Chapter 8

Hercules went to Zeus and Poseidon. "I can't stand this anymore, father and uncle."

"What do you intend to do about it?" Poseidon asked his nephew.

"I will defeat Arthur once and for all." Hercules announced.

"Even if you kill this version, he will be back." Zeus warned. "And you cannot return to the heavens if you lose. For you will be meddling in the affairs of humankind."

"I will not lose!" Hercules was determined.

All of them stood near the portal to the galaxy. Hercules took out his metallic sword. "I will be victorious!"


Ray opened his eyes to see Emperor Arthur sitting across from him. They were in Arthur's spaceship in a dark, black-colored room.

"Where am I?" Ray asked half-knowing where they were.

"It doesn't matter." Arthur said.

"Why did you call for me, Emperor?"

"Because I want you to be my apprentice."

Ray was taken aback. He never thought that a man from the underground could become someone of value. Before he could answer a voice echoed throughout the chamber.

"I am Hercules. And I will save the galaxy!"


Master Rebecca and Master Parker was taking a walk in the forest when they also heard the voice. Everybody throughout the galaxy started listening to Hercules's monologue.

There were cheers throughout the galaxy. All from those who hated the Empire.

"I challenge you to a duel, Arthur." Hercules ended his monologue.

Arthur smirked. "And I accept."


Many centuries ago.

"What do you mean by he can't be killed?" Oren asked Zeus.

"He can be killed but he will reincarnate." Zeus told him. "You will have to stop the next version as well."

Oren got angry. "What kind of sorcery is this?"

"It is Arthur's power. He is the original Red Swordfighter."

"So how can I put a stop to him?"

"You must let him redeem himself."


One and a half century ago.

"Master, I am afraid I must leave the Order." Arthur told Oren.

Oren stopped walking. "Why, young lad?"

"Because my mother is sick."

"I will send the best doctor in the galaxy to check up on her."

"You will do that? For a mere student?"

"There's nothing mere about you, child." Oren said with a smile.

Oren always stiffened when Arthur approached him. Arthur was a young man, a mere boy, but knowing his past version, Oren was always on guard. What had happened was that Oren had killed the previous Arthur in combat. Now this newest Arthur was found on a desert planet. The son of a single mother. And the family was very poor. Master Walker was sent to recruit the boy.

"I don't understand why we have to recruit someone who has passed the age." Walker asked Oren.

"You will know in time." Oren declared.


Master Walker and Knight Wang approached the hut where young Arthur and his mother resided.

"But we are in debt to Rebels." Arthur's mother said when Walker suggested he induct Arthur into the Order.

"We will take care of them." Wang suggested.


"Here." Master Walker threw a bag containing credits.

The Commander of the Rebels opened up the bag and counted the credits. "This will suffice."

Both the Master and the Knight were negotiating for the release of Arthur's family from the deadly clutches of this Rebel group on the desert planet. There were five Rebels and only two Swordfighters.

"But you have given us another opportunity." The Commander smirked. "To become Red Swordfighters after we have spilled your blood."

All five of the Rebels activated their purple laser swords. Master and Knight activated their own.

"Oh." One of the other Rebels said. "A Green Swordfighter. This should be interesting."

Those were his last words as Walker shot a blast which took off the rebel's face.

In a matter of minutes, all of the Rebels were slain in combat.


"But mother I can't leave you." Arthur said.

"She will be going with you." Master Walker said with a smile.

Both the mother and son walked out of the house and towards the spaceship which was to transport them to Cantt. Walker halted Wang. "I still think there's something suspicious about all of this."

"But Master it is the Grandmaster's demand that we induct this child into the Order." Wang explained.


Oren was praying to Zeus on temple grounds when Master Walker appeared.

"How could you hide this from me?" Walker said angrily.

"From what?" Oren didn't turn around.

"That Arthur is the reincarnation of the first Red Swordfighter."


Walker drew his green laser sword. "We must dispose of him now."

"Listen." Oren drew his own sword to Walker's surprise.

"I am done listening to you!" Walker took on a fighting stance.

"It's treason, then."


"What happened, Grandmaster?" The President of the High Council asked.

The most senior members of the High Council were meeting Grandmaster Oren and Knight Wang via holo-map.

"It was a disagreement." Oren said.

"A disagreement which led to a fight which ended Master Walker's life?" The Vice President asked.

"Master Walker had been suffering from delusions, Madam Vice President." Knight Wang explained. "He wanted to become the next Grandmaster. And the only way he thought he could achieve that as soon as possible was to defeat Grandmaster Oren in combat."

A few more dialogues were exchanged and then the meeting was over.

"Who else knows the truth about Arthur, Grandmaster?" Wang asked.

"Only me and you. For now." Oren replied.


Hercules could not guess what was about to happen next. News of the duel spread far and wide. Even a coliseum was erected to host the fight. Tickets were being sold. The Emperor wanted the grandest audience possible.

Meanwhile, Ray was training with Arthur in a training room aboard the Emperor's own spaceship.

Ray smirked when he saw the new simulation. Again, five cyborgs tried to kill him. He dodged their attacks successfully. And then proceeded to annihilate them. But he could not have foreseen what was about to happen next.

Two ten-foot cyborgs entered the fray. One was armed with a gatling gun and the other with a heavy laser sword. Ray used his speed to dodge the gatling gun's bullets but was cut in half when the other giant cyborg struck his sword.

Ray screamed in agony but found that he was not actually cut in two.

Arthur slow clapped and laughed approaching his Apprentice. The simulation had ended.

"I thought it was only a simulation." Ray said. "Why did it cause actual pain?"

"Because I have programmed it as such." Arthur explained. "You are the Emperor's Apprentice after all."

"When do I get to fight you, Master?"

"Now." Arthur raised his red laser sword.

Ray smirked, ready for the battle, then was caught off-guard as Arthur teleported himself behind Ray and kicked him so hard on the face that he was sent flying into the wall.

"I guess I'm not ready yet." Ray said getting out of the wall.

"To face me. No." Arthur said deactivating his laser sword. "But you can now being your first mission."