as the Emperor commands." The Emperor's Advisor, who was sitting at his side, said.

"This is the condition." The Emperor said calmly to Princess Athena. "Do you accept."

Good I didn't want any children with you anyway, Athena thought.

"Yes, I do." Athena said.