13. First Blood

Chapter 13


When everyone left the office, Integra and I were left in silence. And so after a minute I decided to start talking.


"Sir…" However, Integra interrupted me and blew smoke out of her mouth.


- Seras.


- Yes!? - I exclaimed, involuntarily raising my voice due to nervousness.


- Seras, today will be your first mission in service to Hellsing. In this mission, I want you to realize that vampires do not deserve to live. Killing and destruction is all they are capable of.


Starting in this way, Integra was about to start her signature speech "Find and destroy", but I interrupted her.


- Excuse me, sir, when you say that vampires don't deserve to live, do you also mean me and the master? - The fact that I was upset would probably be missed by only the blind and the deaf.


- Eh? Sorry, Seras, sometimes I forget that you're a vampire too. - Integra laughed awkwardly.


- Hey!


- I was giving the obligatory speech to the people, I'm so sorry. Let me tell you how I really feel. - After a short pause, she looked at the moon rising from behind the clouds.


- Seras, you may not have heard about this. After I became the head of the Hellsing family, my uncle tried to kill me. Until the very end, he thought that he would be given the leadership, since I was so young. He pursued me in cold blood. And in my darkest hour, a vampire saved me. He killed my pursuers in front of me, and he only left my uncle alive so that I could make the final shot. I felt safe in the hands of a monster, and not a man who was my blood relative. Ironic, right? - Integra said with a laugh.


- Not really, the master, although he seems cruel, would never harm people without reason. - I was quick to defend my master.


- It's true, isn't it. All the times he killed indiscriminately, he was serving someone else. When he makes his own decisions, he really is a good monster.


- Mmm. – I nodded, confirming Integra's words.


- You know, Seras, if someone asked me if vampires should die, I would say yes, of course, no questions about that. But when people I trust ask me, I add a "but" to that sentence. The vampires our organization fought weren't real vampires, they were just monsters. Pale imitations of what real vampires are! So no, if you asked me if you and Alucard deserved to die, the answer would be a resounding "no". Do you understand, Seras?


After thinking about her words for a few seconds, I answered.


- Yes, Sir Integra, - I said and bowed the same way Alucard once did. I knelt down and touched the floor with my fist.


- You are my master's master, if it were only for you, Sir Integra, I would do everything you ask of me. - Raising my head to Integra, I smiled sincerely.


- Did Alucard teach you this? - Integra laughed at the sight, which brought back pleasant memories.


"I guess in a way he did," I chuckled after him.


After a few seconds of laughter, Integra became serious again.


- Seras, why didn't you drink the blood that Walter brought you?


- Well, I felt that here, as with losing virginity, the first time should be special, - I answered embarrassedly.


- Losing virginity? Haha ...


Unexpectedly for me, she took a knife from the table and cut her index finger, and then, coming up to me, holding her finger in front of my face, she ordered: "Lick."


Actually, the order was unnecessary, I already barely held back when I saw the blood, all my senses sharpened sharply, however, without losing control, I slowly extended my tongue and first caught a drop of blood that was about to fall, and began to lick my finger slowly and carefully, so as not to bite, this action itself seemed somehow overly intimate, and every drop of blood filled me with strength.


"This is virgin blood Seras, how about that for a first time?" Integra said, amused. "Be careful, I wouldn't want you to accidentally bite me."


I licked her finger for almost a minute until the cut healed completely under the influence of the vampire saliva.


- Okay Seras, I hope you take the mission seriously. - Integra became serious again, and I got up from the floor feeling a little excited, but still managed to get into a serious mood.


- As you probably heard from Walter, there are a couple of vampires going around killing entire families. It's only been 8 hours since they started and they've already killed 9 people. 6 adults and 3 children. - Integra pauses and takes a deep breath.


- We can't allow these monsters to roam this land any longer. Seras, you have only one order. SEARCH AND DESTROY! No matter what, you must destroy these vile pieces of filth before they harm anyone else in their twisted form of play. That's clear! - She screamed and slammed the table in a fit of emotion.


As soon as she gave the order, the clouds covered the moon, and it was as if darkness had crept over Seras Victoria's face, leaving only a black silhouette, blood-red eyes, and a snow-white, blood-thirsty smile visible.


- Yes, sir Integra.